Drilling an artesian well: technology. Permission to drill an artesian well

Drilling an artesian well: technology. Permission to drill an artesian well
Drilling an artesian well: technology. Permission to drill an artesian well

Drilling an artesian well involves the creation of a pressure well that reaches the line of aquifers of limestone. Artesian springs are located at a depth of 20-200 mm and have amazingly pure water.

Get permission

If you intend to create a well that will have a depth limited to 5 m, then work can be carried out without obtaining permits. In this case, you will reach a pressureless horizon. But the use of artesian water for one's own needs implies the need to obtain permission. Such a permit for drilling an artesian well has the form of a license, and in order to become its owner, it is necessary to collect documents, including: a lease agreement for a site, a cadastral plan, a general situational development plan. The next step is to determine the volume of water consumption. The obtained figures are provided to the department of water resources, only after that the Russian consumer supervision issues a permit for the organization of the sanitary zone of the first belt near the well in a certain area. Next, you canmove on to obtaining an opinion on the implementation of the design of the facility. This document can be obtained from the state monitoring center for the state of the subsoil. All papers are submitted to the Subsoil Use Department, where after that it will be possible to obtain a license. With it, a person contacts a development organization. After the work is completed, the well is registered.

Features of the well device

drilling of an artesian well
drilling of an artesian well

Drilling an artesian well can be done according to one of several existing options. The choice will be influenced by several factors, among them:

  • required performance (these parameters will depend on the technical features of the pumping unit and the diameter of the casing used in the work);
  • geological features of the territory.

If it is planned to create a well, the productivity of which will not exceed 5 m3/hour, then, as a rule, Ø100 mm pumps are used. Whereas a performance not exceeding 3 m3/hour indicates the need to use a pump Ø75 mm.

Varieties of artesian wells

Drilling an artesian well of the classical type is used when the pressure in the aquifer is good enough, and the limestone is devoid of clay deposits and sand lenses. The top layers should be normal.

The casing should be brought up to the upper line of the aquifer. After that, an open-type shaft with a diameter that is less than this indicator is equipped in limestone,characteristic of the casing pipe. Through this hole, water enters the well. The pump is located below the raised water level by 10 m. However, it is located in the casing.

drilling of artesian wells
drilling of artesian wells

Double casing type artesian well drilling is used when the aquifer is depressurized. This option is also excellent for the case when the upper layers of limestone contain sand lenses or some clay inclusions. Equipping the well, the craftsmen bring the first pipe to the limestone line, while the second is placed in the layer itself, it should have a less impressive diameter.

Drilling artesian wells may involve supplying them with a conductor. This technology is used where the upper layers prevent drilling, but the water in the aquifer is under pressure. Such a system is almost no different from a conventional well, but, as mentioned, it has a conductor. This additional element is represented by a pipe with a larger diameter compared to that characteristic of the casing pipe.

Alternative well construction method

drilling of artesian wells for water
drilling of artesian wells for water

Drilling of artesian wells can be done by switching to pipes with a less impressive diameter. Such work can be carried out with normal upper layers that have loose sands, stones, etc. Aquifers should be distinguished by impressive pressure, while limestone should be checked for the absence of clay and sand deposits. To the difficult parta pipe of normal diameter is carried out, but through problem areas - a pipe with a smaller diameter. A pump is installed in it.

Choosing a location for installing a well

permission to drill an artesian well
permission to drill an artesian well

Before drilling of artesian wells for water, it is necessary to determine their location. It is important to designate the point of installation of the equipment, as well as the zone for draining the technical fluid. The area of work is selected taking into account that it is closer to the input point. This will be affected by the length of trenches, pipes and device features.

For work it will be necessary to allocate a flat area, the dimensions of which will be limited to 4x12 m. Electric wires should not be located within a radius of 2 m. The working area is to be fenced off.

Drilling works

The technology of drilling an artesian well involves, at the first stage, the destruction of the soil, its rise, the strengthening of the walls, the installation of pipes and pumps. The drilling process itself is carried out by mobile units by means of cone bits. Work is carried out in parallel with washing with a solution. This method helps to destroy even rocks.

artesian well drilling technology
artesian well drilling technology

As soon as the upper sandy-argillaceous layer is passed and the limestone layer is reached, a casing string of pipes is installed on the latter, which makes it possible to exclude shedding of the walls. After that, a chisel of a less impressive diameter is used, which opens the aquifer of limestone. At the same time, the soil is tirelessly removed, anda production string is inserted inside. When the absorption of the washing solution reaches the required value, the master beats the water level. If necessary, at this stage, the wellbore can be cased in limestone with a pipe of not so large diameter.

It is very difficult, if not impossible, to do such work on your own. After all, you need experience and appropriate equipment. Whereas professionals carry out the drilling process in the shortest possible time, guaranteeing water quality.
