How to grow grapes? Watering and caring for plants

How to grow grapes? Watering and caring for plants
How to grow grapes? Watering and caring for plants

Everyone who starts this or that plant on his personal plot tries to get more information about it. So, beginner growers are interested in how often to water the grapes.

watering grapes
watering grapes

He, having a powerful root system, quite calmly tolerates drought. This does not mean that grapes should not be watered. Watering is needed. And what's more, grapes produce maximum fruit when they are regularly irrigated. It is only thanks to water that it grows, fills and ripens normally.

Irrigation types

  1. Planting. This is watering during the planting of the bush, it must be repeated 2-3 days after planting. Optimal soil moisture is created.
  2. Refreshing. Irrigated grapes in hot weather. This watering is designed to reduce the temperature of the leaves.
  3. Fertilizer. Nutrients are introduced in the form of top dressing.

Proper watering of grapes

how often to water grapes
how often to water grapes

The yield of grapes directly depends on the moisture regime. It is very difficult to grow high stem and wall bushes without watering. Beginning growers often make the following mistakes:

  • watering is done daily from a hose along with all garden plants;
  • watering is carried out from a well or well with cold water.

Cold water only harms the plant. To grow good grapes, watering must be done correctly. In autumn, moisture-charging irrigation is carried out when the grape bushes have already been covered with earth. It is especially needed in dry autumn. The ground should be moist when entering winter. This is the necessary accumulation of moisture for the growing season in the spring. But if the autumn was rainy and the earth received enough moisture, such watering is not needed.

If the winter was not snowy, but dry and frosty, spring watering is necessary in the same trenches as in autumn. It must be carried out with heated water before flowering. If seedlings are planted in autumn, the so-called planting irrigation is carried out in a prepared hole. A bucket of water is absorbed, a seedling sits down, sprinkled with earth and poured another 10-15 liters of warm water.

proper watering of grapes
proper watering of grapes

When planting seedlings in the spring, hot water is poured into the hole - two buckets. A seedling sits down, sprinkled with earth and poured another 10-15 liters of water. It is advisable to apply fertilizer along with water. Further, during the growing season, seedlings are watered several times - usually in the evening with heated water for 5-10liters under the bush once a week. The next month, the seedlings are watered twice as rarely. And in August, the grapes are not watered at all.

Unscheduled watering of grapes

Beginner growers need to constantly monitor the condition of grape bushes. Noticing the suspension of growth, you need to make additional watering of the bush. If there is a heat for a long time, watering will be useful. But it should not be as plentiful as before. Otherwise, you can delay the ripening of the berries and lead to their cracking. Growers should also be aware that the plant needs moisture during the period when the buds are blooming, when flowering has passed and at the time of ripening of the berries. Now it’s clear: in order to collect tasty, juicy grapes, watering must be carried out correctly and at the right time.