Today, various technologies aimed at the rapid construction of frame houses are the basis for the construction of low-rise cottage-type buildings, living in which is characterized by increased comfort. We are talking about such technologies, as well as systems of standards for the construction of small houses, and will be discussed in this article.
Low-rise construction technology

The modern construction industry in Russia uses a number of unique technologies for the construction of low-rise buildings. Among them are:
- wood and metal frame housing construction;
- multi-layer structures, the so-called "sandwich" buildings;
- ordinary brick building;
- use of foam concrete or aerated concrete blocks;
- construction of structures with fixed formwork;
- stone construction.
Using the latest technology and high-endbuilding materials, already at the initial stage of construction, the maximum level of heat saving, strength and durability of finished structures is achieved.
Due to the pre-planned arrangement of future rooms and various ancillary facilities, it is possible to carry out installation work on laying communication routes with much greater efficiency.
Canadian technology sets the benchmark for low-rise construction

Often, the construction of low-rise buildings is carried out on the basis of Canadian technologies. Their essence lies in the use of special SIP-panels. Thanks to this material, it is possible to achieve a lower level of cost of the finished building. And this is achieved due to the low material consumption.
SIP-panels have a number of significant advantages compared to brick or concrete. So, for example, the thermal insulation properties of such panels are 8 times higher than the characteristics of concrete and brick walls. Therefore, in order to heat a room with walls made of SIP panels, much less financial investment will be required.
Brick is a material for ages

Despite the fact that brick is a fairly expensive building material, the popularity and demand for it does not decrease at all. And this is due primarily to the fact that a brick house is a building for centuries.
In addition, you can also highlight such advantages of a brick as:
- the ability to use different style solutions in the construction of a brick low-rise building, which allows you to create real masterpieces of architecture;
- since only natural clay is used in the brick production process, it can rightfully be called an environmentally friendly material;
- the ability of a brick to "breathe" or, in other words, perfectly pass air makes it possible to create a microclimate favorable for living in rooms;
- high noise insulation, resistance to fire and various negative environmental reactions in the form of rain, hurricane, snow, as well as the ability to retain heat;
- the harmful effects of various pests, fungus, mold, microorganisms are absolutely not terrible for bricks.
Aerated concrete - aesthetics and reliability

Modern low-rise housing construction makes extensive use of aerated concrete or artificial stone. Meeting all modern standards and requirements, this material allows you to combine the aesthetics of such a building with the most important conditions for comfortable living. In other words, aerated concrete houses are frost-resistant, with excellent heat and sound insulation.
Ergonomics of cottages built from the mentioned material can significantly reduce the financial costs of heating.
The relatively low weight of aerated concrete blocks facilitates the process of erecting a residential structure without the use of additional heavy lifting special equipment, and also allows you to accept absolutely any typefoundation.
Construction of a low-rise house from timber

Along with the use of ordinary timber, recently more and more preference is given to profiled timber. Its essential difference lies in the design itself, which has special grooves and spikes.
Among the main advantages of profiled timber, compared to ordinary timber, are the following:
- thanks to the production technology itself, which involves the use of a planer, at least one of the sides of this product will have a perfectly flat and smooth surface;
- Groove and tenon design minimizes gaps.
Technology of low-rise monolithic houses
As a rule, modern monolithic houses have a unique fixed formwork design. Among the undeniable advantages of such buildings are:
- high level of heat and sound insulation;
- no need to use heavy machinery;
- possibility of using absolutely any type of foundation, due to the relatively low weight of the structure;
- durability (tested by many years of practice).
The role of stone in building a house

The most affordable building material is still stone. A rich variety of color palette of rocks, types, textures allows you to embody the most incredible ideas and fantasies in building a house. Along with the,this building material has a fairly high level of strength, reliability and durability.
In addition, one can distinguish the unique compatibility of stone with other building materials.
Low-rise construction: modern building projects
The low-rise building design industry is classified in several ways.
1. Country buildings.
A country house is an object located on a land plot specially allocated for these purposes in an array of any gardening. An essential feature of a country house, which distinguishes it, for example, from a cottage, is the destination area, designed for periodic residence. In order to build a country house, no special coordination measures are required. However, a number of restrictions are imposed on the design of the house itself within the framework of the law. Therefore, before proceeding to the immediate stage of construction, a reconciliation with the current legislation should be carried out.
2. Residential individual buildings.
According to the modern urban planning code in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, an individual residential building is a house with no more than three floors and is designed to accommodate only one family. Such low-rise construction is located, as a rule, on the territory of "lands of settlements". These houses provide for the possibility of registration. Before building an individual housing construction, it is mandatory to obtain a permit issued by the Department of Architecture. Modern construction companies mainly offerto its customers a list of standard IZHS projects, which you can familiarize yourself with, as well as make a choice, directly from the developer.
3. Townhouse.
Townhouse is a low-rise residential building with a construction of multi-level apartments. Each apartment has its own entrance, isolated from the rest. The fashion for low-rise construction of townhouses came to us from Europe, where this industry has been flourishing for a long time and successfully. Such a significant demand for this kind of housing, which has emerged recently, is not at all accidental. Indeed, for a sum of money equivalent to, say, a two-room apartment, the buyer receives almost 2 times more living space, and in addition to this, a small plot of land, approximately 1-2 acres. The entire list of project documentation for the construction of a townhouse is similar to IZHS.
4. The project of a low-rise apartment building.
Such buildings are similar to standard apartment buildings, with the only difference that the number of floors does not exceed four. The design feature of such buildings is available to choose from. It can be either a monolithic technology or a brick or frame one.
Compliance with construction technologies is a guarantee of obtaining a quality result

The construction of low-rise buildings implies the obligatory observance of a huge number of rules and standards, in other words, the so-called SNIP. Low-rise construction in compliance with a certain framework of technical standards will make it possible to obtainnot only a beautiful, but also a cozy and safe home that can provide the most comfortable living for all family members.
And ever-changing technology can make your home bright, individual and dynamic.