Genius design ideas: overview, features and interesting facts

Genius design ideas: overview, features and interesting facts
Genius design ideas: overview, features and interesting facts

What does a design idea compare to? Is it something stylish that does not fit into the everyday life of modernity, or, on the contrary, keeps up with fashion trends? There are no canons that dictate ideas, because they are born in the most unthinkable heads - the creative thoughts of extraordinary people. They are called patrons of fashion, creators of comfort and simple workers who are ready to change not only the human aura, but also create nourishment for this aura in the form of an ergonomic design.

What is fashion?

Fashion - a modern value of taste or fickle, changing depending on the mood of society? Who sets the boundaries of fashion? There is a completely objective explanation of the classics, innovation, innovation. And fashion comes from somewhere inside - everyone defines it for themselves in different ways. Someone wants simplicity in design, someone dreams of a crazy embodiment of their ideas. A designer is the magnitude of a human mood that changes, feels certain things in different ways. Depending on where it is located, the creative note is replaced by direction and idea. Plunge a person into the world of dreams, and he will give you other people's memories. Order him a kitchen design, and hewill dream of your dreams, where you stand at the stove, placed in a marble apron, steaming scrambled eggs.

Ergonomics of space on compressed terms of convenience

And we will talk about our favorite Khrushchev kitchens, where there is no place for family, comfort and quiet cooking. In the kitchen, the heart of an apartment or house, there should always be order. Convenience lies in the facets of facades, technology in a minimal realistic picture of colors. This is the meaning of the idea of changing the interior design. The problem of many new buildings and old houses remains one - to improve the space for the benefit of business and leisure.

Minimalism in the interior
Minimalism in the interior

To combine all the desires of the owners on tiny square meters, you need not only to participate in conferences to improve skills, but also to read Gogol. So, for general development. Understanding the concept of "useful technique" gives the designer the right to crush and build. The main thing is that the second block the feeling of losing the first. What can we now say about the innovations in the fashion world in the field of the embodiment of the cookbook:

  1. The main thing is layering. Everything should be arranged as if you live on 3 squares. You won't notice how some of the kitchen utensils will be used less often, and saving space will become the main task of the new day.
  2. Use space in everything - the window sill serves as a table, work surface, and cabinets are secret agents that hide the location of large household appliances.
  3. Front drawers and cabinets always remain, but only where their maximum number is justified.
  4. Recesses remain functional - storage of dishes, accessories, loose mixes for "infernal pizza".

A bright, small room the size of a loggia turns into a delightful kitchen for creativity. There is everything from a refrigerator to an oven. The design idea in the reincarnation of the queen of the house is over. Now let's think about dead zones.

Hidden skeletons in closets - the intelligence of the designer

When it is necessary to hide a mess of thoughts from human eyes, a person falls silent. The designer "closes his mouth" to space with the help of dead zones. Something that is never used in everyday life, but reliably preserves the secret dreams of the owners, as in the movie "50 Shades of Grey".

Built-in compartments
Built-in compartments

The built-in curvature of reality will hide any secrets from unwanted eyes. Hide jewelry, skeletons, objects dear to your heart. The point is to reduce the torn space to create such safes. But all you need is skill of thought and design finds and ideas. Hiddenness does not fit only in boxes. Stairs, niches between refrigerators and countertops, dressing rooms and even floors under carpets will do if someone else uses them.

Keeping the Blood Boiling Up: A Treatise of Courage

Remoteness from reality is the main indicator of the designer's courage. His ideas will seem crazy to everyone, but not to the owners, who with smiles accept any extravagance in the house.

Unusual wall paintings
Unusual wall paintings

Dizziness in fantasy areas and bright street art are bold and fresh ideas. And the concepts of designers are not limited to this. They can recreate any picture that they once noticed on the streets of the city. Street-art art will fit well into the interior when the naturalist himself can capture a snapshot of the past second. This is how fashion trends are born. Today, a professionally decorated wall is:

  • self-expression;
  • love freedom;
  • frantic gaze into the abyss.

A piece of recklessness stays in the house when everything else falls into place.

Devil's idea of the ideal interior color ratio

You need to be a complete atheist to enclose so much black with disproportionate dimensions of space.

men's room design
men's room design

Someone will call this an interesting design idea, someone will find it gloomy and sinister. Some elements look tempting:

  1. Curtains - black, but not woven, there are cuts in the weave for the passage of light.
  2. The bed is changeably clear, like the weather before a storm.
  3. Classic white - contrast in the form of a play of chromatic and achromatic combinations.

And, of course, the walls. They remain a standard shade, white, as the main adjacent color in space. The overflows of the soft wall at the head will become mother-of-pearl. Will change to intermediate gray floor boards. Artificial light sources will give the room that same "sleeping" look before the ceremony.going to bed.

Savings in detail: more space with furniture

Oddly enough, furniture doesn't always take up a lot of space. She is able to save your personal territory when required.

Built-in modular beds
Built-in modular beds

An ordinary closet contains a bed, a table for work, a comfortable chair. Some models are equipped with retractable ironing shelves, drawers for storing bed linen. A solid module is attached to the wall, performing the function of the entire room. Depending on the need and mood, the owner just needs to open the closet and turn the space into an office, bedroom or a place to relax.

Suitable for owners of strong load-bearing walls. To prevent the cabinet from falling, it should be attached to the "core" of the apartment. Will fit into the interior of any design. The facade is made of wood, solid wood, chips, glass. Any surface borders on the canons of space ergonomics.

In the same style, elements of design ideas are made that break stereotypes about the inconvenience and inaccessibility of dead zones.

Sliding, folding, hidden and other "…th" parts of the interior

In spectral analysis, all the details are good because of their unpredictability. The small one became big, the compact one gained capacity, and the hidden one gained in grandeur. Such items are the best home design ideas you could come up with. Appropriate in all scales and combinations of directions, capable of accepting the author's idea and taking root for granted in the essence of the idea.


Here are presentedintricate secretaries with secret drawers, transforming tables, modular furniture sets that will save space and accommodate the maximum number of guests.

Visibility in one direction: "pink mood - childhood forever"

To embody a design idea that will not be embarrassing and embarrassing - a professionalism that has been developed over the years. But if the color scheme remains in one vision, then the design is a quirky thing. He needs to be caught by the tail, like a firebird.

Girls' bedroom
Girls' bedroom

For princesses at an early age, they create more than just rooms with bunk beds. The space is completely given over to the geniuses of art. So, the girl's dream became a reality, and the child plunged into the world of dreams and fairy-tale heroes. The interior line is filled with floral ornaments, classic furniture and a bed in the form of a real downsized castle.

Main elements:

  1. Gypsum board stairs, real, durable.
  2. Double bed for two children - two floors.
  3. Modeled tower walls - imitation, behind which is the functionality in the form of cabinets.
  4. The barrier balcony is nothing more than fall protection.

The bottom decor is a kind of boxes for storing clothes. The room is complemented by a dressing table, upholstered furniture in golden pink color. Dilutes the juiciness of the creamy white color. The ingenious design idea ends with the selection of lighting. Artificial beams of light come from the side niches of the bed, the central chandelier and the curtain.

Splashemotions, frozen in the gloss of facades

Bold kitchen design idea just seems simple. Here is a spectrum of glossy red that plays with the fall of the rays of light.

Bold color choices
Bold color choices

Matte doors fit well into a wooden interior, imitating the high cost of a natural array. Veneers of dark shades emphasize the status of a bright teasing shade. For those not in the know, the boldness of red is associated with a number of unpredictable consequences:

  • affects the psyche - a long stay in such spaces leads to tension;
  • the brain does not receive "colors of the rainbow", nervous exhaustion against the background of pigments of saturated tones;
  • performance decreases - the intensity of color affects the desire to do something negatively.

Nevertheless, the design turned out to be quite extravagant.

Minimalism for small corners

No matter how sad it may sound, but you can buy your own corner only in the next life. It is not possible to treat yourself to dozens of squares. But even for such small apartments, there are fashionable design ideas that you should not be silent about:

  1. Minimalism - maximum practicality, minimum capacity.
  2. Contemporary - style and modernity with accessibility and functionality. The case when the studio apartment is a prime example of the direction of design.
  3. Zoning with color, not furniture is another way out of a small space into a spacious bright future.
  4. Scandinavian style - perfect for small rooms. Floors and wallslight, furniture as needed.

Combination of flavor notes with spatiotemporal shapes

When it comes to classics, we must not forget about the pomposity and ornate lines. The past does not forgive the mistakes of the present scale. Neat modern classic looks expensive and chic, but borrows minimalism in the use of sharp corners. High-tech in the present is modern in the past, to which the nuances of the form from the loft were added, with the exception of rudeness and roughness. The style combines natural materials - stone, glass, wood. He recreates an imitation of incompleteness, not a street. It is not difficult to distinguish all design prototypes, the main thing is to feel the outrageous spirituality of each item.