Onion homeland - features, interesting facts and properties

Onion homeland - features, interesting facts and properties
Onion homeland - features, interesting facts and properties

Today, onions have become so firmly established in all our usual dishes that we don’t even think about its features, useful properties. And even more so, few people know where the real homeland of onions is. Today we have to find out and look at this vegetable crop a little differently.

The first mention of the bow: Egypt and Rome

No one knows for sure where exactly the onion first appeared. But the history of the appearance of onions takes its roots in South Asia. It migrated to Persia, Egypt, then to the Greek and Roman empires and later appeared in Central Europe.

The fact that the onion is an ancient vegetable is evidenced by the records of the ancient Sumerians who lived on Earth more than three thousand years BC in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan. Similar records can also be found in Egyptian chronicles. All parts of the bow have always been the decoration of the festive table of the Egyptian pharaohs and they decorated the sacrificial altar, and were also used in mummification.

history of onion
history of onion

Found in many sources of art and literaturereferences to the use of this ancient vegetable. For example, Egyptian slaves were required to eat onions so that they would not get sick during the endless construction of the pyramids.

All this suggests that the homeland of the onion belongs to this part of the Earth.

The ancient Roman commander Xenophon also ordered his legionnaires to eat onions regularly. He believed that he gave the fighters strength, restores their energy and makes them fearless in front of the enemy.

Historical facts: China and Japan

In ancient China and Japan, "fragrant" onions were grown. There is also a mention of it in the historical book on medicinal herbs. It dates back to 2600 BC. Renowned physician Li Shizhen described the benefits and uses of more than 1,500 herbs that were used as treatments, including onion bunches.

The well-known physician, philosopher and poet of Central Asia Avicenna (980-1037) in his works described onions as a remedy for wounds and diseases. He gave his recommendations for getting rid of some ailments.

birthplace of the onion
birthplace of the onion

Thus, where the homeland of onions is, it is difficult to answer unambiguously, but it is known for certain that this is the Ancient World of South Asia.

Ancient India was no exception; onion cultivation was also widespread here. He came to India thanks to the army when he settled in Hindustan. The Indians were very kind to this vegetable crop, as they knew how good it is for he alth. Evidence of this is the mention of it in the medical treatise "Charvaka-Samshita". Butunlike others, the Indians did not use onions in cooking, as they were frightened by the smell. But it was valuable as a medicine.

When did onions appear in our country?

In the XII-XIII centuries, Kievan Rus began active trade with the countries of Byzantium and Europe, trade and economic relations between the countries were strengthened. It was then that for the first time various varieties of onions began to be imported into our country. And since it happened almost at the same time from different parts of the world, it was difficult to assess at that time which country is the birthplace of onions.

Experts are of the opinion that he appeared from the banks of the Danube. And since the 18th century, the correspondence of Archbishop Samuil about Rostov the Great was preserved, that the inhabitants of this city get rid of all their troubles with onions and garlic and never require any medicines.

Appearance of onions in European countries

Until the XVIII century, the inhabitants of European countries did not know about the existence of this garden plant. The history of the appearance of onions begins in Europe only in the Middle Ages.

In the Middle Ages, it was believed that the head of onion or garlic can protect against diseases, evil spirits, if worn as a talisman. The legendary King Richard the Lionheart had such an amulet. He believed that it brought him good luck in battles. Healers and sorcerers not only used onion in treatment, but also used it in magical rituals.

onion birthplace of onion and its properties
onion birthplace of onion and its properties

In all states, its cultivation began to carry production volumes. It was in Spain that the bow reached its apogee indevelopment. The Spaniards created special varieties of varieties that are still famous for their yield and taste.

The period from the 18th to the 20th century was the heyday of onion culture. This became the history of agro-industrial production and breeding of new varieties. Experts began to study in more detail the biological and chemical properties of onions. But despite this, discoveries in different parts of the world of new onion varieties are still ongoing.

The homeland of the onion and its properties

If the homeland of a vegetable is more or less clear, then let's figure out what its nutritional value is and what its chemical composition is.

The most important nutritional value of onions is their high content of carbohydrates (4-16%) and nitrogen oxide compounds (1-4%). It contains amino acids, vitamins C, B, PP and minerals (1% ash containing potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and other elements). Onions can boast of this.

bow batun description
bow batun description

Green leaves contain important acids for metabolic processes in our body. And the taste and smell familiar to us is due to the content of esters, the number of which ranges from 5 to 65 mg, depending on the growing conditions, degree of maturity and other factors.

Batun onion - a fellow onion?

Batun onion, or, as it is otherwise called, "Tatar", belongs to the onion family. The homeland of this variety is also in Asia. It is unpretentious, frost-resistant and therefore has been widely used around the world.

Thanks to its effective (nutritional) physico-chemicalproperties and accessibility to everyone, allows it to be used everywhere from various diseases. In folk medicine, there are many recipes for its use for the benefit of he alth.

It is well known that batun lowers blood pressure and improves the condition of blood vessels. Among other things, batun perfectly tones and is an antiseptic.

bow batun description
bow batun description

When the body lacks vitamins, this vegetable crop is able to compensate for the average daily intake of vitamin C, it is enough to eat only 150 grams of onion per day. In addition, batun is able to improve metabolism in gout, various diseases of the liver and kidneys. Frequent use of onions in your diet has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.

In the description of the onion-batun, it is easy to notice a clear similarity with onions. Green tufts of leaves extend from the onion head. The onion has a rounded head, while the batun has a small and almost flat head.
