Very often all sorts of buildings in Russia are built of brick. This material, although it is quite expensive, allows you to build the most reliable and durable structures. Of course, brick buildings should be built in strict accordance with all the rules and regulations. In particular, a powerful foundation must be poured under such a building. The weight of m3 brickwork is very large and may vary depending on the type of stone used.
Why do you need to know the weight
One of the features of the building material of this variety is a significant mass. Bricks weigh quite a lot. Accordingly, the masonry exerts very large loads on the foundation. In order to correctly calculate the depth of the foundation and the power of the foundation of the house, you need to know, including the weight of the brickwork. This parameter can be determined by simple mathematical calculations.

What types of bricks can be used in construction
The enclosing structures of buildings can be erected from brick:
- silicate;
- ceramic.
This type of cladding material can also be used to decorate and reinforce facades. Such a brick has the most even geometry and does not differ in too large size and weight.
Sizes of silicate and ceramic bricks
The market today comes with a variety of types of such material. The volumetric weight of brickwork depends on two main characteristics:
- sizes;
- configuration.
Brick sizes are regulated by GOST 530-2012 (for ceramic) and GOST 530-2012 (for silicate). Most enterprises specializing in the production of such building material in our country adhere to the standards provided for by these documents. In other words, in terms of geometry, fairly high-quality bricks are being sold in Russia today. In most cases, they correspond to the necessary parameters.
Sizes and configuration of sand-lime brick
Currently, there are two varieties of this material on the market. If necessary, you can purchase silicate brick:
- single;
- one and a half.
Both of these types of building material are very popular with consumers. Silicate brick single has dimensions of 250 x 120 x 65 mm. The dimensions of the one and a half material are the same. But the height of the bricks of this variety is 88 mm.

Also, non-standard silicate material is also produced by modern industry. The dimensions of such a brick are250 x 120 x 138 mm.
According to the configuration, the silicate material is classified into:
- corpulent;
- hollow.
Silicate brick weight
A distinctive feature of this material is that the masonry from it has less mass than from ceramic stone. One hollow one-and-a-half silicate brick weighs exactly 4 kg. The single version is, of course, easier. The weight of such material is 3.2 kg.
A solid silicate brick, of course, has a greater mass than a hollow one. A single stone of this variety weighs 3.6 kg. The mass of one and a half bricks is 4.8 kg.
Varieties of ceramic material
This type of brick is used in construction more often than silicate. Such material is more durable and resistant to various kinds of adverse environmental factors. For example, ceramic brick, unlike silicate brick, is allowed to be used, including for the construction of the underground part of the foundation.

Such material can also differ both in configuration and in size. In the second case, the following main varieties of ceramic bricks are distinguished:
- single;
- one and a half;
- double.
Dimensions of the material of the first variety - 250 x 120 x 65 mm. The dimensions of the double brick are 250 x 120 x 138 mm. One and a half stone has standard dimensions of 250 x 120 x 88 mm. Accordingly, the weight of the brickwork will also differ, independing on the type of material in size.

According to the configuration, such a stone happens:
- corpulent;
- hollow;
- facing.
Ceramic brick: weight
Such a material differs from silicate, among other things, also in greater density. The weight of brickwork in this case will, as already mentioned, have more. The mass of ceramic full-bodied material, depending on the variety, is:
- single - 3, 2-3, 6 kg, depending on the brand in terms of density;
- one and a half - 4-4, 4 kg;
- double - 6, 6-7, 2 kg.
Hollow material of this variety weighs:
- single - 2, 2-2, 5 kg;
- one and a half - 3-3, 3 kg;
- double - 4, 7-5 kg.
Facing brick has mass:
- single - 1, 32-1, 6 kg;
- one and a half - 2, 7-3, 2 kg.
Weight of 1 m3 of sand-lime bricks
Buy such masonry material usually in cubic meters. Knowing the weight of so many bricks is, of course, very useful. In this case, you can quickly determine the cost of the material needed for laying the walls.
1 m3 sand-lime brick includes:
- single - 513 pcs. (512, 8);
- one and a half - 378 pieces
Thus, it is easy to calculate the weight of a cubic meter of such material in its original packaging:
- for hollow single - 3, 2 x 513=1641, 6 kg;
- full-bodied single - 3.6 x 513=1846.8 kg;
- one and a half hollow - 4 x 378=1512 kg;
- one and a half corpulent - 4.8 x 378=1814.4 kg.

Weight of 1 m3 of ceramic bricks
Such material is also in most cases purchased in cubic meters. In the package - one 1 m3, ceramic bricks include:
- single - 511 pieces;
- double - 255 pieces;
- one and a half - 377 pieces
The weight of 1 m3 of ceramic bricks in the original packaging will be, respectively:
- single full bodied - 1689, 6-1843, 2kg;
- single hollow - 1177, 6-1280 kg;
- single facing - 675, 84-819, 2kg;
- one and a half corpulent - 1508-1621, 1 kg;
- one and a half hollow - 1131-1244, 1 kg;
- one and a half facing - 1017, 9-1206, 4 kg;
- double full-bodied - 1683-1836 kg;
- double hollow - 1173-1275 kg.
Brickwork: weight 1 m3
Thus, the mass of a cubic meter of silicate or ceramic brick depends on the configuration, size and density of the material. The above figures, however, are only estimates. This is how many bricks are usually included in the factory packaging. However, when laying 1 m3 of brick, less is consumed. After all, part of the volume of the structure under construction in this case is occupied by seams. Brick is laid during the construction of various kinds of structures, usually on cement mortar.
Thus, the weight of brickwork is 1 m3, for example, wallswill depend, among other things, on the method of construction of the structure. The seams between individual stones may have different thicknesses. Most often, this indicator is 1 cm horizontally, and 80 mm vertically. In 1 m3 of masonry, therefore, depending on the type of material, there are usually 50-100 less bricks. Accordingly, it will weigh less by 66-132 kg (for the lightest facing material) and 330-660 kg (for double ceramic).
Of course, the weight of the cement mortar must also be taken into account in the calculations. A cubic meter of such material has a mass of approximately 1500 kg. For seams of 1 m3 of masonry, at the same time, a solution of about 0.3 m3.

Other numbers
In 1 m3 in the original packaging, thus, it can contain from 1512 to 1836 kg of bricks. But what can be the weight of brickwork m2. Depending on the wall construction technology and the type of brick itself, this figure averages:
- for laying "in half a brick" - up to 184 kg;
- "in brick" - up to 367 kg;
- "in 1.5 bricks" - up to 551 kg;
- "in two bricks" - up to 735 kg;
- "in 2, 5 bricks" - up to 918 kg.
All figures above are given including the seams in the masonry. In the construction of private houses, for example, in most cases, the brick laying method is used. A wall with an area of, for example, 6 x 3 m, built using this technology, will weigh approximately 6606 kg. At the same time, ceramic brick lining, laid out with a spoon of the same area, will turn out to be much lighter.- 3312 kg.

In addition to volume, the specific gravity of brickwork can also be taken into account during construction. This indicator always differs upwards. Specific gravity is determined without taking into account voids in the material. For a brick, this characteristic can be equal, depending on the density, from 1600 to 2000 kg/m3.