The staircase is not only a structure for visiting the second floor, but also a functional addition to the interior. Creating it yourself is not so simple, in this case there are many features and nuances. The design must be reliable and at the same time fully consistent with the interior. First, the material is selected, the project is made, and only after that the work begins.

If you follow the instructions, you will create a staircase with your own hands in the shortest possible time. Having mastered the main aspects of the construction process, you can proceed directly to business. Carefully follow all the tips and do not skip a single step so as not to violate the proportions and work process.
How to choose a design?
So that a staircase built with your own hands does not disappoint you later, at the first stage, a project is considered. In a private house, this can be any option. Even if a do-it-yourself attic staircase is being built, which will not bevisible from the outside, you also need to work fully. Not every structure is within the power of an inexperienced master. However, there are several quite affordable designs:
- Single-march. In such a ladder, the steps are fixed in one line and go one after the other. They are the simplest, but they will require more free space.
- Rotary. They have several winder steps - and this turns out to be a turn. Its direction is selected, depending on the location.
- Two-march. The advantage of such structures is that they do not require a lot of free space. They are two marches, which are fixed by a platform with a turn of 90 or 180 degrees. Although there are also direct models (but they are rarely used in private homes, as this requires more space).
- Screw. Suitable even for small spaces. Although the masters say that such a ladder will be less safe and comfortable than its counterparts.

As you can see, there are plenty of options, and it is important to decide what is right for you. For example, if a staircase is planned in the country, erected with one's own hands, a screw structure would be appropriate. Now it is clear that before starting work it is worth considering every little thing. True, there are experienced craftsmen who are ready to help. But you will have to pay for it.
What materials are they built from?
DIY stairs can be made from various materials. Each of them has its own characteristics and service life. Here are some options to choose from.
- Tree. This is the most common and accessible material. Various options are used - boards, logs, chopping blocks, while there are also many opportunities for decoration. Such stairs are durable, and the maximum coziness and comfort is created in the house. Although do not forget that this material is susceptible to decay. However, it is easy to eliminate such a nuisance: you need to use only well-dried material, and after installation, treat it with the necessary compounds. This includes varnishes, antiseptics, antifungals, etc.
- Metal. Constructions of any complexity are made from it. As a result, the staircase erected with your own hands turns out to be beautiful and elegant. At the end of the work, you can use a different material for cladding, although a number of structures are left unchanged. The most beautiful are forged models, although stairs are made of steel no worse. The main difficulty of metal structures is the assembly of all components. Nothing can be done without a welding machine. In addition, the metal has its drawbacks, for example, it can rust. For this reason, at the planning stage, you need to think through every moment and eliminate undesirable consequences.
- Concreting. Many people think that this design is the most difficult. But such a staircase to the 2nd floor, made with your own hands and properly thought out, will turn out to be reliable and durable. Before starting work, you will have to make formwork. It is clear that its quality will depend on the selected composition of the concrete mixture. It is poured into the created formwork and subjected to vibration. If this is not done, over time, concrete mayvoids and cracks appear. Do not forget also that it will take a long time to dry the fill (at least 30 days). And this is a finishing work stop. Consider all these parameters at the planning stage.

Everyone can create an absolutely original staircase. For example, apply several materials at once in one design. As a result, the staircase, made skillfully and accurately with your own hands, turns out to be very attractive. In addition, it can be supplemented with glass or something more original. In a word, there are enough materials, and each of them has its own characteristics during installation. By following simple rules and avoiding mistakes, you can create a reliable design that will last for many years.
Preparatory work
So, as mentioned earlier, the whole project needs to be thought through first. You should make the most accurate calculations - without this it will not be possible to create the required staircase with your own hands, whether it is made of wood, metal or concrete. Anyone can develop a project and draw a diagram, knowing what parameters will be involved in the process.
Necessary calculations
- Height. It is necessary to measure the distance from the floor to the ceiling, as well as to the first step. Calculate the hypotenuse - the length of the structure. Measurements should be performed with maximum accuracy, otherwise it will not be possible to create a reliable staircase that can last for many years.
- Number of future steps. Masters believe that the most suitable option is an odd number. In one march there should be no more than 15things. These are generally accepted rules, although sometimes they are violated, which can make the design less reliable and complete.
- Slope. It is clear that each staircase has its own indicators - this is an individual approach. Here you will have to apply your knowledge and calculate the sine of the angle of inclination (within 40 degrees). However, these simple calculations are worth it in order to get a beautiful staircase as a result.
- Width. The parameter can be anything, but do not forget about convenience. The ideal option is 80 centimeters, but this figure may increase, depending on the handrails. Do not make the steps too narrow. This reduces the usability.
- Depth. It is clear that this figure will be influenced by the size of the foot, but there are average figures from 23 to 30 centimeters. It’s better, again, to implement an individual approach, but it’s better not to do it “by eye”, so that the operation would later be convenient.
- Step height. Averages are between 17 and 20 centimeters.
Each digit of your calculations will have a close relationship with the other. Therefore, changing something in the process, you will have to recalculate everything else. The planning process should be taken with all care so that the structure does not lose stability and serves for a long time. Some purchase a ready-made project or ask experienced craftsmen to make the necessary calculations. After, already according to the ready-made data, it is much easier to work.
Do-it-yourself wooden ladder
The reader can see photos of examples of wooden stairs in our article. Such a designhas its own characteristics. Basically, on each side there are specially measured and sawn teeth (kosoura).

These details are the first things the craftsmen work on. They are fixed strictly in order - for this, a wall or auxiliary beams are used.
When the preparation is completed and the construction is in place, you need to take care of the steps. To create them yourself, you will have to arm yourself with a saw and boards. Although many on the farm have more modern installations, which greatly simplifies the process. Make sure that the size of the stringer matches the width of the march.
How to make a wooden staircase with your own hands? To fasten parts, any available fasteners can be used. The main thing is reliability and durability. But the side frames can be connected with a common lock - a tenon-groove. But still, in such a design, adhesive compositions will also have to be used so that the strength of the stairs does not decrease. Do not forget about the risers. Without them, the work will not be complete.

Steps and risers usually take a long time to make. Making steps and supports out of wood is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.
Metal ladder
Metal is even harder to work with. The fact is that when creating a structure, you will have to use a welding machine, and not everyone can do it. Also, to build such a ladder, you will need a pipe or channels.
To orderto get the frame in place, several options are possible.
- Installation of the main support. In the middle, you can use the anchor as a fastener. After that, special bumpers are welded - they are required under the steps.
- Straight strings. The method is comparable to the first, but two profiles are used on the sides. Components are purchased at hardware stores or ordered from craftsmen.
- Kosoura. This design is welded together with all the constituent elements. For example, this is how in many houses a metal staircase to the second floor is made with their own hands. This process can use a standard sheet of iron, from which some components are made.

How is a spiral staircase made? First you need to create a support, after which the steps themselves begin to fix around it. To do this, you need bolts or a welding machine. Of course, the second option is more reliable, but it is not available to everyone. Steps can also be metal. Sometimes a base (frame) is made with corners, where wooden installations are then attached.
Concrete stairs
As mentioned earlier, this is the most complex construction. It's not just that you have to wait for the concrete to dry. The process itself takes place in several stages - first the formwork is performed and only after that the pouring. Since the concrete is heavy, it is necessary to fix it as securely as possible so that collapse does not occur. Be sure to use reinforcement around the perimeter for reliability.
What you need to have underhand to create such a project?
- Enough cement.
- Sand.
- Plasticizers.
- Small gravel.
- Formwork boards.
- Rebar of various lengths.

Getting Started
The process itself starts from the bottom. To prevent the formation of air interlayers in concrete, additional components are used - a rule or a roller with iron spikes. When the formwork sets - after about two days - this element is removed.
Many say that in one day to create such a design will not work. And indeed - everything is done gradually, without haste. Do not immediately knead large volumes of sand-concrete mixture, which then do not dry out. By the way, for those who value time above all, there are additional substances that make the steps durable and dry quickly.
This staircase is then subjected to additional finishing. It can be tiles, wood or leveling mortars.
So, we figured out how to make a ladder from various materials with your own hands. It remains only to choose the most suitable option, depending on skills, financial capabilities and the desired result.