Ecology at home in our time leaves much to be desired. After all, many finishing materials contain toxic substances. Components harmful to humans are added to dishes, household chemicals, fabrics. In addition, household appliances emit negative radiation, and the air is polluted with all kinds of gases. How to create a he althy atmosphere in the house? This is exactly what will be discussed further.
Home Ecology
Modern man spends most of his time at home. Therefore, everyone wants their home to be not only comfortable, but also safe. Studies have shown that in many apartments the air environment is much more polluted than outside the window. In order to reduce the content of harmful substances in the air, doctors advise airing the living space at least twice a day.
The ecology of the house depends not only on air, but also on finishing materials, raw materials from which furniture is made, radiation from household appliances and many other factors. Mold and fungus under wall decoration, as well as dustcontain a large number of harmful bacteria. Wiring done incorrectly, together with a large number of household appliances, form electromagnetic radiation, which is many times more than permissible. Many surrounding objects can serve as sources of radiation. And tap water is not of high quality. Contains harmful elements such as iron, chlorine and mineral s alts.
Home ecology requires materials that do not contain toxic substances. Furniture from natural raw materials, without chemical impurities. Get rid of old furniture. It can serve as a source of bacteriological contamination.
To create a safe home, it is important to use air and water purifiers. They will help you get your house in order. The problem of the ecology of a dwelling depends on the area where it is located. Housing should have a good soundproofing and sound absorption system. A sustainable home environment has a positive effect on the he alth of the whole family.
Safe Building Materials

Sustainable materials are very important for creating a safe home. Today's market offers a huge selection of building materials, which are divided into two groups. This is:
- completely eco-friendly;
- green conditional.
Environmentally friendly materials include wood, cork, stone, natural drying oil, leather, bamboo, straw, etc. If natural raw materials are mixed with non-natural substances, it is considered that it has partially or completely lost its properties.
Treeis a natural material. In houses made from such raw materials, a special microclimate and a wonderful aroma hovers. But the tree is often exposed to decay, pests. Moss, fungus or mold may appear on it. Therefore, it is impossible to use wood for building a house without special treatment that will protect it from biological destruction. After processing, it will become conditionally environmentally friendly.
Stone is the most durable and reliable material. Despite this, he is able to accumulate radiation. Before use, it should be checked for background radiation.
For the roof, experts recommend choosing slate. It is environmentally friendly. Natural. Has a layered arrangement of minerals. It is considered the most expensive roofing material and lasts a long time.
Conditionally environmentally friendly raw materials are made from natural materials. It is characterized by high technical performance and does not harm he alth. These are ceramic blocks and bricks, as well as cellular concrete. These materials are made from clay without the use of chemical components. They are durable and highly resistant to the negative effects of the environment.
Aerated concrete block is a kind of cellular concrete. It is a stone made of cement. On the outside, it has evenly distributed pores. The material is lightweight and durable. Has good soundproofing ability.
Another conditionally environmentally friendly material is tiles. It is made of clay. Natural. It is a very expensive and heavy building material. Her styling requires special skill.
Environmentally friendly materials are of course important for building a house, but do not forget about the finishing of the premises. Here, too, you need to use natural building materials.
Safe floors

The floors in the house are not always safe for he alth. They can be made of low-quality material that releases toxic elements. Floors in the house should be from:
- wood;
- corks;
- laminate class E1;
- linoleum from natural raw materials;
- parquet.
As a rule, despite the naturalness of the material, wood or parquet is often varnished so that the floor has a beautiful appearance and is durable. Here you should not save, but you need to choose high-quality varnish from well-known manufacturers.
If linoleum will be used for flooring, it must have a certificate of hygienic conformity, which indicates the emission class and material. E1 class has the lowest amount of formaldehyde and is the safest. Linoleum classes E2 and E3 are used only in non-residential premises.
Laminate can be used to cover the floor. It is made from 80% paper and wood shavings. The remainder consists of synthetic resins. Despite the natural raw materials, the laminate is coated with formaldehyde resins. A coating with acrylic resins is considered safe. Formaldehyde in the laminate should be no more than 0.12 mg per 1 m23.
Wall decoration

For wall decoration, ordinary paper or non-woven wallpapers made from pressed paper are considered the safest. Vinyl wallpaper is considered toxic. They are not recommended for use in a residential area.
If paint is used to decorate walls, then you should not buy the first one that comes across. The product intended for surface painting may contain hazardous substances, lead pigments, volatile solvents. Inhaling these substances is hazardous to he alth. Harmful to humans and solvents for paints, they contain volatile compounds. Alkyd paints are considered the most harmful.
Wall insulation
In addition to decorative wall decoration, insulation inside the house plays an important role. Styrofoam in this case is unsafe. Releases carcinogenic substances - styrenes.
Fiberglass, polyurethane foam, ecowool, cotton, linen, moss and other natural materials are considered the safest. They have excellent insight, heat and sound insulation.
Which windows should I choose?

Despite the fact that many manufacturers point out the safety of plastic windows, some residents report a deterioration in well-being after installing them. The harm of plastic windows is obvious, because the PVC from which they are made is a toxic component. During the manufacturing process, polyvinyl chloride is mixed with harmless chemicals, as a result of which it loses its activity, and the toxicity of windows becomes minimal. There is also lead in the windows, but in minimalquantities.
Plastic double-glazed windows have a negative impact on air exchange. Their tightness increases the dust content in the house, prevents vapors from escaping. In the summertime, a musty smell may form in the room for the same reason.
Specialists note that only windows of poor quality, made of cheap plastic, have a negative effect on the body. Well-known companies are constantly improving their products, so their double-glazed windows are practically safe for he alth.
Windows with wooden frames are the best option for home ecology. They are eco friendly. They do not emit harmful substances and are durable.
Cleaning the air in the house

The ecology of the house is impossible without cleansing the air space. Plants help purify the air and improve the energy of living spaces. In this situation, indoor plants are indispensable. By absorbing carbon dioxide, they enrich the air with oxygen. Such plants include chlorophytum, sansevier, ivy, pelargonium, dracaena, ficus, anthurium and others. They operate more efficiently than many household appliances. One large plant is used per 10 meters of area, one small plant per five square meters.
There are plants that not only purify the air, but also disinfect it, as their leaves contain essential oils (geranium, myrtle, bay tree, lemon).
An air purifier can be used to purify the air. It purifies the air of dust and toxic substances, disinfects and ionizes it.
Household chemicals

The safety of household chemicals in the ecology of a residential building plays an important role. Most household cleaning products are unsafe for he alth and contain cationic and anionic ionic surfactants. They are often used in detergents, so non-ionic surfactants should be preferred. The percentage of cationic or anionic surfactants should not exceed five.
If environmental friendliness is in the first place in the house, then when buying household chemicals, they pay attention to products containing natural substances. You can also wash dishes with natural soap, soda or mustard.
Washing powders should be chosen phosphate-free containing zeolites, which replaced phosphates and are considered harmless. Enzymes and polymers are also added to eco-friendly powders. They are used to get rid of stains on clothes.
Appliances in everyday life

Complete ecology in everyday life cannot be achieved until electromagnetic waves that negatively affect he alth are neutralized. They destroy the structure of cells, affecting the nervous system and muscle tissue, causing insomnia, disruption of the gastrointestinal apparatus.
As a rule, most electrical appliances are located in the kitchen. Many of them emit electromagnetic radiation. This is a microwave oven, electric stoves, refrigerators that do not create frost. In order for radiation not to have a negative effect on a person, household appliances must be positioned in the right way. Their impact should nottouch the places where people spend a lot of time.
Sockets are recommended to be located as close to the floor as possible. Warm electric floors should not be used in the nursery and under the bed. Household appliances must be unplugged as they emit electromagnetic waves even in standby mode.
And what can be said about such a phenomenon as the harm of microwaves? Myth or reality of their negative impact on a person? Experts say that the microwave oven emits non-ionizing waves that do not have a radioactive effect. The magnetic radiation from the microwave is really present, and quite strong, but during cooking. It is believed that at this moment one should be at arm's length from the device. Then the radiation will not have a negative effect.
When cooking, does the harm of microwaves matter? Myth or reality of their harmful effects on food? Scientific studies have shown that microwave does not change the structure of food and does not make food carcinogenic. After all, it allows you to cook non-fried food without the use of oil. Dishes in the microwave cook quickly, therefore, they are less cooked and retain more nutrients. The danger of this device is more a myth than a reality.
In addition to the microwave oven, often use an electric kettle, multicooker, TV, toaster, computer, coffee maker and other appliances. When they are simultaneously turned on, there is a possibility of superimposing one electromagnetic field on another. If you can not completely abandon household appliances, thentheir use should be kept to a minimum. It is necessary to change the filters on the air conditioner in a timely manner, otherwise it can be hazardous to he alth and release toxins, it will serve as a source of various infections.
TV is a gift of civilization. But in addition to the pleasure of watching it, you can also get magnetic radiation. To minimize the negative impact of the device, you need to spend no more than three hours at the screen and be at a safe distance from it.
Do not place household appliances in places of sleep and rest. You should not sleep next to the equipment, the distance to it should be at least three meters. It is not necessary to allow the superposition of one magnetic field on another, since in these places the radiation will be twice as much.
Rules of ecological life
Creating a safe home, do not save on repairs. As a rule, cheap materials for interior decoration often contain toxic substances. Wallpaper, like other materials, must be of high quality and meet safety standards. They must have a special marking indicating that the product has been certified.
For your home, you need to choose furniture made of natural wood, as plastic, chipboard and synthetics often emit harmful substances. Don't skimp on household appliances. Large manufacturers make sure that their equipment is safe and does not harm he alth.
To make the house eco-friendly, you need to frequently carry out wet cleaning. A lot of dust accumulates in the living room. Wet cleaning cleans the air, prevents the reproduction of dust mites and mold spores.
To purify the air, use humidifiers and ionizers. In the summer, when the air conditioner is on, and in the winter, when the central heating is on, the air in the house becomes dry. These devices humidify the air space and create a he althy atmosphere.
All household appliances must be unplugged. It is not necessary to place equipment in places of sleep and rest, and its use should be minimized.
To make a safe home, you need to conduct an environmental impact assessment of housing. It will detect not only the fungus, but also radiation, electromagnetic radiation, the presence of poisonous gases.
An eco-friendly residential building is one where people are attentive to their he alth, try to minimize the presence of negative factors and improve their quality of life.