Smoking is, of course, harmful. But fragrant hookah smoke is something completely different. Sometimes even the most strict fighters against bad habits do not want to deny themselves such pleasure. You can smoke in the campaign, or you can do it alone, but sometimes it’s too lazy or far away to go to the hookah, but there is no hookah at home.
Well, it remains to make it with your own hands. And now we will look at how this is done. To make a hookah with your own hands, drawings are especially not required - everything is clear from the description on an intuitive level.

What does the hookah consist of
Its main detail is a flask. In a home-made apparatus, an old teapot that has come into circulation (preferably a metal one) will quite serve as it. Another important element is the hose. Well, if you did not have time to part with the old hose from the shower. If you have time, you will have to buy the cheapest option in the plumbing store.
As other spare parts we take a steel damper for the sink, an unnecessary burner from a gas stove and a small iron tube with a diameter of about 3 cm. From the toolsonly the soldering rod needs to be taken care of.
Make a hookah with your own hands - the main stages
In the beginning, the most difficult thing is making a hookah mine. We connect the steel tube and the tile burner as follows: we turn one end of the pipe into a cone, then we simply hammer the pipe into the burner with a hammer. If everything is done correctly, the design will come out tight and strong.

Then in the kettle you need to drill a hole for the pipe. It is made in the lid and should fit the tube in size. For maximum fixation, provide the pipe with small grooves. Then we lower it into the kettle approximately to the level of the base of its spout, and solder the upper connection. We remove the cover and after that the structure is sealed from below. The soldering areas are cleaned. So the hookah shaft is ready!
What's next?
The next step is to connect the hose. We saw off a piece from the spout of our teapot at such a distance that the hole of the remaining part exactly matches the diameter of the hose - for a tight connection. We push the rubber part of the hose into the spout and fix it with electrical tape.
The braid from the hose, together with the nut, is put on the spout of the kettle. Then the lid and the entire kettle are sealed with foil, a funnel is twisted from it, which is placed in the burner. A washbasin net is placed on the burner, and the hookah is ready with your own hands - you can try it out.
Of course, the manufacture of this device will require some effort, but as a result you will get a solid device for reusableuse. If you have the desire and creativity, you can get a stylish and original hookah with your own hands - the photos shown here demonstrate the flight of the authors' imagination.

Do-it-yourself hookah from a bottle - fast and cheap
But what to do when there is absolutely no desire to mess with soldering and other things, and the idea of a homemade hookah does not go out of your head?
From a 2-liter plastic bottle, you can make an excellent hookah with your own hands at no extra cost. In addition to the bottle, a tin can, tubes for the dropper system, a rubber stopper, a piece of tube, foil and a knife are taken.
This version of the hookah is simple and economical. Three holes are made in a plastic bottle, a pair is next to each other, the third is opposite them. After that, holes are cut in the bottom of the jar with a knife, and a wide hole is made on the other side of the jar.
The rubber stopper, which will serve as a seal, is also provided with a hole. Then the metal-plastic tube is placed inside the bottle, water is poured in, everything is closed with a cork. Tubes are inserted into a pair of bottle holes, a tin can is fixed. The third of the holes must also be closed (for example, with the body of a ballpoint pen). Tobacco is poured into the jar, on top we cover everything with foil with pierced holes.

Fruit hookah
Want to enjoy fragrant smoke with minimal effort? Try to make a hookah with your own hands (the simplest design) from an empty plasticbottles (or an ordinary glass) with any fresh fruit - say, an apple. Each of the fruits will add its own characteristic aroma to the hookah smoke, as a result we have a richer taste, and tobacco with fruit juice does not dry out so quickly.
Before work, stock up on the fruit itself, a toothpick, foil, knife, coal and tobacco. Take fruits that are dense - so that they can withstand high temperatures for longer. It is desirable that it be possible to remove seeds from them while maintaining the original shape of our fruit.
Besides apples (green ones are best), you should pay attention to pears, melons, grapefruits, pomegranates. Stay away from oranges, bananas, tangerines and red apples - their resistance to heat is much lower.
The selected fruit will serve as a bowl. First, pour cold water into the flask of the disassembled hookah to a level three centimeters above its tube. We cut off the top from our fruit "bowl" with a knife, take out the pulp so that tobacco can be poured inside. And before that, cover the bottom of the fruit with foil with small holes made with a toothpick. After falling asleep tobacco, the top is closed with the same foil.

Electronic hookah
In large cities, the idea of an electronic hookah has found its embodiment similar to the situation with electronic cigarettes. Smokers of such hookahs subsequently abandoned traditional cigarettes and switched to electronic ones. What is the difference between them, can these funds mutually replace each other, and is an electronic hookah equivalent?traditional?
Who wants to enjoy an electronic hookah, there is no need to fill the bowl or light the coals. It prepares in a few minutes. Versions of it exist both with nicotine and without it. In the West, it is customary to produce such hookahs in the form of electronic cigars or hookah sticks, in our country a variant of the traditional form, reminiscent of the usual one, is more common.
In fact, this is the same electronic cigarette, combined with a hookah form. You can make an electronic hookah with your own hands by converting the classic hookah body to high power and an air intake system that allows you to achieve the same effect as with traditional smoking.
The device placed inside is quite simple and is a steam generator in the form of a nichrome tape. Upon reaching the desired temperature, aromatic water is converted into steam. The process is designed for about 40 minutes, but a hookah assembled by oneself may be slightly bitter.