Bug larvae: what they look like, how to get rid of them and types

Bug larvae: what they look like, how to get rid of them and types
Bug larvae: what they look like, how to get rid of them and types

Everyone knows that bedbugs are small blood-sucking parasites that enter living quarters in various ways. Getting rid of them is quite problematic, as they multiply at an astonishing rate. Moreover, it is necessary to destroy not only adults, but also eggs and larvae of bedbugs.

Features of appearance and physiology

Nymphs of these parasites appear no later than thirty days after laying eggs. This period depends on many external factors and, under favorable conditions, is reduced to four days. Interestingly, the larvae of house bugs also feed on human blood.

bedbug larvae
bedbug larvae

Outwardly, nymphs are very similar to adult insects. They can only be distinguished by their lighter coloration and smaller size. Nymphs have an elongated and slightly flattened body. Usually their dimensions do not exceed four and a half millimeters.

But physiologically, bugs and their larvae are very different from each other. The latter cannot reproduce, need frequent meals, are highly dependent on the ambient temperature,move slowly and little.

How is a bed bug larva different from other insects?

To establish the species of a particular parasite, it is not necessary to be a professional entomologist. To do this, it is enough just to know the main characteristics of the bug nymph. For example, they are distinguished from young cockroaches by the fact that they are more mobile and agile. In addition, their body is painted in a lighter shade, and there are no white spots on their cephalothorax.

bed bug larva
bed bug larva

Unlike ant larvae, the bug nymph does not have a well-defined constriction separating the abdomen from the cephalothorax. They can only be confused with fleas in the very early stages of development.

The appearance of the nymphs

Having figured out what the larvae of bed bugs look like and how they differ from other household parasites, you need to say a few words about how they develop. First, the female, saturated with blood, lays eggs. At the same time, she uses a specific secret that sticks them to the nest and to each other. This process takes about five days.

larvae of house bugs
larvae of house bugs

The size of the masonry depends on the time of year, temperature and weather conditions. Under favorable conditions, one individual is able to lay up to twelve eggs. Moreover, their number is affected by age, body weight and the degree of satiety of the female. Five days later, bedbug larvae are born. They look like plastic containers. Newly hatched young are immediately ready to feed on blood.

Development stages

WhenUnder favorable conditions, the transformation of a newly hatched individual into an adult insect will take from four to six weeks. This process consists of five stages. Moreover, on each of them, the body of a young parasite increases in size by half a millimeter. If the larva at the first stage of development has a length of a little more than one millimeter, then at the end it reaches almost half a centimeter.

destruction of larvae of bedbugs
destruction of larvae of bedbugs

The grown-up nymph has to say goodbye to her shell, because it is not capable of stretching. This is what is the main cause of molting. After each change of shell, the body of the insect becomes increasingly dark. Interestingly, all transformations occur after the larva feeds on the next portion of blood.

Where do bedbug nymphs hide?

It should be noted that it is rather problematic to identify them. This is due to the fact that they feed in the early morning hours, when people are still sleeping. In the saliva of the larvae of bedbugs there is no anesthetic secret, so its bite is always accompanied by severe itching and pain.

what do bed bug larvae look like
what do bed bug larvae look like

By analogy with adult insects, nymphs settle in various secluded corners of the apartment. They try to choose places with the most favorable temperature conditions. Therefore, most often they can be found in mattresses and sofas.

Features of the shell of the larva

Invulnerability of bedbug eggs is explained by the fact that they are hidden under strong protection. Their shell is resistant to the effects of potent chemicals. Through herthe walls do not seep liquid.

In addition, the surface of the eggs is immune to sudden temperature fluctuations and mechanical damage. If you try to break them with something heavy, your attempts will fail.

The main difficulties that arise in the process of destroying nymphs

As mentioned above, bedbug larvae resemble slightly curved rice grains. If you look closely, you can see a small dark spot on one side. It is in this place that the exit for a mature individual is located.

how to get rid of bedbug larvae
how to get rid of bedbug larvae

Destroying bedbug nymphs is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Especially if they were not identified immediately and had already managed to settle down in a new place. If adult parasites can be exterminated with strong chemicals, then the larvae are so well protected by a strong shell that their destruction becomes a real problem. They calmly withstand the effects of poisons and continue to develop in a temporary home.

So that the destruction of the larvae of bedbugs does not turn into an endless occupation, you need to ensure that all nymphs and adults are exterminated. Otherwise, all your actions will become meaningless. Since young females will constantly lay eggs, from which new parasites will appear.

How to get rid of bedbug larvae?

It should be understood that in this case it is impossible to apply the methods used to combat adult parasites. All of them are ineffective and act only onfor a short period of time.

To destroy the larvae, you can use pesticides such as dichlorvos, karbofos and pyrethroids. However, when working with these substances, it is important to follow all the rules and ensure the safety of residents.

Also, the use of insecticides that sterilize insects can be a good solution. However, such funds are practically not found on the free market. As a rule, drugs containing such components are available only to professionals.

Powder products can be scattered near the nests of bedbugs to kill these insects. Then the hatching larvae will immediately fall on the deadly "clearings". However, when choosing such drugs, you should remember that most of them are unsafe for humans and pets.

How to avoid parasites?

To protect your home from blood-sucking insects, you need to stop visiting places where bed bugs can accumulate. These include cheap hotels and houses with unsanitary conditions. Also, do not invite people to visit, in whose apartments there may be parasites. Since even one or two individuals that accidentally got into your apartment will quickly become the ancestors of an entire population.

Experts recommend not neglecting the systematic wet cleaning of your home and checking the condition of beds, sofas and other sleeping places for traces of bed bugs. You should also wash your bedding regularly. And you need to do this only in hotwater.

To scare away blood-sucking insects and prevent their migration from neighbors, it is recommended to keep birch brooms and bouquets of dried tansy in the house.
