Modern ways of finishing walls and ceilings require the creation of a frame from a metal profile. To make the structure rigid and securely fixed, it is necessary to use suspensions. They connect the profile and the main ceiling or wall. They determine the bearing capacity of the frame.
Suspension straight
These are special metal plates with perforations and notches. They are thin, easy to bend, but strong. Manufactured using galvanized steel.

Hangers are attached directly to the wall or ceiling. Then a profile is mounted to them using special metal screws. As a result, a small space is formed between the ceiling and the wall and their decoration. Here you can place all communications, while they will not catch your eye and spoil the design. Also, this space can be used for laying an additional layer of heat or sound insulation. The coating can be separated from the wall or ceiling by a maximum of 12 cm. There are also shortened straight hangers, in which case the distance will not exceed 7.5 cm.
Direct hangers for the profile are usually used in residential and non-residential premises, when it is necessary to slightly lower the ceiling ormove walls. For example, for leveling, plasterboarding or laying insulation.
According to the markings, holes for anchors are drilled in the walls or ceiling. There are models of suspensions, where there is only 1 hole in the center, there are 2. The second option is more reliable. Mounting on the ceiling must be done using metal fasteners only. Nylon dowels can be pulled out under load. Profile hangers are screwed to the walls or ceiling.
The sides fold down at a 90° angle. To check the reliability of fastening, you can pull the hangers down, they should not fall out of their places. Next, profiles are installed at the required height. If the hangers have “ears”, i.e., an extra length of the sides, they need to be bent in the opposite direction so that they look inward and do not interfere with the sheathing process.
Gimbal with traction
Such fasteners are not used in ordinary apartments. Wire rod hangers are designed for structures with significant ceiling heights. For example, they can be seen in shopping centers, industrial premises, banquet halls.

The rod is a wire with a diameter of 4 mm. At one end it has a loop (eyelet), which is used to fix the suspension to the base with an anchor bolt. Less often, self-tapping screws are used for these purposes. The other end of the wire is fixed in the clamp. In this case, the suspensions for the profile can have a length of 50 and 100 cm. If you need less, then the excess is cut off. Thus, you can get any necessaryheight.
This type of suspension is used to work with CD-profile. It is used to assemble the frame under the false ceiling. The bearing capacity of 1 hanger is 25 kg. The profile is also fastened with clips.
Stud suspension
This is a strong steel wire, but, unlike the previous type, there is still a spring connecting the upper and lower parts. Here you can adjust the length with great precision. Therefore, such a suspension is especially popular when installing false ceilings. It allows you to create multi-level, inclined and domed structures.
Nonius hanger
Reinforced version that can carry a large load - up to 40 kg. Its design is quite simple. It is a channel with perforated shelves. The suspension consists of the upper and lower parts, which are connected by clamps. On the first one there is a fastener for ceiling beams, on the second one there is a latch for installing the profile.

Thanks to the composite design, the vernier hanger allows you to change and select the required height. At the right level, both parts are connected with a latch. The holes are located quite often, so you can select the length with great accuracy. These are very reliable hangers for the profile. The price for them, of course, will be slightly higher. So, one part of the vernier suspension (upper or lower) costs from 20 rubles and more.
They are used in industrial enterprises and in shops, shopping centers, cinema halls and other large premises. Rarely used in residential areasbecause due to the design features, the ceiling is lowered immediately for a long distance.
How to attach hangers for a profile
The general scheme for installing adjustable length hangers is similar for all types. The top or rod is installed first. It is attached to the ceiling with anchors. Then the profile is installed. Suspensions for the profile are installed for traction and inserted into the profile. Only after such preliminary fastening is the selection of the length of the wire and the final fixation of the structure.

Homemade hanger
Sometimes, for some reason, factory hangers for a profile do not fit or do not suit. In this case, you can make fasteners yourself. You need to take a piece of the profile of the required length and bend it in the form of the letter "G". Builders also call them "boots". The bearing capacity and rigidity of such a "home-made" is not inferior to factory products.