A band saw is an essential tool for sawing wood and metal materials. It is used both in industrial production and for individual needs.

Practically all woodworking enterprises have such a tool. A band saw is an integral part of such machines as band saws and sawmills. The working canvas is subjected to a special double hardening during its production. Each band saw has sharpened and set teeth. Such a cutting blade is capable of sawing even frozen and hard wood.
The band saw is available in several types (wide, narrow, for wood, for metal). It is not uncommon for professionals working in the woodworking industry to regrind them for use on special machines. This procedure significantly increases the working life of a wide cutting surface. A narrow canvas cannot be subjected to such a procedure, so it is used until it is completely worn out. The precise setting of the saw teeth guarantees high performance and excellent cut quality. Band-sawhas increased resistance to overheating, since additional heat treatment allows it to produce a straight cut. The cutting blade has a comfortable sequence of straight, right and left teeth that align well with sharpening equipment.

There is also a band saw for wood, which allows you to perform high-precision bevel and longitudinal cuts. They are often used for cutting stainless steel. Most often at home, a jigsaw is used. It is versatile and easy to use. Easily changing its saw blade, you can cut laminate, wood, chipboard, polymers, ceramics and metal.
Since not only wood products are used in various fields, but also from more durable materials, the industry also produces band saws for metal. Stepwise hardening gives them increased hardness. They are used for cutting plastics, organic glass and metals.

Many companies produce saw blades from medium alloy steel. As an alloying element, tungsten, molybdenum, chromium or vanadium is used. A band saw for metal made of this steel has a hardened edge of the working blade (by 0.6-0.8 cm of tooth height). Such a blade has a performance several times greater than that of carbon steel. There are three types of molybdenum band saw: for high-speed, contour and straight-line cutting. Cutting blades are divided into 3 types: for magnesium and aluminum alloys, for workpiecescast iron, for alloy steel.
The band saw is used on special machines designed for metalworking. Its use in this industry is the most promising type of resource-saving technologies. Continuous cutting and narrow kerf determine the main advantages of this cutting method: low energy consumption, minimal waste (chips), accurate workpieces, versatility of the processing method.