Probably the best invention for the woodworking industry was the band saw for wood, which allows you to cut the log as accurately as possible, while the amount of waste and chips is minimal.

To understand the importance of these saws, you need to go back in time for a moment. The old saws that were used for sawing wood were huge, had significant flaws, a large thickness of cut, a fixed gap, which made it possible to work effectively only with logs of a certain thickness. If the logs were thicker or thinner, then the amount of waste was simply amazing. But under the USSR, no one paid attention to such trifles, because raw materials were practically free.

The situation has changed radically with the advent of a market economy, because the tree had to be bought, and no one wanted to pay money for waste. The old sawmills were replaced by a band saw for wood. Due to its design, it can cut boards of any thickness, makes a minimum cut, resulting in huge savings in raw materials andthe ability to make boards for different workpieces. Also, band saws for wood are very compact, they can be easily transported to a new location to reduce the cost of shipping raw materials, and if they break, an ordinary locksmith can fix them.
The simplicity of the design that the band saw for wood has is simply amazing. This is a fixed base on which the log is attached, and a carriage with two drums on which the saw is pulled. The drums start spinning and the saw cuts, a medium-speed electric motor is enough for work. The carriage moves along the log and a board of the required thickness is cut off, the thickness of each subsequent board is adjusted by the operator, which allows obtaining the maximum quality of the product. Such band saws for wood are called horizontal. Their benefits are undeniable.

Besides this, the wood band saw can be vertical. Such options are used for working with small parts, as well as for cutting short logs. Here the design is slightly different, but also extremely simple. The saw on the drums rotates vertically, and the carriage with the clamp into which the material is inserted moves along it. This saw is much safer and more precise than other woodworking machines.
The band saw blade itself also needs constant care - sharpening and divorce. Sharpening is the simplest of operations with blades, it is carried out on a special machine, which is included in the set of a band saw for wood. The blade tooth setting determines the thickness of the cut, as well assawdust emission rate. Each tree has its own divorce standards, the minimum is 5 millimeters in each direction for hardwoods, the maximum is 25 millimeters for softwoods. Compliance with these standards guarantees a long service life of the blade, the quality of the products obtained, as well as the speed of work. When changing the web on the drums, you need to monitor the force of its tension in order to avoid product defects or web rupture.