The entrenching tool got its name from the German word "schanze", which means a military fortification or trench. It is provided for by the staff list of almost all military units and is intended for engineering work related to the construction of fortifications and park work.

Standard entrenching tool is a shovel, crowbar, pickaxe, axe, saw. It is further subdivided into two types. The first of them is called portable. It is a standard tool that attaches to military vehicles and can be used for construction, engineering and other types of work.
The second type of entrenching tool is a sapper shovel, or, as it is called, an infantry shovel. It is a portable entrenching tool that is issued to almost every soldier. Until 1939, this type included a small ax and a pickaxe, which also went into the equipment of soldiers. At the same time, the entire tool of this type was small in size for easy carrying.

Currently, the trench tool is used everywhere, and due to the fact that at one timethe majority of the male population of the country did military service, then this name also migrated to "citizen". At the same time, this name began to be called a construction and garden tool that requires significant use of physical strength and manual work. It includes shovels, axes, sledgehammers, saws and picks.
Almost all entrenching tools are equipped with wooden handles, which often break and fail during active work. Therefore, good craftsmen prefer to purchase only the metal parts of the instrument, and the handles are made on their own from hardwood. However, it should be noted that a very hard tree during work can transmit unnecessary vibrations into the hands of the worker, so the choice of breed must be approached thoroughly.

Also, the entrenching tool must be constantly maintained in proper condition. It must be protected from moisture (to avoid rust) and the work surface must be sharpened. Thanks to a well-sharpened tool, many soldiers have won entire battles using it as a melee weapon, and some special forces units are learning special combat techniques using sapper shovels.
In the household, entrenching tools are attracted everywhere, but it is the infantry shovel that enjoys great success. Due to its small size and ease of carrying, many motorists often carry it in the trunk, and when going out into the countryside, it is simply irreplaceable.
In the hands of a true master, a tool canperform real miracles. With the help of an ordinary ax, even in ancient times, carpenters made kitchen furniture, large houses and even ships that made long journeys. The tool has always been considered an essential item for survival and home improvement, so the real owner always has it in perfect condition.