In order to surprise and delight your loved ones with appetizing and tasty dishes, there are few quality products and skills. Kitchen furnishings and utensils for cooking are of great importance. Pots, stewpans, cauldrons and, of course, frying pans. Probably every housewife has her favorite, the best frying pan. And most likely not even alone. Indeed, in their characteristics and purpose, they are very diverse. And if such a kitchen helper has not yet been found, then it's time to make a choice.
Frying pan basics
When considering a wide range of frying pans, there are a few basic parameters that should be considered that are inherent in each appliance.
- Dno. It shouldn't be thin. The optimal thickness is about 5-6 mm. It is better if the diameter of the bottom of the pan matches the diameter of the burner on which the cooking process is supposed to take place. If the bottom is embossed, then the bulges should be as voluminous as possible. Compliance with thesesettings will allow you to waste less heat and evenly heat the food being cooked.
- Pen. Should not be too thin and light or thick and heavy. When buying, it is advisable to try the pan, hold it. The pen should fit comfortably in the palm of your hand and have a fairly smooth surface. Particular attention should be paid to attaching the handle to the pan, even if it is removable. There should be no loose feeling when moving.
- Weight. The pan should be of medium weight, regardless of its type. But the total volume and dimensions are determined based on the destination.

Choosing a frying pan for its intended purpose
When deciding which pan to choose, you need to consider its main purpose. Namely, it will be a universal frying pan or a frying pan for a specific dish.
- For stewing and simmering, a pan with thick walls and a thick bottom is better suited. It warms up slowly and evenly and also cools down slowly. Food is cooked at the optimum temperature for gentle cooking.
- For frying, a frying pan with thin walls and a fairly thin bottom is better. The required temperature is reached quickly, and the food is cooked as efficiently as possible.
Fry the bulk of the food, from meat to vegetables, best in a ceramic pan. And pancakes, pancakes and other flour products - on Teflon.
Choosing a frying pan by type of coating
Considering the various pans, you need totake into account that each is distinguished by a special type of surface coating. Choosing the right surface is important, as the best pans can only come with a quality finish.
Safe coating, especially durable for both cooking and care. Withstands high temperatures and provides uniform surface heating.
2. Teflon.
It has excellent non-stick properties. But at the same time, it requires careful care, as it becomes toxic when damaged.
3. Titanium.
Environmentally friendly coating. Wear resistant and very durable. The cost of such a frying pan is an order of magnitude higher than the average, but it fully pays for itself with the duration of use.
4. Enamelled.
Tested over the years and familiar to many. Such dishes are affordable, but the coating itself is fragile and easily deformed.
The most popular coatings today are ceramic and Teflon.

Ceramic coating
How to choose a good ceramic coated pan? By itself, any ceramic pan consists of an aluminum, steel or cast iron base. It has a ceramic coating on the outside. It is formed from chemically active substances. Can only be completely safe with proper use and care.
The main distinguishing feature of any ceramic frying pan is the ability to avoid the use of oils and fats in the cooking process. This type of non-stick coating allows you to fry meat, fish or stew vegetables without additional fat base.
Use and care of ceramic frying pan
Even the best ceramic pans require careful use and care. Otherwise, the pan from a faithful assistant can turn into a secret enemy for the he alth of the body.
- Wash and wipe such dishes only with soft sponges and rags. In order not to damage the surface, it is not recommended to use hard brushes and sponges. The cleaning agent must be neutral, without alkaline or acid additives.
- Don't experiment with extreme temperature changes. For example, put a heated pan on a chilled surface, and vice versa, a room temperature pan on a hot burner.
- Cutlery for cooking - spoons, spatulas - should not be metal. Silicone utensils are best.
Important! When thinking about how to choose a good ceramic frying pan, keep in mind that they are not designed for use on hobs and induction hobs.
Ceramic pan manufacturers
When choosing such a frying pan, be sure to find out who the manufacturer is. After all, the quality of the product depends on it.
The main thing to pay attention to: ceramic dishes cannot be cheap. A manufacturer (brand) offering "quality" ceramics for a penny should immediately arouse suspicion.
Popular manufacturers respecttheir customers and offer only high quality tableware.
The main leaders can be identified:
- Italian manufacturer TVS. Users respond positively, especially the affordable prices.
- Belgian company BEKA. It produces frying pans with a chrome-plated ceramic coating. It also combines affordable prices with decent quality.
- Japanese brand Patlon takes its place of honor among the preferences of buyers. There is every reason for this, as the pans are made of high quality aluminum and covered with the safest ceramics.
Kukmara, Rondell, Pensofal are also widely known.

Advantages and disadvantages of non-stick pans
There is an opinion that the Teflon coating of dishes is unsafe, and cooking in Teflon pans is undesirable. In fact, such beliefs are deceptive.
Manufacturers who respect themselves and their customers use only high-tech developments and thus offer the best non-stick pans.
The main thing to remember and always take into account is that non-stick Teflon pans can only be used at temperatures not exceeding 200 degrees. At temperatures exceeding the permissible maximum, Teflon begins to emit fumes that can really be harmful to he alth. Hence the statements about the harmfulness of this type of coating. But if you use the dishes with care, they will serve for a long time without causing absolutely any damage.harm.
As with ceramic pans, there are rules for using Teflon pans. And they are no different. The same soft sponges and gentle cleaners. The same silicone or wooden cooking utensils. Do not use frying pans with damaged Teflon coating.
Non-stick (Teflon) pan manufacturers
The leader among manufacturers of such pans is, of course, the French Tefal.
Quality, proven for decades, is only getting better these days. Customers trust the brand and speak only positively about Tefal frying pans.
Also well-known companies producing high-quality non-stick cookware are TVS already mentioned above and no less famous Kulinar, Burletti, Epicure, Ballarini. Users identify different positive qualities in each of the brands. This and a special compacted bottom at Ballarini. And a high-quality solid surface from almost all of the above manufacturers. One of the main advantages of each brand of cookware is the non-stick coating.

Choosing a frying pan according to its appearance and purpose
The whole wide range of dishes can be divided into categories. Frying pans differ in appearance and intended purpose.
There are universal frying pans of various sizes and volumes. But progress, as you know, does not stand still. And in the world of kitchen utensils as well. Manufacturers produce pans not only from various materials, but alsofor certain types of heat treatment and even for certain dishes.
Knowing the main types, it is much easier to decide which pan is better to choose.
The following types can be distinguished according to the material of manufacture:
- Cast iron.
- Steel.
- Titanium.
- Aluminum.
- Ceramic.
- Teflon.
One more interesting group of frying pans can be distinguished. Let's dwell on it in more detail.

Best pans - pancake, grill, WOK
How to bake delicious pancakes without burning your fingers and without worrying about the notorious first pancake lump? There is no secret. You just need to use a special frying pan - pancake. Such a frying pan has a thick and absolutely flat bottom and very low sides. Combined with the long handle, it's ideal for making pancakes, pancakes and omelettes with ease.
How to cook a fried, corrugated steak? Easily. The best grill pan will help with this. It has a specific ribbed bottom, thanks to which the products are not soaked through with oil and are perfectly fried, covered with a crispy crust. Most often, grill pans are rectangular in shape and have a noticeable weight.
Do you want a real exotic cuisine? It is not necessary to fly to Asian countries. You can cook dishes “with a twist” in a WOK pan. It has a specific shape - a flat narrow bottom and expanding edges. Mandatory part of the design - two handles. The wok is perfect for any stove andhob.

Having considered a large number of various materials, types, shapes of pans, you can make some rating of the most popular parameters, as well as figure out which pan is the best.
The most popular pan bases: cast iron, titanium, stainless steel, aluminum.
Most popular coatings: ceramic and Teflon.
Most popular types: pancake, grill, WOK.
Most common use: frying and stewing.
The most necessary additions: handle and lid.
The most important matches: the diameter of the bottom of the pan and burner, the type and material of the dishes and the type of stove.
Based on the main nuances noted, you can safely choose the necessary frying pan. And best of all, not one, but at least three, because with the help of one it is unlikely that you will be able to fully reveal your culinary talents.

Rating of the best producers
The most popular manufacturers of ceramic and Teflon frying pans that have won the trust of buyers have been considered above.
But you can also highlight other brands that are the benchmark for high-quality and decent dishes, including the best frying pans. These include:
- Tefal.
- Rondell.
- TVS.
- Kukmara.
- Ballirini.
- Swiss Diamond.
- Neva-Metal Crockery.
- Biol.
Which pan not to buy
Besides all the benefits and mainfeatures and functions that the best frying pans have, there are also unpleasant moments that are best avoided.
When choosing a frying pan, you need to carefully examine its inside and outside. On their surface there should be no chips, scuffs, scratches. If a drawing is applied, it must be evenly dyed and not erased when touched. If the bottom of the pan is embossed, the pattern should be uniform, without clearly visible or sunken fragments.
Additional items such as the lid and handle must also be of good quality, with no cracks or inconsistencies in the seams. Dishes should not smell bad.
Often low-quality goods are sold in promotions with tempting discounts. But defective dishes will not last long and are likely to cause damage to he alth.
When deciding to buy a frying pan and considering, for example, which ceramic frying pans are better or what is better to choose - a grill or a WOK, you need to weigh all the arguments. Well, if the opportunity allows, then you can replenish your rows of dishes with several frying pan recruits at once. The main thing is to choose dishes carefully and carefully.