Intex Pool Vacuum Cleaner - Overview of Facilities Cleaning Devices

Intex Pool Vacuum Cleaner - Overview of Facilities Cleaning Devices
Intex Pool Vacuum Cleaner - Overview of Facilities Cleaning Devices
intex pool vacuum cleaner
intex pool vacuum cleaner

You can fully relax only in a clean pool, which is why you need to take care of your own water body. Today, to clean all kinds of dirt that settle on the bottom and walls, use a vacuum cleaner to clean the pool.

Filtration equipment removes organic and mechanical impurities from water. Large debris floating on the surface is removed with a net, but these tools do not save from the need to remove the pool bowl. After all, the walls of such a reservoir are gradually covered with bloom, and the bottom is covered with sand.

Underwater vacuum cleaners are used today for the most efficient and efficient cleaning of the surface of the pool bowl. There are three types of them: manual, semi-automatic and an option for busy people - a robot vacuum cleaner for the pool, which will do all the work on its own, and even control itself.

The principle of operation of underwater vacuum cleaners is similar to the basic laws of their atmospheric counterparts. A special nozzle is connected to the hose and lowered to the bottom of the pool. Then shecreates a zone of low pressure, with the help of which it draws water in, then filters it, depositing debris in a special bag. Underwater "hard workers" vary in their capabilities depending on their purpose, so the choice is quite wide. You can find partially and fully automated systems, automatic, manual or remote controlled, small and large. In addition to these types, there are also specialized equipment designed for different types of pools, such as vacuum cleaners for prefabricated pools or systems for selective cleaning of walls or bottom.

The simplest, of course, are manual ones, a vivid example is the pool vacuum cleaner Intex 28062.

pool cleaner
pool cleaner

Devices of this type are usually equipped with only the most necessary tools - brushes, telescopic rods and corrugated hoses that remove dirt. Usually these hoses are connected directly to the pool skimmer, in some cases through an adapter. Thus, the water pumped out by the vacuum cleaner is directly fed into the filtration system, where, after all stages of cleaning, it returns to the pool without any extra particles.

Semi-automatic self-propelled guns are taken out in a separate class. As an example, consider the Intex 58948 pool vacuum cleaner. Devices of this type are equipped depending on which pools they are intended for - for prefabricated or for stationary structures. Some models are equipped with a suspension bag.

Intex automatic pool cleanerunlocks the next class of cleaning technique. These powerful and functional working units are able to independently clean the bottom of the pool without the inclusion of additional accessories.

pool cleaner robot
pool cleaner robot

Autonomous underwater vacuum cleaners are sophisticated machines that scan the bottom of the pool and clean it. Most models can effectively remove dirt from both the bottom and sides of the bowl. You can't go wrong with an Intex pool cleaner, as this company produces only high-quality equipment.
