The toilet bowl in modern life is a common household item. He is not given any special place in life. The only thing he regularly receives is timely cleaning of the outer surface. But at the moment of failure of the named element of plumbing, its importance for the normal existence of people is sharply indicated. What to do if the toilet is not flushing well?
First of all, you should understand the causes of the breakdown. Regardless of the model, design, manufacturer and other factors, the reasons why the toilet does not flush well are the same in most cases:
- One of the most unexpected reasons is the design of the bowl. There are certain models - very beautiful from an aesthetic point of view and much less pleasant from a practical point of view. In some of them, the shape of the main bowl simply does not allow you to wash off the waste efficiently.
- Float skew (this happens both on old and relatively new plumbing devices).
- Clogged drain or blockagedrain tank is the most common cause.
- Enamel damage can also cause the toilet to flush poorly.
- Not enough water in the tank.
All of the above are the main causes, but there may be other problems.

In order to correctly identify the reasons why the toilet does not flush well, and find the right solutions, you need to know how plumbing works.
Toilet is a bowl with a flush tank connected to it. The material from which it is made can amaze the imagination - from glass to cast iron. There are both floor-standing and hanging models, the tank of which is built into the wall.
According to the variation of the flush, the toilets are divided into cascade, with a horizontal drain of water and a shower, where the drain is vertical.

Another point of difference is the type of descent. There are only 3 of them, but they are all different:
- The most famous is the horizontal descent. This is a modern subspecies. Found in almost all houses built since perestroika.
- Slope drain (mostly 35° to 45° pipe inclination) is also quite common. Similar solutions are found in the so-called Khrushchev.
- The last (vertical descent) is the rarest species to date. It was used in Stalin-era houses. The vertical descent is undeservedly forgotten, but this method allows you to wash off with the highest quality, making it possible to descend with a large pressure of water.
If everything is relatively clear with toilet bowls, then the cistern device should be considered in detail.

After all, it is often in it that the reasons for poor flushing of the toilet are hidden. Ways to solve the problem can be determined only after studying its device.
Types of tanks
They, like the toilet itself, can be made of different materials. If the plumbing is one-piece, then the tank, respectively, is made of the same material. But there are models where the tank and the toilet seat are not connected by a single design, and their material is different. However, this is not the only difference, and we will dwell on them in more detail.
Mechanism types
It's pretty simple. Mechanisms are lateral and top. This is the drain button that opens the valve that keeps the water in.

The button is located at the top of the reservoir lid, or on the side of it. The side mechanism pulls the lever, which in turn lifts the valve. And the upper mechanism lifts the rubber pear, which restrains the pressure of water. There are also various methods of descent devices. These are the usual mechanical ones, when the water is drained by direct contact with the drain button, or automatic, where the whole process takes place without user intervention.
Types of installation of the drain tank:
- The most common option - the tank is fixed above the toilet seat or it is a monolithic structure, where the tank and the toilet seat are one.
- Modern type of installation - built-in. The tank is mounted on the wall. Outside, onlycontrol buttons.
- The rarest is the installation of a drain tank at the top, almost under the ceiling. This is a vertical release option.
Components of the tank
This is a container made of various materials, in which the main structural elements are located:
- float;
- float valve;
- rubber bulb;
- device levers;
- overflow device.
All parts can be of special shapes and sizes, made of different materials, but the principle of operation remains the same. Each component is very important. For example, if the control lever breaks, this will cause poor flushing of the toilet. And this part can be repaired exclusively in conjunction with all the details of the tank.
The toilet does not flush well: what to do?
Having determined the cause of the breakdown, in most cases you can fix it yourself. It is clear that the design of the bowl cannot be fixed in any way. In this situation, it remains either to put up with the problem that the toilet does not flush well, or to replace it.
The skew of the float is very easy to eliminate. It is enough to open the tank lid, give the float the necessary position with your hands, and the problem is solved.
If the reason that the toilet does not flush well is a clogged drain, the water from the tank will drain without pressure. The cause of blockage can be limescale or various impurities in the discharged water. The easiest way to eliminate it is to pour chemicals into the tank for the intended purpose, carefully reading the instructions and strictly following the instructions.

But chemicals lead to accelerated wear of the rubber parts of the plumbing structure. There is a more gentle method: pour several packs of citric acid overnight, leaving about a liter of water in the tank.
If the enamel is damaged, it is quite possible to restore the toilet bowl. The bowl can be puttied and covered with a new layer of enamel. But before that, it is worth considering the need for such a repair. The restoration of the bowl is not durable enough. Regardless of how and who restores it, the best solution to this problem is to replace the damaged toilet with a new one.

If there is not the required amount of water in the tank, the first thing to do is to find the cause of the shortage. The problem may be in the valve. In this case, you need to adjust or clean it.
If water does not enter the tank at all, then a set of measures must be taken to eliminate the malfunction. So, be sure to clean the wiring to the toilet. It is better to carry out this procedure with two people, as this is a process of medium complexity. Then clean the tank using the methods described above and check the he alth of the constituent components. Even if they are not the cause of such a breakdown, they can move with a sudden supply of water.
Minor problems
Inlet hose may cause poor flushing. Having disconnected the hose from the tank, you need to direct the free end into the container and open the water supply. If there is pressure, then the hose is working. If not, you should replace it.
When installing a toilet bowl, it is necessary to properly organize the workcomponents of the tank, because if the parts are not connected tightly enough, water will continuously pour into the bowl. If you overdo it with fixation, the flow of fluid will be weakened.
If water continuously flows into the bowl, and after checking the fastening, the toilet still does not flush well, the float may be damaged. If the latter is damaged in the body, water gets into it, makes it heavier, and the supply valve is ajar all the time. It is enough just to get the float, drain the water, find the damaged place and repair it. Then you can put the float in place.
Damage of the flush button occurs due to a broken rod. You can build such a part with your own hands, or purchase and install a new one. Also, the reason may be in the fastening of the elements.

Preventive measures
Let's list the rules, the implementation of which will extend the service life of the toilet:
- To make blockages less frequent, and the parts wear out less, the toilet bowl and the bowl itself must be closed with lids. This will increase the service life of plumbing at times.
- The system must be cleaned not only from the outside, but also from the inside. About once every few months it is worth carrying out preventive cleaning.
- It is important to control the operation of the drain tank and monitor the condition of the components in it. A problem noticed in time can significantly reduce the possible consequences of a breakdown.
- It is necessary to use modern means to protect against limescale and hard water. For example, various powderspoured into the tank, special tablets for the tank and others. As a bonus, these products are mostly antibacterial and have a pleasant smell.
So, we found out how the named plumbing fixture works and what to do if it does not work well. Following simple tips, you can prevent an unexpected breakdown of the device, eliminate the existing problem without resorting to the help of narrow specialists and save a considerable part of the family budget. Knowing the principle of operation and the device of an item, you can correctly operate and maintain it.