When planning to renovate a room or a whole house, owners want to get the desired paint color, but getting it is not always easy. And in this case, color will come to the rescue - this is the most optimal way to obtain the desired shade.
Features of choice
Many customers of hardware stores are interested in the question: "What is color?". The answer is quite simple and clear. Kohler is a product characterized by a rich and contrasting color, which subsequently gives the paint the desired unique shade. Kohler is characterized by:
- maximum ease of application;
- fast drying;
- excellent light fastness;
- wide range of shades;
- high adhesion to various types of surfaces (wood, brick, concrete, etc.).

The color selection process is more complicated than it seems at first glance. Even for professionals with years of experience, accurately creating the desired shade requires considerable effort. A color and shade chart available at most hardware stores will help you make your choice with ease. However, one should not forget the influenceroom lighting: the brightness of the light when choosing a color scheme should match the brightness of the lighting in the room where the painting is carried out. Neglecting this factor results in a different shade than you planned.
Coloring methods
There are two ways to achieve the desired shade of paint using color:
- self tinting;
- mixing paint with color with a tinting machine.
The choice of one or another method of obtaining color depends on a number of factors. For example, it would be advisable to use a tinting device in order to obtain a large amount of paint: a special computer program independently calculates the amount and volume of color to give the desired shade. In the case of using the manual mixing method, it is almost impossible to achieve the same result and get the desired shade again.

Tinting at home is often carried out if it is necessary to create a complex color (consisting of several colors and shades) or when selecting a shade for existing interior elements. In any case, the use of color is an opportunity to get the desired shade to transform the room.
Subtleties of self-tinting
Before mixing color with paint, you must study the instructions in detail and follow the requirements for the time of action. It must be remembered that the connection should be made no more than 120 minutes before the moment of painting or immediately beforehim. Violation of this color mixing rule is the risk of sedimentation of the added pigment and subsequent distortion of the structure of the finished paint.

Thoroughly mix the color with a small amount of white paint, then pour the resulting mixture into the bulk of the paint. It is necessary to mix in circular continuous movements. In this way, the mixture will be as homogeneous as possible.
Benefits at a glance
In order to make the right choice of universal tinting paste, you should study a number of its advantageous features:
- after application, a film does not form on the surface of the material and its thickening is excluded;
- versatility in use;
- possibility to combine with binding dyes;
- presence of resistance to low temperatures;
- high moisture resistance.
The use of tinting paste will significantly increase the color gamut in the paint structure.
Types of colors
The color scheme is combined with the paint with or without a binder.
Types of tinting paste without binders:
- pigment type, which is widely used in wood processing (primers, impregnation);
- water-based solvent-thinned type;
- alkyd, whitewash, water-dispersion, oil types of pastes;
- pastes for enamel with polyurethane, organosilicon compounds.
In the process of adding color to paint formulations, it is necessary to carry out the most accurate calculation of the ratioaspect ratio:
- If there is an oil composition in the paints, the tinting paste included in the structure should have a proportion of no more than 1.5%.
- Water-based paint formulations should contain no more than 20% paste in the final formulation.
- Other paint types may contain approximately 5% of this material.
Insignificant percentage of color to the composition of the colorful material affects only the color tone.

The disadvantages of some types of tinting paste are: instability to chemical compounds and ultraviolet radiation (however, acrylic color is highly resistant to ultraviolet radiation). The pigment with the presence of an inorganic base is very resistant to external influences, but color saturation is noticed. The cost of the material will depend on the area of use of the material and the type of pigments in its composition.
Choosing a color scheme of one type or another is an action that depends solely on the preferences, needs and capabilities of the user. In any case, compliance with all the rules for the acquisition, breeding and use of this pigment will allow repair work to be carried out as quickly and efficiently as possible.