Types of pipes: overview, specifications, installation features and reviews

Types of pipes: overview, specifications, installation features and reviews
Types of pipes: overview, specifications, installation features and reviews

When piping is being laid, the longevity and reliability of the system is determined by the choice of pipes. They must have a long service life, as well as show resistance to corrosion. Another important factor is the affordable price. Almost all types of pipes that are offered today on the modern market meet the listed requirements to one degree or another. However, they must be selected taking into account the purpose and diameter.

Main types of steel pipes

types of pipes
types of pipes

When considering the types of steel pipes, it is important to pay attention to the method of their manufacture. In the production process, it is possible to obtain welded or seamless products. The latter variety has higher reliability, but the cost will also be higher. Steel pipes are characterized by:

  • plasticity;
  • lower weight;
  • strength;
  • abilityendure high internal pressure.

The size of such products is determined by the internal conditional passage. All types of steel pipes have one big drawback, which is low corrosion resistance. Manufacturers are trying to eliminate this disadvantage by applying an anti-corrosion coating or introducing alloying additives at the production stage, which make it possible to obtain stainless pipes.

Considering the types of pipes that are made of steel, galvanized ones should be distinguished, which do not need additional protection. Staining should be done only in those places where the thread has been applied. Galvanized products are sometimes also called tin, they are used for arranging drainage, heating systems and water pipes.

Considering the types of pipe connections, it should be noted that electric welding acts as the most suitable method for steel products. The weldability of pipes is reduced if the chemical composition contains a large amount of carbon. This process can also be hindered by the zinc coating.

Main types of metal pipes

types of steel pipes
types of steel pipes

Specialists in their field should be aware of the types of metal pipes, among them should be highlighted:

  • aluminum;
  • copper;
  • steel;
  • cast iron;
  • titanium.

They are used today in almost all areas of industry. Pressure and non-pressure products are made from black tubular products, which can become part of lightly loaded orpower metal structures. Such products are also used for arranging air ducts and casings. They are characterized by high ring stiffness, as well as the ability of high resistance to longitudinal and transverse loads. These types of pipes are not without drawbacks, which are expressed in susceptibility to corrosion and high cost.

Features of the installation of metal pipes

types of profile pipes
types of profile pipes

When assembling metal structures and pipelines, four main methods of processing joints are used:

  • soldering;
  • socket connection;
  • welding;
  • threaded connection.

Welding and soldering are inseparable, and the latter type of processing is practiced in lightly loaded systems. This should include domestic heating or measuring instruments. With the help of welding, impressive results can be achieved. This mounting method is used not only in industry, but also in everyday life.

Other types of pipes can be mounted using detachable connections, this should include the socket and thread. In the latter case, the ends and fittings are made with finished threads. The profile can be trapezoidal or triangular.

The end is installed in the fitting, and the joint should be supplemented with a lock nut with a seal. The socket is installed even easier; for this, a smooth end is inserted into the end of the fitting. The resulting joint should be insulated with a sealing solution or use a cable, which is a resin rope.

Varieties of profile pipes

types of metal pipes
types of metal pipes

If you are interested in the products described in the article, you should also consider the types of profile pipes. In form they are:

  • square;
  • flat oval;
  • rectangular;
  • oval.

Each variety has a specific area of use. For example, flat oval has high flexibility, which allows the use of such pipes in the furniture industry, where there is often a need for the manufacture of decorative elements.

Square and rectangular types of profile pipes have dimensions that are convenient to use when constructing structures laid on a flat surface. Such pipes are used as building reinforcement and when creating spacer frame structures.

Main types of plastic pipes

types of pipe connection
types of pipe connection

Types of plastic pipes are presented today for sale in a wide range, among them should be highlighted:

  • PVC.
  • PP.
  • PE.
  • REH.

The first abbreviation stands for polyvinyl chloride, while the second one suggests polypropylene pipes. The designation PE indicates that you have polyethylene pipes in front of you, while wired propylene is indicated by three letters - PEX. The last of the symbols mentioned above indicates metal-plastic pipes.

Plastic pipe specifications

diameters types of pipes
diameters types of pipes

Having examined all types of steel pipes, you can get acquainted with plastic products in more detail. For example, polypropylene pipes can be four meters long, while the diameter varies from 16 mm to 1.25 m.

Pipes are connected with fittings or with the help of special equipment called a thermoplastic welding machine. Polyethylene pipes are used for the installation of external and internal pressure piping systems. The value of the standard pressure is 6 atmospheres, which is true for pipes with the designation "C". The pressure increases to 10 atmospheres when it comes to pipes marked "T".

If we compare these types of pipes, it can be argued that polyethylene products must be laid even at the lowest temperature, when the thermometer drops to -20 ° C. When the diameter varies from 20 to 63 mm, then the products are connected to each other with rubber seals or rings. Couplings for electric welding can be used.

When the diameter increases to 60 mm and reaches 160 mm, the connection is made exclusively by butt welding. Now you know the diameters, types of pipes, but it is important to know when considering plastic products that they can be divided into low and high pressure pipes. Non-pressure have a diameter ranging from 50 to 110 mm. Such pipes are used for laying sewer systems.

Reviews on cast pipes PEX

types of steel pipes
types of steel pipes

According to buyers, such cross-linked polyethylene pipesused for heating and water supply systems. They are laid by the method of connecting parts. These pipes are quite widespread for the installation of underfloor heating systems and snow melting. To prevent the penetration of oxygen into the pipes, consumers are advised to cover them with a diffusion barrier.

Reviews on metal-polymer pipes

These pipes were invented not so long ago, but have already gained popularity. They first appeared in England, and today consumers use them quite often. They are made from materials with the addition of heat-resistant polyethylene, ordinary polyethylene and aluminum. Buyers choose multilayer pipes because they are able to withstand heavy loads.

You can even use them for systems that will come into contact with drinking water. A slight thermal expansion is acceptable during their operation. Buyers emphasize that there are almost no external changes and wear during use. They can be connected in one of two ways, namely by pressing and screwing.

Features of installation of polypropylene pipes

Such pipes should be fixed to the walls with clamps, threading products through them. It is important to remember that when arranging heating systems, polypropylene pipes should not be brought to boiler equipment. Their connection is carried out using transition fittings that mate with a metal pipe. The length of the latter should be 0.5 m.

If we compare welded joints with screw joints, then the former are not serviceable, namelytherefore, such products can be laid inside the wall. However, beforehand, the system is checked for tightness and reliability. The same recommendation applies to terminations made with crimp inserts.


Cast iron pipes are still quite common today. But recently they have been abandoned in favor of products made from more modern materials, which were described above.

This is due to the specific features of cast iron, because it is not recommended for use in soft soils, as well as areas where seismic hazard is high. Among other things, such pipes have an impressive weight, their fragility is increased, and a lot of metal is spent on manufacturing. Making pipes of small diameter is problematic at all.
