Friends, we put the necessary things in a shoulder bag and retire to the forests to spend time alone with nature, listen to the rustle of leaves, the light breath of the wind, watch the flight of birds and fall asleep to the quiet whisper of nature.

To build a house on trees and feel complete happiness from unity with nature, you need a small clearing with a large tree - oak, pine, maple, beech and any other strong plant will do. If the house is being built in the country, then a couple of branchy trees will be just right, so do not rush to clear the site of them. Even if there are only fruit trees nearby, you can build a tree house with your own hands on them. The essential element is a great desire. It may take a week or more to furnish a home. It is necessary to plan your actions, but the most important thing is not to deviate from what was planned, even if something does not work out the first time.

First you need to figure out what you want to get in the end. As a rule, tree houses are built exclusively for children, but then adults themselves move into a cozy nest. You can build a house on high supports to watch the movement of clouds through the foliage. The general appearance and shape of the building depends on personal wishes.
As one tree differs from another, so one house certainly does not resemble others. The structure can be installed around the trunk or make a suspended house, fixed between several trees. You will have to climb up the rope ladder, which is attached to a large branch. Unfortunately, this option will not be convenient for older people. If the trunk allows, then you can make a wooden staircase, such as a spiral one.

A prerequisite for a tree house is the presence of a veranda or balcony so that you can put a deck chair, a small table for tea drinking, a chest for warm blankets and socks that will come in handy on a cool evening. The house should have a kitchen, a bedroom and a play area. Here you can relax, drinking hot tea with juniper twigs, listen to an old vinyl record. The optimal location of the house above the ground is about 3 meters. It is better to mount the structure on the bottom of the tree so that it is not blown away by strong winds. Be sure to leave a small distance from the trunk.

To make life in the tree house more comfortable,all communications should be done. You can do this offline. This will require a generator (diesel or alternative energy sources), as well as a dry closet, a water collection tank (rain), etc. Or bring amenities from nearby housing. You will also need materials for insulation.
You should choose a tree that is old enough, but not very old. It must be absolutely he althy, not twisted. A local forester will help you find the right specimen.
It is necessary that all fasteners, on which the load from the weight of the structure is distributed, be reliable and flexible enough. If the building is attached between the branches, they must be able to swing freely. Before building a tree house, you should contact the local administration: some permits may be needed to build the building. They may contain certain nuances, for example, height restrictions.

It is better to start building a house in the middle of spring, but you need to prepare for this event in advance. In winter, draw detailed sketches, purchase materials, tools, etc. At the same time, take a photo of the selected tree, determine its structure, visually imagine where exactly the building will be located. Before spring, it is advisable to clear the entrance to the tree from dead vegetation. And in the spring, when the first leaves appear and fresh branches grow, it will be possible to make additional adjustments to the design of the building and proceedto an interesting and enjoyable building process.