The construction process involves strict adherence to certain standards and rules. They were developed for more than one year. The exact calculation and experience of the builders made it possible to create clear rules for each stage of construction.
Almost every home needs a ladder. Depending on the type of building, it can be either a small screw or a wide mid-flight. But for each such object, certain rules must be observed. When choosing the angle of inclination of the stairs, pay attention to some parameters of the room. This allows you to create a comfortable object. It is convenient to climb and descend on such a ladder. The process of its creation will be discussed further.
General concept of tilt
Many years of experience of builders suggests that the most comfortable angle of inclination of stairs is considered to be from 30 to 45 degrees. However, convenience is not the only parameter that you have to rely on when building such an architectural element. Limited space also affects the angle of the stairs.

A spiral staircase is preferable if the room is notis of considerable size. Marching varieties require sufficient space. Indeed, to create a comfortable slope, a span will be required, which will take up significant space.
Steep stairs are not only inconvenient, but also dangerous. If the angle is more than 45 degrees, the climb will be difficult for children and the elderly. Such stairs are acceptable in a country house if they are not used very often.
If the slope angle exceeds 50 degrees, it will be possible to climb it only with the help of hands. This causes some inconvenience.
Max Tilt
There is a maximum value in (tilt angle) degrees for each kind of object. Stairs are household, side, ramps, utility or evacuation. For internal purposes, a slope of less than 30 degrees is almost never used.
The maximum angle for domestic objects that are inside living spaces is 45 degrees. For ramps, this figure is even less. When creating such an object, it is unacceptable to tilt the plane more than 30 degrees.

But for ladders, the maximum slope can reach almost 75 degrees. But in a residential area such an architectural object is of little use. Also, evacuation stairs can have a slope of more than 75 degrees. But these are specific varieties. Therefore, the maximum slope of 45 degrees for residential premises should be taken into account. A slight increase in this parameter is allowed only in conditions of verylimited space.
In order for the angle of inclination of the stairs to the second floor to be comfortable both during ascent and descent, it is necessary to take into account not only the maximum, but also the minimum inclination. If the dimensions of the room allow, you can tilt the plane from 40 degrees.
But even with a sufficiently large area of the room, the stairs should not be tilted less than 30 degrees. The ascent will be comfortable, but the descent will be quite difficult and even dangerous.

To avoid such troubles, you should make calculations before erecting. You also need to pay attention to the railings. If there are more than three steps in the design, this element of the stairs is simply necessary. Comfort is increased by the same step size.
Settlement system
Choosing the optimal angle of inclination of the stairs, it is necessary to make a certain calculation. To do this, take into account the bearing capacity of the elements of the entire structure. They are divided into cantilever or single-span beams. Then certain formulas are applied.

Staircase is a system that is subjected to dynamic loads. Therefore, attention should be paid to the rigidity of all elements. Their deflection should not exceed 1/400 of the span. When calculating the loads, they are summed up by combining the weight of structural elements and live loads. A residential building requires compliance with this indicator at the level of 300 kg / sq. m.
When making calculations, you shouldtake into account that twice the height of each step, added to its width, is equal to the average human step. This indicator must be taken into account. The step of a person on a plane is 60-64 cm.
When studying the question of how to calculate the angle of inclination of the stairs, it is necessary to consider the generally accepted technology. This will help you choose the slope of the plane correctly. In the process of carrying out the calculation, the above-mentioned indicator of the length of a person's step when walking calmly is used.
Each flight of steps is considered separately. The number of steps, as well as their height, is taken into account. This is a fairly simple calculation technology. The ideal step height is in the range of 15 to 18 cm. Their width should be from 28 to 30 cm. The size of the feet of people who will often climb the stairs is taken into account.

Taking into account the given indicators, the calculation will be made according to the following formula:
2x + y=580 / 660, where x is the height of the step, y is its width.
The lower the step is lower, the wider it will be in a particular flight of stairs. This is the standard.
Based on the above data, you can calculate the angle of inclination of the stairs. For this, a simple technology is used. The stairs are represented in the form of a right triangle. Its height and width are the legs, and the flight of stairs is the hypotenuse. Initially, you should determine the required and actually existing place, which will take the width of the stairs in the room.
Definingparameters (step depth) and the number of steps, they are taken into account. The first indicator is multiplied by the second. The result is the length of the horizontal projection of the span.
Next, we consider such a parameter as free space in the room, which the stairs can take. If the calculated value matches the real one, you can move on. If the parameters do not match, it is necessary to carry out a correction.
Calculation of length and angle of inclination
The length of a flight of stairs in the construction business is called a bowstring. When calculating the angle of inclination of the stairs in the house, you can use the well-known Pythagorean theorem. After all, the staircase is nothing more than a right triangle.

The legs are already known thanks to previous calculations. The height of the stairs is the height of the ceilings in the room. By substituting all the values into the known formula, you can get the length of the flight of stairs.
To calculate the angle of inclination, you will also need mathematical formulas. The sine of an angle is found by dividing the object's height by the span length. Further, using the table, the result is compared and the actual slope of the stairs is determined.
If you wish, you can use various programs that quickly, and most importantly, accurately calculate the result when you enter the appropriate parameters.
GOST rules
When determining a convenient angle of inclination of the stairs, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of GOST and SNiP. Their main provisions make it clear that in a house with more than two floors, it should be single-span. The width of such structures is at least 80 cm. If 2 people pass through it at the same time, this figure increases to 1 m.
The number of steps of one march should be from 3 to 18 pieces. It is better to make the number of steps odd. It is more convenient for people to start and finish the movement with the same foot.
The angle of inclination of the plane should be in the range from 45 to 26 degrees. If this indicator is more than 50 degrees, objects of the attached type are used. A slope of less than 5 degrees does not require steps.
Some expert advice
Having correctly determined the angle of inclination of the stairs, you need to consider a few more tips. They will help to create a design that is not only convenient, but also safe. Experienced builders recommend making steps of the same height.

Otherwise, a person (especially at night) may stumble and fall. This is due to the fact that muscle memory tells you that there should now be a step at a certain height. With this in mind, the weight of the body is transferred to the leg, but suddenly there is no step under it. Even a small difference (only 2-3 cm) can cause injury. You can twist your leg or even slide down the stairs. This is fraught with multiple injuries.
If the ceiling height is non-standard, it is allowed to lower the floor level of the upper platform slightly below the main floor level. In this case, you should not leave a step. A small ramp compensates for the rise.
Familiarizing yourself with the technology of how to choose the right angle of inclinationstairs, you can create a comfortable and safe object for almost any room.