Household gas meters for apartments and houses

Household gas meters for apartments and houses
Household gas meters for apartments and houses

In many houses and apartments there are household appliances that run on gas. This natural resource came into our lives a long time ago, but at the moment it is not free, and many are wondering how to make its consumption or payment minimal. Indeed, especially in winter, in the presence of heating gas boilers, resource consumption and payment for its consumption increase significantly. Plates and columns consume it much less. Now household gas meters help to take into account and economically use this type of natural material, by installing which you can not worry about overspending and overpaying for this valuable and necessary natural fuel.

household gas meters
household gas meters

If a gas pipeline is connected to a house, apartment or country house, and there are household appliances that run on this fuel, then it would be better for the owners' house to install household gas meters. These special devices help to accurately record the amount of natural resource consumed by residents.

In today's market, you can see a wide variety of produced counters, both domestic and foreignmanufacturers. But they also differ from each other in terms of manufacturing and the principle of operation. Household gas meters can be installed in suitable places inside the premises with household appliances, as well as outside. It all depends on the architecture of the buildings and the desires and capabilities of the owners.

Types and varieties of counters

Household gas meters differ in manufacturing, principle of operation, direction of fuel supply and throughput.

Membrane counters have a metal case, an eight-digit counting mechanism, in which the rotation from the membrane is transmitted using a magnetic coupling. The material of the internal parts of the meter is not susceptible to corrosion, which makes its operation reliable, continuous and long-term. These devices are light in weight, compact in size and protected against external magnetic influence. Upon individual order, these meters can be equipped with a device that generates pulse signals for remote reading. The throughput of meters is from 2.5 to 6 m³ per hour.

household gas meters
household gas meters

Household diaphragm gas meters have two chambers separated by impenetrable diaphragms. With a difference in resource pressure at the inlet of the counter and the outlet of the diaphragm, reciprocating movements are made, and with the help of a kinematic device, the adder rollers are forced to rotate. Meter parts are made of high-quality plastic, which makes them lighter in weight and oversized. The meters are fire resistant and operate in temperature conditions from -40° to +60°С. They pass from 2.5 to 6 cubic meters per hour. meters of fuel. Can be equipped with remote reading systems.

household gas meter
household gas meter

Rotary devices with the help of magnetic transmission of the rotation of the rotors during the passage of the gas flow are transmitted to the reading mechanism. The case is made of steel, cast iron or aluminum, and the meters are volumetric by type. Like previous models of devices, they also work efficiently at low pressures of the supplied natural resource. The household rotary type gas meter operates at temperatures from -40 ° to + 70 ° С and passes 0.5 - 1000 cubic meters. meters per hour, depending on the model.

When purchasing the selected household appliance and then installing it, it is advisable to consult with gas service specialists.
