Household gas meters: how to choose? Specifications and reviews

Household gas meters: how to choose? Specifications and reviews
Household gas meters: how to choose? Specifications and reviews

Meters for electricity and water have long and firmly entered our lives. Now it's time for household gas appliances. How to choose the right meter specifically for your home, how to calculate the throughput, which companies produce the best household gas meters? How to choose them and not make a mistake?

household gas meters how to choose
household gas meters how to choose

Is it necessary?

Now many are arguing about significant savings when installing meters. On the one hand, some say that the installation of metering devices in apartments where one stove is installed is not advisable, since such a device will pay off in at least 5 years. On the other hand, people who installed meters report significant savings in gas bills.

electronic household gas meters
electronic household gas meters

At the same time, we are talking about a fairly significant figure, about 25-50%, because you pay for the amount of gas actually consumed, which, for example, is extremely beneficial for those who move to their country house in the summer. And for those who use instantaneous water heaters for heating water or live in a private house where boilers are used for heating, it is worthwhile to install a household gas flow meter as soon as possible. Also appliancesaccounting will help those who have more people registered in the apartment than they actually live. Savings in this case will be quite significant.

Varieties of counters

Now there are four main types of gas meters on the market: membrane, vortex, rotary and turbine. Membrane metering devices divide the flow into shares and summarize the flow using various elements. The clear advantages of this type of meters include their low price, as well as a fairly high accuracy of readings. However, membrane meters cannot withstand constant and variable loads. Most of the household meters currently installed are of the membrane type. It is worth noting that at present gas meters are household, their technical characteristics have taken significant steps in simplifying installation work, and this is primarily due to a decrease in overall dimensions.

household gas meters grand
household gas meters grand

The rotational type of meters is resistant to overloads, durable, and also has a sufficiently large throughput with small dimensions and weight. As a converting element, eight-shaped rotors are used in it. True, such a device is made of expensive materials, it requires a long adjustment of parts, of course, it is much more expensive than other types.

In turbine meters, the turbine wheel is driven by the gas flow, therefore, the number of revolutions is directly proportional to the volume of gas passed. Recently, such counters are equipped with modems for transmitting information to service servers.gas metering.

The vortex counter needs an external power supply, so it is not very convenient in everyday life. Such meters can be appreciated by industrial enterprises, since their main advantages include a large measurement range, especially at high pressure, and low sensitivity to pollution. Also, the main gradation of meters can be considered their division at the place of installation: household, industrial and household. Of course, it is very conditional.

household gas meters reviews
household gas meters reviews


So, you have decided to purchase household gas meters for your home. How to choose the right device for you in accordance with the gas equipment you have installed? Let's look at the line of meters and its relationship with the marking of the meter, depending on the throughput. The gas meter installed on one device will be marked G 1, 6, that is, its throughput is up to 2.5 cubic meters of gas per hour. Counter G 2, 5 skips up to four cubes of gas. The small-sized household gas meter G 4 is quite suitable for an apartment with a stove and a column, its throughput is up to six cubic meters. Etc. The counter with the number 6 in the marking will skip up to 10 cubic meters. meters, with the number 10 - up to 16 cubic meters. And finally, there is a meter for private houses with a large number of appliances - G 16, with a throughput of up to 25 cubic meters of gas.

Pay attention

When purchasing household gas meters, people's reviews must be taken into account. Users sayabout equipment errors. They encounter them already at the stage of installation of metering devices or after a conversation with representatives of gas services. Before purchasing a meter, pay attention to the location of gas appliances and the entire pipeline, as manufacturers create meters with different directions of gas flow. Residents of private houses should think about purchasing a meter with a thermal corrector. A mechanism with a bimetallic compensator is installed in the design. At an ambient temperature that differs from the norm, it changes volumes and brings them to normal conditions. This, in turn, significantly reduces the meter reading. All these conditions will be met if the meter is installed outdoors and exposed to temperature effects.

Counters "Grand"

As the main counters installed now, perhaps, several successful models can be distinguished. Household gas meters "Grand" are produced in a complete line - from household ones with a minimum throughput to models with a throughput of up to 25 cubic meters. meters with thermocorrectors. One of the main advantages of the devices of this company can be considered the ability to install it both in a horizontal and vertical position, which, of course, is convenient in most kitchens in our country. The service life of the device is about 12 years.

small-sized household gas meter
small-sized household gas meter

The calibration interval is also 12 years. A battery is installed in the counter housing for the operation of the electronic display. To mount this instrumentgas metering, it is not necessary to carry out welding work on gas pipelines, which will significantly reduce the cost of work. In addition to technical advantages, the manufacturer also took care of the aesthetics of this device. Counters "Grand" are produced in three basic colors (white, orange and black). Feedback from the owners of the device suggests that such household gas meters (electronic mechanisms) are extremely convenient in terms of placement and significantly save gas costs. At the same time, installation costs pay off within a fairly short time, of course, if you have at least two devices installed.

Meters "Betar"

Grande's direct competitor is gas metering devices manufactured under the Betar brand. This device is also quite compact, small overall dimensions allow you to place it without violating the aesthetics of the room, and at the same time comply with all necessary standards. The meter is made of plastic and has a trapezoidal shape. Betar household gas meters operate in approximately the same temperature range as Grands. They also install the appropriate battery, but here lies the difference.

household gas meters betar
household gas meters betar

The first Betar models were equipped with an element that failed after 5-6 years. In any case, it is with such reviews that you can encounter on the Internet about the first models of metering devices of this company. Otherwise, with regard to the declared service life and the calibration interval, the indicators"Betarov" is in no way inferior to the parameters of the "Grand" counters. The obvious advantages of this meter include its "immunity" to various electromagnetic influences.

Filing an application for the installation of a metering device

So, you have decided to install household gas meters on your appliances. How to choose an organization to avoid unnecessary problems? It is worth remembering the dangerous properties of gas and in this case you should not save. In this case, it is easier and more convenient to contact the regional gas company. This will significantly save time and effort, since in most regions the operation will be completed on a turnkey basis. A specialist will conduct a survey on which device it will be more profitable for you to install, what bandwidth your metering device will need, where and how it will be located.

household gas meter
household gas meter

Rules for installing a gas meter

When choosing a place to install the device, you should be guided by several basic rules. So, you can not install meters on devices that emit heat and moisture. The installation height above floor level must be at least 1.6 meters. The distance from the wall to the counter must be at least 5 centimeters. The room where the meter will be installed must have natural ventilation, and it must not be installed in a stagnant zone. Well, and, perhaps, one of the main points is the distance from the gas-using equipment to the meter. If the passport does not indicate this distance, then the general standard should be adopted. Its value is 0.8 meters.

Installation of a household gas meter

After completing the installation of the device, the gas service worker will seal the meter and transfer all the necessary documents to the controlling organization. It is also worth issuing a metering device passport to maintain guarantees. Here, in fact, everything. The gas consumption meter is installed, sealed, you have already started saving. We hope we were able to answer all your questions about what household gas meters exist, how to choose the one you need, how and by whom it should be installed.
