The climatic equipment combines diverse characteristics that provide versatility in the process of operation. For example, the shortcomings of conventional air conditioners, which work to increase and decrease the temperature, force many consumers to turn to specialized dehumidifiers and humidifiers. At the same time, a household electric fan heater can be a good alternative to universal climatic equipment, with the help of which microclimate indicators are also easily regulated. The features of such devices include quiet operation, the creation of an optimal humidity regime and the possibility of operation all year round.

Varieties of fan heaters
The main division of this technique is based on the characteristics of the design. The floor version is considered traditional. Such models are supplied with legs or wheels, thanks to which the electric fan heater can be moved around the house or apartment. Along with mobility, it is worth noting the low noise of the devices. It is in this variety that the highest degree of sound insulation is provided. Wall Mount Modelstheir appearance resembles classic split systems, but in this case the case has not so massive dimensions and, as a rule, a narrowed shape. The main advantage of this type of device is to save space. The unit cannot be moved, but when mounted on the wall in the corner, such a model will practically not interfere with the interior design.
The concept of mobile devices is fully revealed by portable models. These are household fan heaters, which have compact dimensions and are equipped with special handles for transportation. Unlike outdoor devices, this version has an even more modest size and can move not only within the home, but also "participate" in trips to the country.

Main selection criteria
Electrical appliances of this type are produced with power ranging from 400-2500 watts. For example, for a room with an area of 10 m2, you should choose a device whose power is approximately 1000 watts. Next, you need to consider the system by which the heater is controlled. The fan heater can have a mechanical or electronic stuffing. The second option is preferable in terms of ergonomics, but its cost is much higher. Electronic control assumes the presence of a display with information about the current indicators of the microclimate and an addition in the form of a remote control.
You should also decide in advance on the requirements for heating modes. In the simplest models, there is one program of work, but more advanced modifications may have threemodes. The more operating formats, the more efficient the electric fan heater will serve the premises. For example, for different requirements, there are corresponding operating modes, the choice of which facilitates climate control.
Reviews of Electrolux models
The Swedish manufacturer produces high-quality air conditioners, which also cause positive impressions for users. Developers actively use ceramic heating elements in models, due to which a high rate of temperature increase is ensured, but the air does not dry out. Electrolux devices are also praised for their rich functionality. Already in the middle class, an electric household fan heater of this brand is supplied with several power levels and the ability to work in a single fan mode. The equipment is also valued for its original design. Do not forget that fan heaters are used right in the room and often in a conspicuous place, so stylistic characteristics also matter.

Reviews about Rolsen fan heaters
The company does not specialize in climate technology, but this does not prevent it from developing its line of fan heaters. As the reviews show, the manufacturer produces very solid devices. Designers use spiral and ceramic parts as heating elements. In addition, the company pays special attention to the implementation of controls. One of Rolsen's most popular models is the RCH-2206 version withautomatic controllers. The panel has ergonomic switches with LED indicators, and the lower part is represented by a special platform that drives the entire body. Thus, the electric household heater from Rolsen provides uniform heating of the air environment, covering the maximum possible area.

Polaris product reviews
Polaris Holding has a wide distribution around the world. Its manufacturing centers are in Europe, China, Israel and South America. At the same time, about 250 service centers of the company are located in Russia. Customer reviews testify to the high quality of the holding's products. Thus, it is noted that the Polaris fan heater provides a high heating effect. Unlike competing manufacturers, the company improves not only ergonomics and control systems, but also the main function of heating. As a result, according to users, floor models of this brand are able to fully provide heat for a room of 20 m2 even in winter 2. This is taking into account the fact that the very concept of fan heaters assumes the performance of only an auxiliary heating function.

Modern fan heaters cannot be said to offer something new compared to traditional climate control equipment. The principle of operation of such installations has long been used in ventilation and air conditioning systems. But there are also features for which it is worthpay attention to the electric household heater for the home. Firstly, it is easy to use, practical and pleasing to the eye equipment. Secondly, some models in the process of work provide a useful effect, enriching the air environment with ionization. If we talk about the main task of heating, then it is inferior to full-fledged air conditioners. But this imperfection is compensated by the absence of the need to perform installation work when installing devices. In addition, fan heaters are not that expensive to maintain in terms of energy consumption.