Sweet pepper Swallow. Reviews of grateful gardeners

Sweet pepper Swallow. Reviews of grateful gardeners
Sweet pepper Swallow. Reviews of grateful gardeners

A lot has been written about sweet pepper, about its undoubted benefits and wonderful taste. Delight your household with this useful gift of nature. Select a small area of the garden plot and plant a fragrant Swallow pepper. Reviews of gardeners about its taste are only enthusiastic. It grows well in film shelters, in arcs for a greenhouse, in open ground and even in a flower pot on a windowsill. Sweet pepper plants of the Swallow variety are recommended to be tied up when grown.

Sweet pepper Swallow. Features

Mature bushes up to a meter high have a standard structure: a slender bare trunk and a chic semi-spreading crown. Swallow peppers are completely resistant to such a serious disease as verticillosis, or wilt, which is caused by mitospor fungi.

pepper sweet swallow reviews
pepper sweet swallow reviews

The high-yielding variety Swallow has an early ripening period. After 130 days after planting greenhouses and film shelters in open or protected ground, it will delight you with large juicy fruits. Fruitripen together, up to 15 pieces per plant. They do not cluster on twigs, but neatly hang vertically one at a time. Peppers are slightly ribbed, weighing up to 80 grams, have the shape of a cone 10 centimeters long (on average). Fruiting period - 12 days or more.

Growing process

Unpretentious and very tasty pepper - Swallow. Reviews of people devoted to the cultivation of vegetable crops confirm this. The table shows all the stages of growing a variety, means of processing and terms of feeding.

Steps Timing Feeding
Planting seeds End of February, possible in two terms.
Picking April "Kemira" and "Epins-extra" to increase vitality.
Planting seedlings Beginning of June "Epins-extra", the drug "Ovary" after landing in a permanent soil in two weeks.
Vegetation period Variable, climate dependent. Every 2 weeks three times fertilizer "Growth". Preparation "Ovary" at the time of mass flowering.
Fruiting Beginning of August Ideal solution two weeks after the first fruits set.

Calcium is considered an important trace element in the cultivation of the Swallow. After the seeds sprout, it should take about a month beforethe appearance of the first leaves.

Unpretentious variety - sweet pepper Swallow! Reviews of some summer residents and gardeners still say that he loves light and moist soil. If it is in the shade, it grows with fragile stems. Fruits are poorly tied under such conditions. With insufficient soil moisture, ugly fruits with thinned walls appear.


Full fruit formation (technical ripeness) in the Lastochka variety occurs after planting in permanent soil in three weeks. At the same time, an elongated fruit with a length of 6 cm and a diameter of more than 4 cm has thick fleshy walls, a dense crust and a characteristic peppery aroma. The color of these peppers is from light green to yellow. Has seeds of waxy ripeness, but still quite milky, immature.

pepper swallow reviews
pepper swallow reviews

During this period, the fruits can already be harvested for use in salads. But if you plan to stock up on the fruits and seeds of this wonderful variety, then you should wait until physiological (biological) ripeness. In this phase, sweet pepper Swallow, the reviews of enthusiastic gardeners are confirmation of this, it has a beautiful red color and ripe seeds.


Harvesting is best done by hand and very carefully so as not to break the plant. Peppers are harvested from the beginning of the fruiting period and every week, regardless of the ripeness phase. If the weather is favorable sunny (not hot) with periodic short rains, then during the entire fruiting period you can collect up to six kilograms of bright peppers withsquare metre. The fruits of this sweet variety are characterized by increased keeping quality and are excellent for transportation.

Most gardeners have been buying proven varieties for years, which include sweet pepper Swallow. Reviews of experienced lovers of digging in the garden emphasize its excellent taste when consumed both fresh and after preservation. He's really sweet!
