Today, a sauna in an apartment is by no means a rarity. Everyone tries to create the most comfortable living conditions for themselves. Although some believe that it is impossible to create such a structure, since the house is multi-storey with neighbors. There are laws that allow you to create such a structure in an apartment without violations, so if necessary, such a structure can be easily legalized.
In the process of installation work, you need to follow simple rules and do everything according to plan. In a few steps it will be possible to come to the desired design. Do not forget about the recommendations of professionals who have already created such structures and know the nuances. It is not necessary to hire builders, because knowing how to do the work, you can do everything yourself. How to do this, we will consider in our today's article.
Preparation for the main work
A do-it-yourself sauna in an apartment can be built in some rooms. Listed below are the most commonly used:
- Bathroom. Usually there is already a tile on the floor, whichsuitable for such a structure to be placed on it.
- Bathroom. This is not always the case because they are in small apartments.
- Loggia. This is a unique opportunity to turn small squares into the right space.
- Storage room.

The actual option is the bathroom. It can accommodate a shower, after which a sauna can comfortably fit. This is good, because communications are present, additional works drop out of the list. Therefore, everyone can create a sauna in an apartment in the bathroom.
Before you start working, you should prepare the necessary material and tools. Here's what you need to have on hand:
- Hacksaw.
- Construction roulette.
- Pencil.
This is the minimum you can't live without. The rest must be selected taking into account how the installation work will be carried out and what the sauna is built from. If this is a ready-made structure that you just need to assemble, then you won’t need anything extra.
At the first stage, it is worth understanding what size the future steam room will be. Mathematical calculations will come to the rescue. Enough two square meters per person. Ceiling height - not less than 1.9 meters. Without a ventilation system, a sauna will not work, because steam must escape, otherwise they will begin to collect. As a result, rotting and fungus appear. Electrical wiring is also required, otherwise it will not be comfortable to rest in it.
If it's not a bathroom,then the sauna should be located as close to it as possible. This is recommended by experienced craftsmen. How to make a sauna in the apartment? You need to complete a project to work on. There are basic approaches:
- The project must be created independently and work included.
- Use prefabricated structure. Today, due to the high demand, they are freely sold in stores, so everyone can afford it. There are even modern infrared options.
Before starting work, you need to think carefully about each element and only after that purchase a material or a finished structure. It should be understood that such a room is not built for one day.
Work with finished structure
This is the most objective option because it's simplified. If you want to have a mini-sauna for an apartment, then the finished design will be quite appropriate. The kit always comes with detailed information about the assembly and other nuances, so everyone can handle the job.
This sauna has a big plus - mobility. It can be disassembled and assembled, transported and rearranged. Here's what's included:
- Frame shields.
- Fasteners.
- Electric oven.
- Special furniture.
In order for the sauna cabin for the apartment to be comparable to the real one, manufacturers perform interior decoration from natural wood. There are various suppliers on the market - both Russian and foreign. Each has its own advantages and price segment.

According to assembly rules,all seams should be carefully treated with a sealant that is resistant to temperature extremes. In addition, foil is used at the joints. You can put this design on the existing tiles in the bathroom, without creating an additional gasket. Inside, facing material is used (most often lining) with various smells. This is fir or needles. The door is mostly wood. When the heater is infrared, there may be a glass partition with silicone seals.
Masters say that the design can merge with the existing interior solution. But how to come to this? The design is simply sheathed with drywall and complemented with wallpaper or any other finishing materials, so the sauna in the apartment (photo examples are in our article) will not become a "thorn".
Design option
It is clear that it is easier to assemble a finished box and lining. But how to create a design yourself? You need to complete the project first. There is no need for new floors because the whole structure is laid on tiles.
Need to decide which material to use. Here you can think and sort through for a long time, because the market is rich in offers. To make this problem go away, it is worth stopping at ready-made panels for the sauna. They have a big plus. This is the presence of locking grooves that quickly connect to each other and form a reliable connection. No adhesives or screws are used. It will be easy to assemble such a sauna in an apartment.
A standard bath is mounted from a bar, up to two meters high, although some do it lower. To prevent missteps, fix the structureagainst the wall in several places. Insulation and reflective foil are laid between the bars (this is heat and waterproofing). Mineral wool is the easiest and most affordable option.

According to physical indicators, hot air flows tend to rise, so there should be maximum insulation on the ceiling so that steam does not escape. The floor may be from the old tiles, but the ceiling must be redone (as steam flows can cause condensation).
For fastening, through holes are made at a short distance. In the decoration, you can also use lining. Such material is in the range of hardware stores. The most convenient is the option with locks that are made in the form of grooves. Installation will be faster. Next, the shield is polished, after which it is fixed to the walls of the sauna frame. Joints should be protected as much as possible. Rubber pads are used for this.

After it remains to install the ceiling and door shield. Do not forget that the sauna in the apartment in the bathroom should have lighting. Wiring must be as reliable as possible, because heating will occur. Heat-resistant hoses can be found in stores. This will be a good decision. The lamp is used special, because there will be an increase in temperature and the presence of moisture. In construction, skirting boards and platbands are used (in order to hide joints).
Interior work
Outside, you need to finish in such a way that the whole structurefit into the interior. But inside there is a choice. Many believe that the mood in the sauna and the quality of the heat received depend on the chosen facing material. The choice is influenced by two indicators - personal desire and the availability of funds. Today, the building materials market is overflowing with offers. The best option is natural wood.
There are several varieties that are in demand for their positive qualities. This is:
- Canadian hemlock.
- Scandinavian spruce.
- Scandinavian pine.
Each species has its own special characteristics. Before buying, you should clarify about them in order to make a choice that will bring satisfaction. This information can be provided by the seller. What you need to know about hardwoods? Well suited alder, linden, aspen. When used, they emit a pleasant aroma, which is important in the sauna. If you want to create something unusual, then African oak is suitable. Why is he so popular? When finishing, an interesting sauna interior is obtained, because such wood has a certain pattern - these are dark dots on a light background. It turns out unusual and interesting.

Some people use ordinary chopping blocks to work in this direction. But in this option, you have to purchase an additional tool and not every one will cope with the task. When there is no experience in the construction business, you do not need to create too complex tasks for yourself. It's better to go the easy way. Sometimes a sauna in a room in an apartment requires additional work. On the floor without tiles it is not worth itmount. This means that you need to purchase additional building materials.
It is clear that the main thing in the bath is to get the maximum heat. When it comes to a sauna in an apartment, it will not work to use a heating device on wood or coal. You will have to buy a special small electrical device for such needs. Since the installation of saunas in the apartment has become in demand, the stoves for them are also produced in assortment.
What to choose?
To warm up a small room, an electric heater of low power is suitable. The main plus is that a standard 220 V socket is enough for its operation. There are various manufacturers, but it is better to trust someone who has been on the market for more than one year and has a good reputation. Products are sold in different sizes, so you need to take into account the area of the resulting steam room.

It is worth understanding how such a system works. This design is based on a heating device. Stones are laid on it, which become a heater. Water is supplied to them and steam appears. It is better to purchase an electric oven with a thermostat that shows the temperature. Modern designs require an integrated housing with a control panel.
When the sauna is mounted not in the bathroom, but for example, on the loggia, an infrared heating element will be a good solution. It is believed that this option is chosen for its efficiency and ease of use. There are many options for sale. goes to themdetailed installation recommendation, so that installation problems will not arise.
What else do you need?
When the installation work is completed, the finish is done and the oven is installed, a pleasant moment comes - the addition of the necessary elements. It is clear that the steam room cannot be without benches and places to relax. This is worth focusing on, because convenience is not in last place. These include:
- Sunbeds.
- Shelves for oils.
- Footrests.

Where can I get it?
In specialized stores, the assortment of goods is diverse. If you have talent, then you can independently build a structure. Moreover, in this way everyone will accurately calculate the dimensions of the necessary benches and shelves. It is better to perform the product from high-quality wood species. Do not cover them with varnish, because under high temperatures it can leak.
Any action to create a sauna will bear fruit. The steam room is a good place for a good rest. In addition, doctors say that visiting the sauna benefits the entire body. A small sauna in the apartment will be an excellent place for relaxation of all family members.