Some call eggplant a berry, others a vegetable, and still others a plant. Regardless of how this crop is called, most gardeners want to grow it in their backyard. It is extremely nutritious, tasty and high in fiber.
Take a note to yourself: it is better to pick unripe fruits, as they contain less s alt. Remember that overripe vegetables are not as tasty and are not quite he althy.

Growing eggplants in the open field and caring for them is a laborious process. First you need to plant seeds for seedlings at home, then transplant the seedlings into open ground or a greenhouse, take care of them for a long time and diligently, and only then you can enjoy the harvest.
Let's look at each stage of eggplant cultivation in more detail.
We plant seeds for eggplant seedlings
In view of the fact that the vegetative period of such a vegetable as eggplant is quite large (it is about 150 days), it is more expedient to initially (in January-February) plantseeds for seedlings and only then transplanted seedlings into open ground or a greenhouse. Growing eggplant from seeds at home can be done:
- compressed peat tablets;
- cassettes;
- in individual pots (or in a shared container);
- using a contraption called a snail.
Grow seedlings in tablets
The method is very simple (to use), environmentally safe and not traumatic for the root system of plants. Peat tablets (optimal diameter - 4 cm or more), the shelf life of which is practically unlimited (provided that they are stored in a dry place), do not have dense walls. This allows the roots to grow through them without any obstacles. Subsequently, the seedlings, along with the tablets, are transplanted into open ground. With this method of growing, picking is not needed. Growing eggplant from seeds at home in pressed peat tablets is also good because they contain disinfectants, anti-stress additives and growth stimulants, the presence of which guarantees high germination of planting material.

Sequence of planting seeds:
- Spread the tablets in a deep container, placing them in such a way that the recesses are at the top.
- Fill them with warm water and leave to swell. Tablets should increase 7-9 times.
- Drain excess water.
- We have planting material in the recesses: 2-3 in each holeseed (when they germinate, weaker sprouts can be removed).
When growing eggplant at home in tablets, it is not necessary to pre-treat the seeds.
- Sink the seeds and seal the holes with peat.
- Put all seed tablets in another (transparent) container with drainage holes and cover with plastic wrap.
- We move the container to a warm and bright place.
Ventilate the crops every day and keep the pills moist.
Seedlings in cassettes
Growing eggplant from seeds in this way is very effective. In the event that cassettes with large cells are used, it will not be necessary to make a pick in the future.
If seeds are sown in small cells, then in the process of growing seedlings they will have to be transplanted (together with a clod of earth) into separate pots. Moreover, this will have to be done very carefully so as not to damage the root system of the plant.
How to properly plant seeds using cassettes:
- Install the cassettes in a container or pallet.
- Fill the cells with soil mixture.
- We water the soil with settled water at room temperature.
- Using a damp wooden stick, lay out the planting material in the center of each cell and deepen them by 15-20 mm.
- Fill the holes with soil and lightly compact.
- Cover the cassettes with plastic wrap (or a transparent lid) and place the container in a warm place. Remember that seedsneed ventilation and moist soil.
Growing in a "snail"
Growing eggplant from seeds in this way is easy and fast. It is enough to lay toilet paper on a polyethylene film, on which to lay out (alternately) seeds, sprinkle them lightly with earth and moisten. Then roll up this whole structure (to get something resembling a snail) and place it in a small container, into which you will need to constantly add liquid.
Growing eggplant from seeds in home greenhouse conditions in pots
The method consists in using any suitable containers (packages from milk, kefir or plastic cups from sour cream or fermented baked milk). For planting seeds, you can use separate pots. In this case, picking is not needed. Or you can plant the planting material in a single container: in this case, picking is necessary. We fill the containers with the soil mixture, make recesses in them, place the seeds in them, cover the holes with soil, compact, cover everything with polyethylene and put it in the sun or in any warm place.
How can I feed seedlings
Growing eggplant through seedlings will be more efficient if you feed the seedlings a couple of times:
The first time when the first pair of true leaves has formed on the plant, we introduce nitrogen and potassium into the soil. They have a beneficial effect on the growth of seedlings

Second time we feed approximately 1.5-2 weeks beforelandings on open beds (or in a greenhouse). We introduce not only potassium and nitrogen, but also phosphorus, which contributes to the development of the root system of the plant. For these purposes, you can use superphosphate, which includes all the necessary trace elements
Date of planting eggplants in open ground
When is the best time to transplant seedlings to a permanent "place of residence" when growing eggplant in open ground? Due to the fact that eggplant is a heat-loving and very capricious plant (it does not like to be disturbed by its root system), the best time to transplant seedlings to open beds is the end of spring or the beginning of summer. Then the danger of night frost has already passed, and the days are getting warmer and warmer.

By this time, the height of the transplanted bushes should be about 200 mm, have six to seven formed leaves (at least) and a well-developed root system. Following all the recommendations for growing eggplants in open ground, two weeks before planting, it is necessary to start hardening seedlings. Why should this be done? So that plants can more easily adapt to new living conditions after home greenhouse maintenance.
Events for hardening seedlings
Such procedures contribute to a good harvest. What exactly needs to be done? You just need to create conditions at home that are close to natural. That is, during the day the temperature should be about 24-27 degrees, and at night 12-14.
There is another method: just eachtake the seedlings out into the open air for a day, increasing the session of “air procedures” every day. Ideally, seedlings should tolerate being in nature around the clock.
When should I start hardening? 1, 5-2 weeks before transplanting into open ground.
Preparing the soil for planting
Growing eggplants in the open field and caring for them involve, first of all, careful preparation of the soil for planting seedlings. Moreover, it is necessary to start preparing the soil in the fall (in extreme cases, in early spring). It all depends on the types of soil.
- Peat. In the ground of this type we bring in a bucket (per square meter) of humus, turf and sand.
- Loamy and clayey. To improve the composition of the soil, we add a bucket of manure and sand, ½ bucket of sawdust (rotted) and two buckets of peat (for each square meter).
- Sandy. We add two buckets of peat and compost to the same unit of area; about three buckets of clay and a bucket of sawdust (wood).
In addition to these measures (regardless of the type of soil), we add a tablespoon of potassium sulfate and superphosphate to it; about two glasses of ash and a teaspoon of urea (for each square meter of planting area). After adding all the necessary components, we dig up the soil and compact it.
We plant seedlings in open ground
Following the recommendations of experts in eggplant cultivation and care, the algorithm for planting seedlings in prepared soil is as follows:
- We make the required number of rows (row spacing - 55-60cm) with holes (depth 14-16 cm). The distance between seedlings is about 42-47 cm. The holes should be of such a size that when planting it is not necessary to bend the root system of the plant.
- Pour warm water into the wells. You can also make a solution of mullein (1.5 liters in each hole). We prepare the mixture at the rate of 0.5 liters of manure per 10 liters of water. And you can add wood ash or water the soil with a weak (pink) solution of potassium permanganate.
- We arrange the seedlings in the pits. Moreover, we carry out transshipment, capturing a small clod of earth, and extremely carefully, without exposing the roots. Remember: even a slight damage to the root system leads to an increase in the adaptation time of the plant in a new place.

Sprinkle seedlings with soil, slightly compact, water and mulch with a layer of humus or peat. Do not forget: 8-10 hours after each watering, it is imperative to loosen the soil
Transplanting in open ground is best done in the evening (from 18 to 21 hours) or throughout the day (only if it is cloudy). The next day in the morning (especially if the sun is shining brightly), the seedlings must be covered with a cap made of paper (for example, from a newspaper). Such manipulations will protect plants from direct sunlight and help to adapt faster. This should be done within 7-10 days.
Growing and caring for eggplant requires proper watering of plants. The scheme of "water procedures" is as follows:
- The first watering is carried out only on the third dayafter transplant. We use warm (about +24 degrees) and settled water.
- Subsequent waterings are based on visual observations of the plants: if the leaves begin to fade slightly, most likely they need moisture. As a rule, watering is carried out twice every week.
How to water? "Water procedures" can be carried out either from a watering can or from a hose. But only until flowering. As soon as the first flowers appear, watering should be done as carefully as possible, under the root, so as not to accidentally touch the flowers and remove them. And when the fruits appear, you can safely water the plants from above.

What time of day is best to water? On cloudy days - at any time, and on hot days - only before sunset.
Growing eggplants and care in open beds necessarily involve the application of mineral fertilizers. Without certain top dressings, including phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen, it is simply impossible to grow high-quality eggplants. Organic fertilizers (chicken manure, rotted cow dung, peat, compost, ash, and herbal infusions) are also welcome. Moreover, the ideal option is the alternation of types of fertilizers.
This is important: never use fresh chicken manure or cow manure due to the high amount of nitrogen in them. Such actions will only contribute to the growth of the green mass of plants to the detriment of the formation of ovaries and subsequent fruits. To prevent plant roots from getting burned, it is recommended to preliminarilyinsist on organic matter, dilute it with water and only then feed it (during normal watering or immediately after “water procedures”).
How to feed? It is best to apply all the necessary components directly to the soil, that is, to perform root dressing. In this case, the leaves and fruits of the plant are guaranteed to be protected from burns, and trace elements are quickly absorbed by the eggplant root system.
How to prepare top dressing? Strictly following the attached instructions, nothing else.
Need to remember: if fertilizer gets on the stems or leaves, you must quickly wash them off with clean water.
Schedule of fertilization for the season (there are three in total):
- 15 days after planting seedlings in open ground. The composition of top dressing includes nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. All these trace elements are included in superphosphate.
- Just before flowering. We feed with a double dose of phosphorus and potassium (compared to the first feeding). Do not forget about nitrogen (it is not necessary to increase its amount).
- During the fruiting period. We only add phosphorus, potassium, ash (wood) and mullein tincture.

If the soil in your area is depleted, then the amount of top dressing can be increased. In this case, it is recommended to feed every 9-12 days. Growing eggplant is unthinkable without frequent and plentiful top dressing.
Pruning required
Do I need to prune the leaves of eggplants? Of course you have to. Especially before flowering - it is recommended to removebottom leaves. These actions contribute to earlier flowering and, as a result, the faster appearance of long-awaited fruits.
After 8 leaves have formed on the plant and the first flower has appeared, it is recommended to remove stepchild shoots. This must be done in order for the plant to develop better. And after the formation of 7-8 ovaries, it is necessary to pinch the growing point of the shoots.

Then, in the future, you can remove extra flowers so that the remaining ovaries get more nutrients and better formed. Naturally, the fruits will be smaller, but they will be larger.
Growing eggplant in a greenhouse
In the southern regions of Russia, eggplants have long been "regulars" of vegetable gardens. People living in these territories grow this vegetable and eat it with pleasure using various methods of cooking it. But the cultivation of eggplant in Siberia began to be engaged relatively recently. Yes, the northern regions of the country cannot boast of warm and long summers. But I really want to pick this elastic fruit of a dark purple color on my site and enjoy its taste. Tip: grow eggplants in a greenhouse (made of polycarbonate, for example). In this regard, there are several general recommendations:
- It is recommended to start planting eggplant seedlings when the air temperature inside the greenhouse is about +18 degrees, and the ground warms up to +16 degrees. It’s not worth it before, otherwise you risk losing your crop.
- In progresseggplant in a greenhouse (made of polycarbonate), it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the range from +17 degrees to +30. Keep in mind that higher or lower temperatures are highly undesirable and may result in the death of vegetables.
- High humidity has a bad effect on the development and growth of plants. The microclimate in the greenhouse can be adjusted by opening and closing existing doors and vents. But don't create drafts - eggplants don't like that.
Following the recommendations above, you can successfully grow eggplant in Siberia and other regions of Russia.
In conclusion
If all the rules of agricultural technology when growing eggplant are observed, you can get a good harvest of vegetables.
Many gardeners want to grow a crop such as eggplant in their backyards. That's just not always climatic conditions allow you to do this. The so-called "greenhouses" come to the rescue. Growing eggplant in a greenhouse is a good way out.
If all the rules of agricultural technology when growing eggplant are observed, you can get a good harvest of fruits.