Halloween is not an official holiday in our country. However, catchy outfits and stunning surroundings of this day cannot leave Russians indifferent. On the night of November 1, more and more people take to the streets dressed as monsters or ghosts, and the windows of houses and apartments are decorated with pumpkin lanterns.
Shops offer a wide range of holiday paraphernalia, but it's much more fun (and cheaper) to make DIY Halloween crafts. Moreover, many of them do not require special materials or skills.
Decorate the room
For afterlife style parties, you can create some themed gizmos. DIY Halloween crafts are created in just a few hours, and then can be used annually until you want to come up with something new.

A simple decoration in the form of a garland will immediately transform the room. It is enough to stretch a rope or ribbon from wall to wall and decorate it with homemade ghosts, and the atmosphere will immediately become sinister and mystical. To create a restless spirit, you need a square of any white fabric. As a base for the head, crumple a piece of paper into a ball shape. Put it in the center of the fabric square, wrap it in it and tie it with a thread around the “neck”. That's all. It remains only to draw a pair of eyes or an ominous face. There is an even simpler option - ghosts can be cut out of a strip of paper, after folding it with an accordion. Other Halloween symbols can also serve as the basis for the garland: pumpkins, bats or spiders.

Making separately hanging ghosts is also easy: all you need is a small ball, a piece of gauze and PVA. The fabric is soaked in glue and wrung out. After that, it is covered with a ball lying on the neck of a jar or bottle. The structure must be stable. Pretty soon, the gauze will dry, taking the shape that it was given. The jar or bottle is removed, the finished ghost can be hung on a thin thread (fishing line) in the corner of the room. If there are several such figures, they look even more interesting.

3D Halloween Paper Crafts
From paper you can make not only two-dimensional, but also three-dimensional crafts. In particular, the pumpkin - the main symbol of Halloween - has several versions. Simplestthe way to make it is to glue it out of paper. It's fast and even toddlers can do it.

So you can create these Halloween crafts with kids who already know how to use scissors or at least glue ready-made strips.
Pumpkin can be round or flat, both will require orange and green colored paper.

The thickness of the strips, their length, shape and type of leaves - all this is at the discretion of the one who decided to create such crafts for Halloween. With your own hands, you can not only decorate the room, but also create souvenirs for party guests - small pumpkin pendants.
Vampire Bats
A must-know for those who make their own Halloween crafts: a bat will always come in handy when it comes to everything mysterious and sinister. A flock of these bats immediately creates the atmosphere of an abandoned attic of an old house.

The easiest way to make a bat is from black paper or some similar material: cardboard, artificial leather, foamiran. Placing vampires indoors is better in a bunch - it's more believable.
Candles and candlesticks
Crafts on the theme of "Halloween" can be not only purely decorative, but also functional. So, candles, decorated with the features of the holiday, will become the main source of lighting on the most terrible night of the year. They can be painted with acrylic paints, depicting a pumpkin, a ghost or a monster. A candlestickeasy to make from a simple glass cup, painting it in the same way.
Pumpkin head
What's Halloween without a pumpkin head grinning with its unique smile? Anyone can make it from a real vegetable. To do this, you need a pumpkin, a knife and a little dexterity. The middle of the fruit is removed so that the remaining layer is 1.5-2 centimeters. Then the holes of the eyes, nose and mouth are carefully cut. Depending on your mood, the facial expression can be absolutely anything.

It remains only to insert a light source inside the head, best of all - a battery-powered flashlight.
Witch's hat
When preparing crafts for Halloween, you can also create costume elements with your own hands. For example, a cap for a witch's party or an evil sorceress costume. It consists of a flat ring (circle, with a hole in the middle, for the size of the head) and a cone. Both are easy to cut out of thick cardboard, paint black and glue together. Also, from dry branches and a stick from a mop, you can create a witch's vehicle - a pomelo.
And something else…
What else can you think of paper crafts for Halloween? Yes, any! Every item that catches your eye can be turned into something Halloween. Computer disks are modified into ghosts, shampoo bottles into vampires, a trash can into Baba Yaga's mortar. All sorts of monsters are sewn, knitted, molded from plasticine. Doing this seemingly useless business, you can find in yourselfmany new talents.
And creating Halloween crafts with children is generally a real pleasure. They are so happy to create nightmarish characters that in the process they themselves stop being afraid of them.