Sand-gravel mixture: characteristics

Sand-gravel mixture: characteristics
Sand-gravel mixture: characteristics

Sand-crushed stone mixture, which is known under the abbreviation PSC, consists of 50 percent screenings and the same amount of crushed stone. In this case, the content of the last ingredient or gravel must be at least 15% of the total mass. This material is obtained by crushing limestone, and its natural variety can also be included here.

General Description

sand gravel mixture
sand gravel mixture

Sand-gravel mixture has excellent drainage characteristics and relatively low cost. These two factors make the material quite popular in repair and construction. It is excellent for compacting layers in road works. The composition is indispensable for the construction of concrete, asph alt and other sites. It becomes part of the crane runways. The composition is widely used in balancing railway embankments, as well as in the manufacture of asph alt concrete mixtures.

PShS classification

crushed stone sand mix
crushed stone sand mix

Sand-gravel mixturecan be enriched or natural, the first of them is obtained by the method of natural enrichment. Among other things, some groups of materials can be distinguished, among them C2, which implies fractionation up to 20 millimeters. If we are talking about the composition under the abbreviation C4 or C5, then you have a fraction of up to 80 millimeters. The designation C6 also indicates fractionation from 0 to 40 millimeters. On sale you can also find C12, which implies inclusions up to 10 millimeters. Depending on the purpose, the mixture can be of the following types: for pavement of roads and the base of airfields, for ballasting railway embankments and for the manufacture of asph alt concrete mixtures.

Using gravel-sand

crushed stone sand mixture c4
crushed stone sand mixture c4

Sand-gravel mixture, depending on the application, has certain quality characteristics. Thus, crushed stone-sand used for highways and airfields is able to give the required strength to the coating or base. Among other things, it is used to strengthen road shoulders. Sand, which is used for ballasting embankments, is used in the organization of railway tracks of various patency and traffic intensity, which distinguishes the second filler from the previous one in that it is intended for general purpose tracks. During its production, the technology of crushing serpentinite is implemented. The resulting particles must not exceed 25 millimeters in size.

Crushed stone-sand mixture (GOST 9128-97, must be observed whenmanufacturing) can be used for asph alt mixes and is a material that is obtained in the process of crushing rocks. The composition is used as a mineral component of the mixture being created. Particles can vary in size from 1 to 20 millimeters.

Key quality benefits

ready-made sand and gravel mixtures
ready-made sand and gravel mixtures

Crushed stone-sand mix C4 is quite often compared to pure crushed stone. The latter loses in many respects. Among them, there is a need to highlight lower cost, excellent sealing quality, as well as a fairly simple method of use. Due to the fact that the described mixture contains sand, crushed stone and gravel, the final properties of the mixtures are affected by the characteristics of three components at once. Of particular importance is the strength of crushed stone, the maximum value of which is M1400. This parameter refers small stone to high-strength materials. It is impossible not to single out the frost resistance that ready-made sand-gravel mixtures have. All their brands can be purchased on the building materials market. The most common PSC is labeled F300. The content of dust and clay particles can reach 20%, this parameter should be taken into account when purchasing the material.


Sand-gravel mixture has many positive characteristics, most of them were listed in the article. If you decide to use the described composition for construction, you must first familiarize yourself with the prices. The average cost at the bases of building materials today is about 400rubles per cubic meter, which can be called an affordable price that any future owner of a private house can afford. And this is another advantage of the described material.
