Chinese flowers: names, description and meaning

Chinese flowers: names, description and meaning
Chinese flowers: names, description and meaning

China is the birthplace of flowers that grow in gardens and parks around the world. In Chinese culture, flowers have a special place, many of them symbolize certain qualities of a person. Read about some types of flowers, their names and meanings in the article.

Chinese clivia flower

Chinese clivia
Chinese clivia

This is an evergreen herbaceous plant. Belongs to the Amaryllis family. The place of growth is the western coast of southern Africa. There are only three types. As an indoor flower, Chinese clivia, or kaffir lily, as it is also called, attracts with beauty. It is always beautiful: when it blooms and when it is at rest.

Indoor lily is a stemless plant. Its sword-shaped leaves are very elastic, dark green in color and long, up to seventy-five centimeters. The rhizome of the plant is short and juicy, and the roots are thick and fleshy.

One plant can have several peduncles with ribbed edges that reach a height of forty centimeters. Inflorescences are umbel-shaped with bright orange bell-shaped flowers. There can be from twelve to thirty pieces, they bloom gradually,thanks to which flowering lasts a long time.

The plant is successfully used in medicine for the preparation of medicines. But its leaves and roots are toxic, so care must be taken during transplanting.

For comfortable growth at home, a flower needs a dormant period, for which the plant is placed in a cool place. You need to transplant it when the roots begin to crawl out of the pot. With proper care, clivia can bloom twice a year.

In room conditions, only three varieties of flowers are grown: Clivia Gardena, beautiful and cinnabar. This plant is under the auspices of Sagittarius, it brings good luck in discovery, travel, love and spiritual life. Clivia is an assistant for scientists and business people. The flower has a unique property to protect against depression, resentment, nervousness.

Death Flower Description

Chinese flowers
Chinese flowers

Hibiscus, or Chinese rose, belongs to the Malvaceae family. Chinese flowers of this species are distinguished by a wide variety of varieties, each of which has its own description. For example, one variety resembles a tree, while another resembles a bush. If hibiscus grows in a greenhouse, its height can reach a three-meter mark. At home, such a result should not be expected. Sometimes the flower is described as a standard tree. But what all varieties have in common is that it is an evergreen plant.

At home, hibiscus is described differently due to the large number of varieties that differ in shape, color, size of leaves and inflorescences. Natural growing conditionsnorthern Indochina, southern China.

Domestic hibiscus is a shrub with dark green leaves of an elongated oval shape with teeth along the edges. Begins to bloom in early spring and ends in late autumn. The flowers are solitary, in most varieties they have a red tint, they are scattered on the bush throughout the plant.

The buds of flowers of white, red, pink shades are narrow, but when they open, they resemble a wide bowl with a diameter of eight to fourteen centimeters. Flowers are double or simple. Chinese flowers of this species have a different description, it depends on the plant variety.

Hibiscus flower of death why
Hibiscus flower of death why

Death Flower Meaning

In China, this is what they call hibiscus - the flower of death. Why does it have such a name? In China, people believe that hibiscus brings negative energy, absorbs strength, and takes away he alth.

There is a belief that hibiscus brings death and misfortune, informs a person about an approaching disaster. So, if a plant sheds leaves, someone in the family will definitely get sick. Thanks to mystical properties, hibiscus, the flower of death, is used for magical rituals. Why? Because the flower has a red tint, reminiscent of blood. It is for this reason that it is called burnet.

The meaning of Chinese peonies

For the Chinese people, peonies mean we alth, nobility and prosperity. The romanticism of the flower symbolizes a happy marriage, prosperity, harmony. The walls of many houses are decorated with paintings depicting peonies. The Chinese believe it will bring good luck. The flower symbolizes goodwishes depending on the color:

  • Pink color - romance.
  • White flowers - purity and tenderness.
  • Yellow peonies - happiness, joy and we alth.
  • Red and burgundy - love.
  • Purple flowers - dignity, grandeur and sophistication.

Description of tree peony

This plant belongs to the Peony family. It is herbaceous and shrubby. The bush is large, with beautiful decorative leaves of green or purple. Leaf color changes during the growing season. This flower grows slowly. Tree-like Chinese peonies bloom from late spring to summer. Peonies come in many varieties, some of which bloom in July or August. The flowers are spherical or cup-shaped, open at the very tops of the branches. They are terry, semi-double and non-double.

Chinese peonies
Chinese peonies

Chinese tree flowers are hybrids of a semi-shrub peony. They have long feathery leaves and large bright flowers in shades of white, pink, red and purple.

Tree peonies prefer a lot of light, but do not like direct sunlight and do not tolerate windy places. In the sun, they burn out, the period of their flowering decreases.

Peony is one of the most ornamental plants with luxurious flowers and trifoliate leaves. Grows alone and in group plantings in gardens, squares, parks.

Description of chrysanthemum

This flower belongs to the Asteraceae family, common in Europe, Asia and Africa. Chrysanthemums grow likeherbaceous plants, and subshrubs. The bush is small, up to one and a half meters in height. Depending on the type of plant, the leaves are simple, whole or dissected with serrated edges.

Chrysanthemum in China
Chrysanthemum in China

The flowers are small or large, collected in a basket, in the middle of which there are tubular yellow flowers, and along the edges - reed flowers of different shades. Therefore, chrysanthemums are white, red, yellow, purple. Different varieties differ significantly from each other in the size and shape of the flowers, the color of the leaves, but they have one thing in common - a heady aroma.

The meaning of chrysanthemum in Chinese culture

Chrysanthemum is a popular flower in China, but in this country it is not given for anniversaries, birthdays and so on. Chrysanthemum has its own holiday, which is celebrated annually on the ninth day of the lunar calendar.

Chrysanthemum in China is a magical plant, which was mentioned in the beliefs of ancient peoples. The inhabitants of the East have different shades of chrysanthemums and the rituals of their presentation have a certain meaning. Chrysanthemum Festival is considered a special ritual. People admire the shades of inflorescences, thinking deeply about the meaning of life. Chrysanthemum flower symbolizes abundance, joy and longevity. In Chinese culture, flowers symbolize the four seasons, chrysanthemum symbolizes autumn.

Description of Chinese plum

The tree is low. The spreading crown has a spherical shape. The leaves are large, oblong. Shoots are shiny red, green or brown. The fruits are juicy and brightly, red, yellow. They are good fresh, they are used to make jams, preserves, beer.

plum blossom
plum blossom

Blossoms early, before leaves appear on it. One bud produces three flowers, which gives the tree a spectacular look. Blooming plum resembles a snow-white blanket. Fruits in the second year after planting. Chinese flowers, including plums, are disease resistant.

Meaning of plum in Chinese culture

This plant symbolizes endurance, prosperity and self-confidence. Delicate fragrant plum flowers represent vitality, fortitude. According to the Book of Changes, plum represents the four virtues: great potential, prosperity, harmony and justice. The plum blossom has five petals. The Chinese see it as five blessings: he alth, longevity, well-being, prosperity and dignity.
