Modern construction technologies sometimes impose extremely severe restrictions on manufacturers of building materials. They should produce not just cheap, but very high quality materials.

The DSP plate perfectly meets all these requirements, the characteristics of which allow it to be deservedly attributed to the best products of this kind. To see for yourself, let's look at the history and design features of these plates in more detail.
What is this?
By the way, what is it? This is a special material made of wood, cement and a mineralizing additive. It is made from the so-called "wood wool", which is crushed chips of coniferous wood (six to nine centimeters long). Once upon a time, an arbalite was produced using approximately the same technology. In contrast, these boards today use the technology of multidirectional arrangement of chips: the top and bottom rows are located along, while the middle one is across. The name DSP stands for "cement particle board".
It is precisely because of the latter circumstance that the DSP board,characteristics of which we are considering, has exceptional mechanical strength. According to this indicator, it exceeds the above-mentioned chipboard by three times. Unfortunately, its flexibility is far from perfect, but its stability and compressive strength are second to none. All layers are impregnated with a mixture of cement and mineralizing additives. It is on them that another important characteristic, moisture resistance, depends. Unlike other particle boards, DSP can be successfully used in the exterior of houses.

Therefore, the DSP board, whose performance is so good, perfectly combines the qualities of natural and synthetic materials.
Thanks to modern technologies it is possible to achieve almost complete homogeneity of chips. This completely eliminates the formation of internal defects and voids. In addition, material that is too fine is sifted out: in this way, significant savings in adhesives are achieved.

The most important characteristics of OSB boards is their complete immunity to decay, fungus and mold. In addition, they practically do not burn. And one more reason due to which the DSP board is used: its characteristics are such that it practically does not absorb moisture from the surrounding air. It is this property that underlies the use of this material in roofing construction. Experts say that today nothing better has been invented for this purpose. Plus, it can be used to build something more substantial!
Generally, DSP,the technical characteristics of which are distinguished by simply excellent performance, has become one of the best foundations for frame-panel houses, the volume of construction of which is constantly increasing every year. In addition, it is easy to process and cut with standard wood tools. Standard self-tapping screws are ideal for fastening structures made of DSP boards.
On the financial side, a standard DSP board with such good performance is ideal even when your building budget is tight.