It hardly needs to be said that not everyone can afford the construction of private houses in recent years. So, with the cost of a brick approaching that of some space materials, it is difficult to build a really reliable, but not too expensive house.

However, not everything is so sad. In this good aspiration, the OSB plate will help you, the characteristics of which we will consider today in a little more detail.
What is this material?
Surely you are familiar with various kinds of particle boards, the mass production of which was established almost a hundred years ago. The impetus was the discovery of epoxy resins, which, in combination with shavings, made it possible to make a good building material from virtually garbage.
But over time, they quickly found out that their characteristics are far from perfect. So, the resins emitted formaldehyde, and the plates themselves could not withstand prolonged contact with water, completely unsuitable for the role of exterior finishing materials.
Caring for people's he alth

It was then that the OSB plate appeared, the characteristics of which were completely different. Let's start with the fact that it is completely safe for he alth. This is facilitated by the fact that special resins are used for their production, which do not contain formaldehyde.
Water resistant
The same new generation polymer compositions provide the boards with such high water resistance that they can be used for the construction of various kinds of sandwich panels, which today are in great demand in the construction of inexpensive and high-quality country cottages.
But that's not what OSB is so famous for! Its characteristics are so good that in terms of its strength it is not much inferior even to natural wood. How was this achieved?
The fact is that its abbreviation can be translated into Russian as "oriented strand". If we expand this concept more broadly, it turns out that the shavings and wood fibers that are used in its production are not stacked "anyhow", but with a certain calculation.
Thus, the upper and lower layers have a stacking of chips parallel to the axis of the material, and inside there is a layer of perpendicularly oriented wood chips. Due to this, the OSB board, the characteristics of which we are studying, can easily be used even in laying floors in buildings that are not too heavily loaded.

If you have de alt with fiberboard and chipboard, then you are well aware that the old sofa, which was only about ten years old, after standing onthe open veranda is only a couple of years old, it is literally starting to fall apart. After that, our fellow citizens at first did not really believe that the OSB board, the technical characteristics of which made it so popular all over the world, was somehow different from them.
But in vain! Even when used outdoors in Canadian conditions (which are not too different from ours), OSB board retains its properties for many years without collapsing, without being covered with fungus.
Of course, for such difficult places, moisture-resistant OSB is much better suited. Its price is approximately 800 rubles per sheet. This allows us to recommend it even to those builders whose budget is quite limited.