Due to the affordable price and quality, asbestos-cement sheets are quite well known to builders. Wave material is more often used for roofing, while flat slate has found use in other areas of construction, although it is also suitable for roofing.

Flat slate specifications
In the manufacture of flat slate, a mixture of Portland cement with asbestos fiber and water is used. The share of asbestos, which is evenly distributed in it, is 18%, due to which a reinforcing base of slate sheets is created. This ratio of components allows the production of flat slate, the dimensions of which vary widely, resistant to stretching and shock.
In industrial conditions, according to GOST 18124-95, two types of flat slate are produced:
- asbestos-cement unpressed flat;
- asbestos-cement pressed flat.
Unpressed flat slate, unlike pressed, has lower strength and cost characteristics. It has half the freeze-thaw cycle, which makes it more suitable for interior work. The characteristics of slate are affected by the quantity and qualityasbestos, which is part of it. So, the quality depends on the diameter and length of the fibers, its mineral composition and fineness of grinding. In addition, the parameters of flat slate depend on the condition and technical characteristics of the equipment on which it is produced.
Slate dimensions
Flat slate, the dimensions of which depend on the thickness of the sheet, according to GOST can be:
- 3600x1500mm with sheet thickness 8-10mm;
- 3000x1500mm with sheet thickness 8-10mm;
- 2500x1200mm with sheet thickness 6-10mm;
In addition, the average deviations of the width or length of a rectangular sheet should be no more than 5 mm. In pressed sheets, the difference in the horizontal plane should not exceed 4 mm, for non-pressed sheets - 8 mm.

Scope of material
Compressed flat slate is widely used in various areas of construction. It is used in the fencing of technical shafts and ducts, the installation of formwork in industrial conditions, as well as for facing external and internal walls. In agricultural conditions, slate is used in the installation of fences, the construction of pens for livestock and cages in poultry farms. Summer residents and gardeners also often use the material in their areas. In the construction of residential premises, flat slate is used for fencing loggias and balconies, installing shower cabins, etc.

Material advantage:
- durability;
- affordable price;
- resistance to static loads (weightperson);
- fire safety;
- excellent sound insulation from natural phenomena (rain, hail);
- no electrical conductivity;
- does not rot, does not oxidize;
- does not transmit UV radiation and magnetic field;
- the surface does not heat up under the influence of sunlight;
- it is resistant to freeze-thaw, temperature fluctuations.
To protect flat slate, it is necessary to paint it after laying, which will increase its service life. For these purposes, acrylic paints are suitable, which form a protective film on the surface of the slate.