Comfortable indoor living is possible under many conditions. One of these is the optimal humidity, which affects the he alth of people or animals living here. An air humidity meter will help determine and adjust this level.

What is this device?
Probably, everyone noticed how at one moment the leaves of indoor plants can turn yellow and fade, and the inhabitants of the room themselves can hardly breathe during the heating period or summer heat. This means that the humidity level in the house is low, which is why we feel discomfort. To achieve optimal air humidity, it is necessary to accurately measure it. This is where a room humidity meter can help. Thanks to this device, you can not only avoid discomfort, but also protect your mucous membranes from drying out. After all, if the respiratory organs are dried up, any virus can enter the body, causing significant harm to he alth.
Air humidity meter is a device that detects and displaysthe level of this very humidity indoors or outdoors. It is also called a hygrometer. Thanks to this device, you can monitor the level of humidity and, if necessary, adjust it.

Optimal air humidity
We all know that the human body is 70% water. Therefore, it is vital for us that the air surrounding us is not too dry either. Otherwise, symptoms such as dry mouth, constant thirst, feeling tired, nasal congestion, snoring during sleep and coughing cannot be avoided. All these signs indicate that you need to increase the humidity in the room.
There are many ways to do this. But first, let's look at the simplest method of how to find out what kind of air humidity is in your house right now. To do this, you need to take a glass glass, pour water into it and put it in the refrigerator. When the water temperature becomes the same as inside the refrigerator, the glass must be placed in the room. It is advisable to place it away from heaters and radiators.
If the sides of the glass dry after 5-10 minutes, the humidity in the room is very low. If the condensate remains - medium, if the moisture flows down the walls of the glass - the humidity is high. This is the so-called express method, but in order to know exactly what humidity you have at any moment, it is advisable to have a room air humidity meter at home.
It will reliably monitor the atmosphere of your home, showing you in time what measures should be taken. If ahumidity is 70-90% - the room can be ventilated, if 20-40% - be sure to moisten. After all, high humidity should also not be in the house all the time, it is fraught with the development of fungus and mold. The most optimal level of humidity that must be maintained in the apartment is 50-60%. If this threshold is exceeded, the development of fungi and the appearance of dust mites is possible. If the humidity is very low, it is fraught with bacteria, viruses, allergies and diseases of the respiratory system.

Types of hygrometers
Before you buy an air humidity meter, you need to figure out what types of them exist today. After all, the purchase will only then be successful, accurate and durable, if its choice is approached wisely.
Mechanical | Occurs most often, but can not always be verified by the relevant services, so an error is likely in the testimony |
Hairy | This type of device can only be found in some laboratories. His work is based on the fact that ordinary human hair, however, fat-free, reacts to changes in humidity, thereby changing its length |
Film | These hygrometers are based on a special organic film that stretches and contracts under the influence of moisture |
Psychometric | Simple, high-precision and cheap - these are the positive aspects that can be describedthis temperature and humidity meter |
Electronic | The most modern and precise device ever developed. It has three modifications: electrolytic, ceramic and electrolytic with heating |
Which of the presented species to purchase, you choose. In addition, now on sale you can find not only individual air humidity meters in the apartment, but also combined devices. So, room humidifiers with built-in hygrometers, thermohygrometers (measure both temperature and humidity), clocks, both mechanical and electronic, in which hygrometer sensors are built in, are very common.

Low humidity? Taking urgent action
When the indoor humidity meter shows the minimum value, urgent action must be taken. This does not mean that you should immediately open the window and ventilate the room. In the summer, the air outside is much drier than indoor air, so airing not only does not help, but also harms. And the extra temperature will be inappropriate.
To raise the humidity in the room, you need:
- Use special humidifiers. There is a huge selection of these devices on sale now. Just don't use it too often: mold and mildew can develop.
- Don't forget about indoor plants. Even if their presence in the room does not greatly affect the humidity, but any of them is a kind of air humidity meter. A little something - the leaves immediately wither and turn yellow, and this is one of the signslack of moisture.
- If space permits, get an aquarium. Evaporation of water from it will increase humidity. The main thing is to change the water in time and add it.
- It is desirable to ventilate the room twice a day, but only in the cold season, a 10-minute airing will increase the humidity in the room.
- Make wet cleaning more often. Especially in rooms where TVs, computers, irons and other household appliances are on.
These simple tips will help you maintain an optimal atmosphere in your home.

And if the humidity is high?
It happens that in some parts of the apartment the level of humidity is very high. Such rooms can be kitchen, bathroom and other rooms. What to do when the hygrometer shows high readings?
- Ventilate the room after cooking, bathing, washing. Even if there is no window in the room, just open the doors.
- Try to dry clothes not indoors, but outside or on the balcony. Or dry it where the humidity is low.
- Special moisture absorbers available in hardware stores may help.

Instead of an epilogue
Undoubtedly, an air humidity meter is a very useful thing for general well-being and he alth in general. Thanks to this device, you can regulate the level of moisture in the house so that it is beneficial. This device is very good for those who have respiratory problems.organs, frequent morbidity, and for families with a small child, it is simply irreplaceable.