Modern chimneys are complex engineering structures that affect not only the efficiency of the boiler, stove, fireplace, the amount of fuel, but also the safety of the entire system as a whole. Proper selection and installation will not allow back draft, smoke or fire to appear. Therefore, the selection of material and components, as well as the very process of installing a smoke exhaust system, should be taken seriously. It is better to seek competent advice from the relevant specialists.

Shape, sizes and types
A chimney is a kind of vertical channel necessary for the formation of traction and the removal of household gases into the atmosphere. Its cross section can be round, oval or square. The most common shape is cylindrical. This demand is due to the fact that there are no corners in it, which are a kind of barrier to the passage of smoke and burning, leading to the formation of soot and its settling on the walls. The round section of the pipe provides a quick and almost unhindered removal of smoke to the top.
The diameter of the chimney pipe is determined based on information from the operating instructions for the heating installation. It can also be done by a specialistcalculation of the ratio of boiler power, the height of the structure and nearby buildings, especially if these structures are much higher than the building where the chimney and the entire heating system are planned to be installed.
Chimneys are made from a variety of materials that define their appearance. Here are some of them:
1. Plastic.
2. Ceramic.
3. Brick asbestos-cement.
4. From refractory clay.
5. Steel.

Before you install the chimney pipe, you need to make sure that it functions correctly, that is, it provides the necessary draft, is equipped with good thermal insulation, does not have difficulty in operation, meets all fire safety requirements, is durable and that importantly, had a fairly attractive and aesthetic appearance.
The chimney has the following qualities and characteristics:
- Excellent aerodynamic properties that ensure the correct movement of air along with combustion products.
- Perfectly smooth inner surface. Due to this, the deposition of soot deposits on the walls is minimized, respectively, it will be necessary to clean the structure less often.
- Proper resistance to the negative effects of condensate and aggressive acids.
- High anti-corrosion properties.

Installation of a brick chimney
Traditionally, the installation of the chimney is made of bricks. But with modernfuel - gas or fuel oil, and with the transitional modes of heating systems, the brick chimney is subjected to constant destruction. They are associated with the formation of condensate, leading to the appearance of microscopic cracks that allow moisture to pass into the living quarters. The service life of such an installation is on average about 7 years. A more durable brick chimney - with an inner pipe made of refractory clay, otherwise it is called fireclay. It is most resistant to temperature fluctuations.
Mounting features:
- Do not vent more than 2 stoves into the chimney.
- The distance from the grate to the mouth of the pipe must be more than 5 meters.
- Do not use ventilation ducts under the chimney.
- Equipped gate valves must have an opening of at least 1.51.5cm.
- It is better to lay out the chimney with the following dimensions: 1414 cm (for a furnace with a power of not more than 3.5 kW), 1420 cm, 1427 cm (for a furnace with a power of 5.2 kW).
- If the outer walls are made of non-combustible materials, then you can arrange a chimney inside them.
For a small oven, laying is made in 4 bricks, and for more powerful installations - in 5-6.

Installing a ceramic chimney
Ceramic has been used to make chimneys for a long time, but modern fireclay installations are not at all like fireclay pipes of yesteryear. The thickness of the current ceramic aggregates is no more than 1.5-2 cm. Accordingly, this leads to a reduction in the weight of the entire structure, and installationchimney from separate modules has become a simpler process.
Units made of ceramics have high temperature resistance and resistance to aggressive environments and condensate. Despite the fact that they warm up quickly, chimneys are very fire resistant. They are capable of resisting direct fire for up to 1.5 hours.
Ceramic pipes can be found at heat-insulated chimneys with an outer contour made of concrete, stainless steel or expanded clay. Such ceramic systems are modular, so it’s not at all difficult to install a chimney with your own hands, the main thing is to follow the necessary rules and regulations.
Mounting features:
- Installation must begin at the base of the chimney, going up.
- A special module with a condensate drain is placed on the prepared base over the cement mortar.
- Next, a connecting ceramic tee is installed, then straight elements. Everything is treated with an acid-resistant solution.
- Joints of modules should not be connected to floor slabs. All seams need to be smeared with a sponge and excess mixture should be removed.
- It is better to attach ceramic pipes with a clamp every 1.5 m.

Working with plastic products
Plastic chimneys are lightweight and low cost. They are corrosion resistant, flexible and easy to install. But their use is very limited. So, they can be used in systems where the temperature in condensing boilers reaches only 120 degrees. Mounting technologynext:
- Pipes are cut according to pre-prepared sizes.
- With the help of push-on couplings, sections of the structure are interconnected.
Despite the fact that this installation method is the easiest of all, it is not very popular in the construction industry. Therefore, the choice of parts and accessories is very limited.

Differences in the installation of single and double-circuit chimneys
Before installing stainless steel chimneys, it is important to familiarize yourself with their types. Chimneys are single- and double-circuit insulated. The former are used indoors, the wall thickness must be at least 0.5 mm and withstand temperatures up to 500 degrees. In the lower part of such structures, special devices for collecting condensate are installed during installation. They can be used in rooms equipped with any heating systems. They also install gas chimneys for boilers and other units with a gas temperature not exceeding 500 degrees Celsius.
Double-circuit chimneys ("sandwich") are used both outside and inside the building. They incorporate an external and internal contour, between them there is a heater, for example, ceramic fiber or bas alt wool. The insulation must withstand temperatures up to 500 degrees, without losing its protective properties and without releasing harmful toxic substances, and have low thermal conductivity. The thickness of the protective layer depends on climatic conditions and ranges from 30 to 100 mm. It is possible to install a chimney("sandwich") with their own hands. To do this, you need to connect all the structural elements in the correct sequence, taking into account all the features that we will consider below.
Requirements for structures when installing them
The heating equipment market offers a wide range of boilers, stoves, fireplaces, which use not only traditional solid fuels. Often there are liquid fuel and gas units. The installation of such equipment requires the fulfillment of certain requirements. Consider the conditions under which the installation of a stainless chimney or any other is carried out:
1. The chimney channel must completely remove combustion products.
2. Each heating unit or stove requires its own chimney.
3. The cross-sectional area of the pipe must correspond to the cross-section of the flue pipe of the heater.
4. Flue pipes must be made of special steel with increased corrosion resistance.
5. Smoke channels should be made as straight as possible. They should consist of no more than 3 turns. And the radius of their rounding should be greater than the radius of the pipe itself.
6. The height of the chimney should not exceed 5 meters. This height will provide the desired clearance and traction.
Importance of the process
The installation of heating units, especially when stainless steel chimneys are being installed, should be given increased attention, because the efficient operation of all equipment as a whole depends on this.
Arrangement of the chimney systemshould be carried out by qualified workers, as they will perform their work taking into account all the rules and requirements for fire safety set forth in the regulatory documents. They also take into account the available recommendations of manufacturers of both single-walled and double-walled chimneys.

General rules for installing a chimney
The installation of heating units, especially when stainless steel chimneys are being installed, should be given increased attention, because the efficient operation of all equipment as a whole depends on this.
The arrangement of the chimney system must be carried out by qualified workers, as they will carry out the work taking into account all the requirements.
Conditions to be observed when installing a chimney
Do-it-yourself chimney pipe installation requires certain rules to be followed:
- The chimney must rise above the flat roof by at least 500mm.
- The pipe should be placed at a distance of 1.5 to 3 meters from the ridge or parapet.
Installation of the chimney elements must be carried out from the bottom of the heating unit to the top. For a better connection, it is desirable to use a sealant with a working temperature of 1000 degrees Celsius.
Places of joints of pipes must be fastened with special clamps. The connection of the parts of the chimney channel must exclude any possibility of deflection. Also, chimney pipes should not come into contact with electrical wiring, gas pipelines and othercommunications.
In order for the chimney to work well, you need not only to install it correctly. Such a channel must be looked after, cleaned before each heating season. It is desirable that cleaning work be carried out by qualified workers who know their job. They will ensure the correct functioning of the unit and the safety of living in the house.