Do-it-yourself chimney cleaning. Chimney cleaners

Do-it-yourself chimney cleaning. Chimney cleaners
Do-it-yourself chimney cleaning. Chimney cleaners

Today, the issue of cleaning chimneys in many high-rise buildings is almost irrelevant, but most summer residents and owners of country houses still face this problem. If there is no desire to attract specialists, then you can try to manage on your own. However, cleaning a chimney is not an easy task, so you first need to gain theoretical knowledge, and then start practicing.

chimney cleaning
chimney cleaning

General information

Regardless of the novelty of modular heating systems, soot settles on chimneys. Of course, if an ordinary old wood-burning stove is used, then it is advisable to clean the pipe before each winter. If modern boilers are used, then it can be done less frequently. Today, in fact, there is no longer a profession of a chimney sweep, but it is not uncommon to see advertisements that offer professional cleaning. But if earlier only an experienced specialist could cope with this task, today any summer resident, even without experience, will be able to perform all the necessary work. All it takes is a good chimney brush or something similar, and a little patience and effort. Let's take a closer look at thisprocess.

Why does the chimney need to be cleaned?

Quite a legitimate question: "Why is the pipe clogged?" The fact is that when wood is burned, white smoke is formed. When coal burns, black smoke is released, which partially settles on the pipes. Interestingly, the amount of soot settled largely depends on how good the surface of the pipe is. The rougher it is, the more precipitation, the smoother it is, the less it is.

do-it-yourself chimney cleaning
do-it-yourself chimney cleaning

As a result, traction deteriorates, and the fuel does not burn completely. It is difficult to say what will happen if the cleaning is not done at all. In the best case, the smoke simply will not pass and the fuel will not burn out; in the worst case, a fire may start or a person will suffocate. It would seem that you need a professional chimney sweeper to clean your chimneys. However, there are many ways, or rather devices that will help you in this task.

Required tool

You can come up with some of your own devices if you don’t have the necessary tools at hand, or use those that are designed specifically for cleaning chimneys. Suitable special brushes, brushes and chemicals. But there are also so-called popular options that cope with the task just as well.

One of the easiest methods is to use a brush. She can clean fireplaces, chimneys, baths and the like. The main thing is to choose the right size of the product. The best option is nylon pile. Such a brush is good in that it is quite flexible and canadapt to the shape of the pipe. At the same time, sufficient rigidity allows you to completely remove soot. You also need to understand that a material that is too hard, such as metal, will scratch the inside of the chimney and make the surface less smooth. In the future, this will contribute to the fact that more and more soot will begin to accumulate in the chimney.

chimney brush
chimney brush

Using potato peels

But this method can be attributed to the classic folk or old-fashioned. It appeared a long time ago, but is still very often used. It is worth paying your attention to the fact that its effectiveness is no worse than the option with a brush or brush. The bottom line is that you need to take about a bucket of fresh potato skins, then heat the oven well and throw these scraps in there. If the whole bucket did not go in, it's okay - a smaller amount will be enough. The essence of the method lies in the fact that when burning, starch is released from potato skins, which contributes to the decomposition of soot. It is advisable to repeat the procedure several times, and after a few days the soot will partially disappear. Further, cleaning the chimneys with your own hands is extremely simple, since the combustion product will fall off on its own.

Chimney cleaning log

This method is based on obtaining the necessary chemical reaction. Chimney Sweep Cleaner is very easy to use and extremely effective. In most cases, it is used as an additive to firewood and is sold in small packs weighing one kilogram or more. This isa good way not only for the first or second cleaning of the structure, but also for maintaining it in good condition. A log for cleaning the chimney can be used for preventive purposes. During combustion, gases are released from the active elements, which dry the soot. As a result, it either falls into the fire or disappears with smoke. As a rule, such a tool must be used for several days, but the result will meet all expectations. Many might think that birch or aspen firewood is meant by log, but this is somewhat different. The packages contain special crystals that must be scattered on burning pieces of wood. Now let's look at another working method.

chimney soot cleaning
chimney soot cleaning

Cleaning with aspen wood

This method is considered one of the most ancient. Now it is used extremely rarely. This is due to the fact that, for all its effectiveness, such a chimney cleaning is not the safest. However, let's consider this option as well.

You will need a small armful (or two) of aspen firewood. They need to be put in the oven and kindled. This firewood is distinguished by the fact that it reaches a very high temperature during combustion. By the way, do not forget to open all the doors and latches. It is extremely important to maintain the set temperature in the oven for some time. When it reaches its maximum values, you can hear the corresponding hum. The soot will begin to burn and evaporate. The danger of this method is that not every chimney can withstand a temperature of 1100 degrees. However, it is very effectivecleaning the chimney from soot. But there are several other, simpler options.

Aluminum cans and hose

There are two more ways that even a beginner can master. For example, with the help of aluminum, you can achieve a minimum amount of soot settled on the chimney pipe. The essence of the method lies in the fact that approximately once in eight to twelve furnaces it is necessary to burn several aluminum products. It can be banks or something similar. The main requirement is to create a sufficient temperature to melt the metal. If the jar just lies and changes its color, then you will not achieve efficiency. If one container melts in five minutes, then you have reached the desired temperature, if not, then throw in some coal.

furnace and chimney cleaning
furnace and chimney cleaning

In the event that none of the above is at hand, you can try to find a hard hose and use it. To do this, remove the glass of the chimney and put a hose into it from above. For greater efficiency, attach a brush or brush to its end. However, cleaning the chimney from soot with this method is not very effective, but if there is no other way out, then this method will do.

Types of cleaning tool

We have already figured out that in order to maintain the good condition of the chimney, it must be regularly serviced. A special tool is sold for this. For example, a chimney brush, as well as a brush and a scraper, are very popular. Often you can see a universal tool - that's it, it's better to buy it. The point is that suchbrushes and brushes are suitable not only for brick, but also for metal structures with complex bends. When choosing, keep in mind that the diameter of the ruff should exceed the size of the chimney by about 15-20 percent. If the design is not round, but square, then a brush for cleaning the chimney will be the ideal solution.

There is a method that uses the kernel. It serves not for full cleaning, but for removing blockages. The essence of the method is that the core is attached to a rope and thrown into the chimney. Here you need to be wary of hitting the wall, as they can lead to damage. In addition, the core can be used simply as a weighting agent. In most cases, it is enough to be able to choose the right chimney brush. And now consider another interesting nuance.

chimney cleaners
chimney cleaners

How to know when it's time to clean the chimney

No one wants to just climb on the roof with a ruff, which, in principle, is understandable. It is extremely important to be able to determine that it is time to service the chimney. This is quite easy to do and you don't need any special skills. If the heating equipment is used according to all the rules, it is recommended to clean the pipes approximately once every two years. When you throw various items into the firebox, such as plastic bottles, rubber or raw wood, it is advisable to carry out maintenance annually. Also, pay special attention to the color of the smoke. When burning firewood, it should be almost white. If the color is closer to black, this indicates a large amount of soot. In anycase, it is recommended to have a ruff or brush. If you don't want to clean out annually, experts advise using chemical chimney cleaners as a preventive measure.

Instructions for self-cleaning

You already know which instrument to choose for this event. In the end, it is permissible to use an ordinary long stick, on the end of which rags are wound. Next, you need to clean the chimney along the entire length. It is advisable to repeat the procedure several times. This is due to the fact that it is very difficult to completely remove soot the first time. With simple up and down movements, it will fall into the oven, and the other part will remain on a rag or brush. Do not forget to open and close the damper so that the soot completely falls into the stove. The final step is to clean the furnace wells. Usually there are several of them, but it all depends on the type of stove. With a scoop or shovel, you need to select all deposits. After that, the cleaning of stoves and chimneys can be considered complete, but do not forget that all cracks and cracks must be covered.

fireplace chimney cleaning
fireplace chimney cleaning

Non-contact cleansing

It cannot be said that the industry does not stand still, and today there are just a huge number of methods that allow you to completely clear the chimney of smoke. Typically, such methods are used directly during the furnace. For example, firewood can be sprinkled with s alt and watered with a small amount of water. In addition, there are also dangerous options. We reviewed one of them above. Others are mostly based onthat all soot is burned out through the furnace holes. For old chimneys, this approach should not be used, as they can catch fire and fail.


We talked about the basic tools for cleaning the chimney. As you can see, the choice is very wide, and it all depends on your preferences. The most effective can be considered ruffs and brushes. But chemistry is more suitable for prevention than for full cleaning. In any case, you will have to climb onto the roof and do manual work. Keep in mind that a lot depends on how you use your oven. If you do not throw household garbage into the firebox, do not burn coniferous trees containing a large amount of resins there, then cleaning can be carried out somewhat less frequently. Do not forget about regular maintenance, because if the heating fails in the country in severe frost, then you will have to immediately climb onto the roof and perform the necessary actions.

In principle, this is all that can be said about how chimney cleaning should be done by hand. By and large, there is nothing complicated here, and it is definitely not necessary to call specialists for such a case. The next cleansing will be easier and faster as you gain experience.
