Today, the market for building materials and tools does not experience any shortages in goods. It contains the latest developments and achievements of modern production in the field of materials and brand new construction equipment that has the ability to combine many different tools.

Modernization did not bypass such a seemingly simple device as a circular saw. Over the past hundred years, it has undergone just a huge number of different changes, resulting in a fairly convenient hand-held device for performing various sawing or trimming jobs. At the same time, such a tool can cope with almost any material.
After installing a special circle with large teeth or with victorious inserts on a manual machine, a circular saw for wood is ready. Moreover, in the building materials market you can find so many different circles for this device that even such a complex and time-consuming process as sawing concrete can be done with ease and without much effort.

If necessary, work with metal structures can beinstall a special disk, but it must be borne in mind that circular saws for metal are mainly designed to make longitudinal cuts along the plane, and their depth is very much limited by the protective cover of the device itself. This makes the saw less popular for plumbing and other operations where there are obstructions, tight spaces, and where deep cuts are required.
However, due to its mobility, ease and reliability in use, the circular saw is readily used in carpentry workshops, when laying tiles and when installing drywall. Modern models of this device are equipped with various devices that can greatly facilitate the entire process of work and increase productivity. For example, a circular saw may have a built-in flashlight to illuminate the work surface and a laser pointer. With its help, you can drive the saw along the marked line, the cut will be made with maximum accuracy. They are also equipped with a special protective cover, which, when closed, instantly turns off the device, thereby making it safe to work with.

Thus, the modern circular saw has become a mobile power tool that can work with almost any material. At the same time, due to its design, it has quite serious limitations when working in tight spaces or in the presence of uncomfortable obstacles. It is also worth considering the depth of cut, whichseverely limited by the casing. Therefore, this tool has found application in construction only for certain work, but in the carpentry workshop it is simply irreplaceable, it can be used as a regular hand saw.