Probably, this genetic heritage of the ancestors causes an involuntary admiration for the forest, which for many centuries played a huge role in the life of a Russian person. He provided food and provided material for housing and its decoration. We are talking about both building a house out of wood, and its use in interior design. And today, wood remains one of the main finishing materials. True, it also changes and takes on new forms, for example, imitation of timber is very popular. From the manufacturer today, in addition to it, you can get other similar products.
In fact, imitation timber is a board used for finishing. The use of entirely natural wood in the form of logs or timber sometimes causes certain difficulties. This may be due to financial considerations and personal preferences, well, a person wants to have a brick house, and that's it. Here's how to trim itfor example, such a board will help inside under a tree - an imitation of a bar, a photo of which can be seen here.
True, she does not have quite the usual look. First, it differs in its shape. Outwardly, it looks like an imitation of a bar, it is a board that repeats the front surface from the manufacturer

wood beam. Secondly, for its manufacture, a technology was used that includes a deep drying mode in special chambers. Due to this, the wood does not crack during operation and is less prone to decay. And thirdly, it has a groove-thorn system on the side surface, which makes it quite easy to assemble any decorative panel.
These are not the only advantages of this board. When such an imitation of a bar from a manufacturer goes on sale, you need to know that not all types of wood are usually used for its manufacture. Conifers are considered the most suitable, and the best of them are those grown in the north as having a denser structure. It is believed that when the material from which the imitation of timber is made is larch, you can expect the highest quality products from the manufacturer. In terms of its properties, a pine board is slightly inferior to it.
From hardwood (aspen, linden) imitation timber is also made, but it has a somewhat specific application - for interior decoration of saunas and baths. The advantage of such a board is the absence of resin, which is a feature of conifers, as well as the healing effect inherent in this wood.

Most often, as already mentioned, imitation of timber is used for finishing (internal or external). Its use allows you to change the look of the house, giving it the appearance of made of natural wood. In the end, such a board makes it possible to copy, for example, the appearance and interior decoration of a noble estate or an old Russian tower and chambers in it.
Installation of such material is not difficult, just insert the comb into the groove and nail or fix the finished panel on the crate with screws. In addition, it is necessary to take measures to ensure the durability of the coating, for which the boards must be treated with special compounds that increase resistance to fungi and reduce the possibility of fire.
The demand for imitation timber is far from accidental. You can get a variety of boards from the manufacturer - cedar, hardwood, pine, etc. The comb-groove system they have makes it easy to assemble a surface that imitates natural wood trim from individual elements. This use of these boards allows you to give any structure the look of a house made of natural wood.