House with a garage: projects and construction

House with a garage: projects and construction
House with a garage: projects and construction

When people buy or build their country house, they, of course, count on the fact that they will definitely have their own car. Its presence solves many issues, both construction and fast movement. But then another issue becomes relevant - the storage of personal vehicles. A house with a garage is a great way out.

Varieties of buildings

If the garage is originally envisaged as part of the house, then it must be included in the development of the project. When there is a need and opportunity, some families can build two garages, taking into account the fact that they can store not only personal cars, but also non-standard vehicles: motorcycles, boats and even snowmobiles.

house with garage
house with garage

Classification of private garages

There are two concepts: a house with a garage under one roof and a detached garage. Mostly, when designing a country cottage, choose the first option. It is subdivided into several more options:

  • garagedirectly in the house at the living quarters level;
  • garage in the basement of the house;
  • attached garage.

Build-in garage

Building a garage inside the house is the most convenient building option.

Firstly, two walls are saved at once, plus a common roof over the garage and the house. And this is a big benefit from a financial point of view. But the most important thing is the laying of additional communications.

Secondly, it is very convenient in cold or rainy weather not to go out, but to immediately get to your favorite car and back. In addition, it is convenient to store some household items in such a garage.

Thirdly, a significant part of the backyard territory is saved from additional development.

house with two garages
house with two garages

When planning a house with a garage, a number of functional features must be considered:

  1. The car emits harmful exhaust carbon monoxide, so the project must provide for a powerful forced exhaust along with ventilation.
  2. It is advisable to provide a transitional vestibule from the garage to the living quarters of the house, and the garage itself should be located closer to the technical part, where the pantry, boiler room, bathrooms and other auxiliary facilities are usually located. In other words, a garage should not be planned next to the living room or bedroom.
  3. The special noise protection of the walls, as well as the doors of the transitional vestibule with rubber gaskets, help to isolate themselves from garage noise and harmful odors.
  4. In frosty time, heating in the garage is necessary,but the minimum so that the walls of the house and equipment are not exposed to condensation.
house with two garages
house with two garages

In any case, the choice is always up to the owner of a house with a garage.

Garage in the house at the basement level

Popular is the garage located on the basement floor. This position has its own advantages and features of operation:

  1. It is important to maintain the slope of the entrance to the garage and prevent it from flooding in inclement weather.
  2. A lot more space can be used for a garage, because the entire basement floor is usually technical, that is, non-residential.
  3. You don't have to go outside to get to the car. It is enough to place a ladder in the dividing vestibule, along which it will be possible to go down from the house to the garage.
  4. The cost of building a garage, taking into account the laying of the basement floor, immediately increases compared to the one built into the house. But, nevertheless, the car is always reliably protected. Indeed, in most cases, the basement of the house is always heated and has all the necessary technical communications.
house with garage under one roof
house with garage under one roof

Garage attached to the house

In a house with a garage as an extension, the garage is located at one of the side walls. Sometimes it is called so - "side garage". The peculiarity of such a garage is that it can be easily attached to a residential building at any time after the house has been put into operation. It is important to put it in the project and leave one of the side walls of the house blank, preferably the northwestern one, where inbasically all utility rooms and a kitchen are located.

In a house with this type of garage, at least one wall is saved during the extension. A capital foundation for such a garage is not needed, because, as a rule, nothing is built above it. It also does not require an interfloor capital overlap.

The entrance to the built-in garage is organized both from a one-story house with a garage, and directly from the site, only from the side of the patio. All communications are directly removed from the house, while only the outdoor area adjacent to the attached garage is well insulated.

house with garage
house with garage

Pros of an extension garage

The advantages of a garage attached to a residential building are obvious from the economic, functional and technical side. Therefore, when the future owners of a country cottage consider various projects of houses with a garage, they mainly stop at the option with an extension. After all, such a garage saves money and materials. In addition, it can be completed at any time without disturbing the entire building ensemble, and its functional features are like a garage built into a house.

When a house with an attic and a garage is being designed, then in this situation it is the attached side garage that can serve as an excellent basis for arranging a spacious terrace with access to it from the attic floor.

Garage built separately from the house

A detached garage is a building completely independent of a residential building. The place it occupies on the land plot is included in the list of outbuildings.

house with private garage
house with private garage

Such a garage is usually built with a capital approach. Often it is connected to other outbuildings by a vestibule. It is important to work out the access roads to the garage and turnaround areas at the design stage.

A freestanding garage has its advantages, but also its disadvantages. The main one is that in rainy weather you have to leave the house to get to your car. But on the other hand, such a garage does not take away useful living space from the house, and all harmful exhaust odors and noise are removed from the living area at a sufficient distance.

Paradoxical as it may seem, but the most popular are houses with a garage for 2 cars. This pattern applies to all types of buildings: both built-in and freestanding.

house plans with garage
house plans with garage

Garage Design Features

The garage belongs to the category of technical (utility) premises in a residential building. The main thing in the garage project is functionality and rationalism. When designing a house with a garage under one roof, the architect should focus on the safety and maximum organicity of the garage (or several) in the structure of a country cottage.

Here are the main factors to consider when designing a space with a garage:

  1. After the car enters the garage and the doors close behind it, there should be enough space to go around the car from all sides, for its inspection, possibly, and repair. Front and back must remainspace of at least one meter. The optimal dimensions of the garage space are: 6 m x 4 m x 3 m. The height of the gate is 2.1 m x 2.4 m.
  2. In the garage, it is desirable to provide space for shelving, a desktop, as well as for storing spare parts and replacement rubber.
  3. A separate pantry with a sealed door and natural ventilation is being designed for the storage of fuels and lubricants.
house with garage
house with garage

Garage safety

You should never forget that a built-in garage is a fire hazardous room in a private house. Harmful fumes and exhaust gases adversely affect the climate in the house. Therefore, all projects of houses with a garage must necessarily provide for security measures during the construction and operation of this room.

Firstly, a built-in garage requires sealing of floors, walls, and doorways that are directly adjacent to the built-in or attached garage.

Secondly, when building a house with an attic and a garage, not a single building material that is easily exposed to fire should be included in the project.

Thirdly, it is very important to separate the garage and technical areas from the residential area with an appropriate vestibule with a hermetic closing door.

house with garage project
house with garage project

Compliance with all safety measures is a guarantee of the safety of the house, vehicles in the garage, and the whole family.

As you know, a car is no longer a luxury, but a means of transportation. Especially if the ownercar lives in his own country house. If there is transport, then there must be a garage. A private one-story house with a garage looks natural and organic. In addition, given that the main functional task of any home is not only protection, but also comfort, additional extensions will come in handy.
