House with a roof to the ground: projects, planning, construction. A-shaped house-hut

House with a roof to the ground: projects, planning, construction. A-shaped house-hut
House with a roof to the ground: projects, planning, construction. A-shaped house-hut

When choosing a house project, people are increasingly faced with variants of houses with roofs to the ground. This idea can be considered successful for construction outside the city. This solution is also suitable for permanent residence. In appearance, such a building resembles a triangle and is a frame of frames. A distinctive feature is the absence of walls. The roof has a gable structure and starts from the foundation or from the plinth.

House layout features

house hut
house hut

If you want to build a house with a roof to the ground, you must figure out the layout. The structure of the building will have an appropriate shape and two facades. There are no walls in such a house, and their role is played by the slopes of the roof. The building consists of a frame, which acts as a base; it is made from frames of the appropriate shape. The roof triangle descends to the foundation.

Someprojects provide for other design solutions; in them, the roof does not come from the ground itself, but from the basement. Depending on the project, the house may have several passages and even a balcony. Passages have a through placement and allow you to rationally organize the movement of a person to both sides of the yard. This arrangement provides additional coolness in summer due to draft.


Roof-to-ground houses are quite easy to assemble, so land owners can implement a variety of projects without the help of specialists. For construction can be used:

  • bar;
  • lining;
  • wooden shields.

Quite often, a dry board is also used. The interior space of a house with a roof to the ground made of timber is not so extensive. To save usable space, the chimney and chimney pipes are taken out of the building. But this approach has some drawbacks, because a significant part of the heat will go outside.

Creating a project

house with a gable roof to the ground
house with a gable roof to the ground

Hut houses have many advantages. Such buildings have a simple installation system. For construction, you will have to familiarize yourself with the features of assembling a modular home. The frame structure can also be the basis. The building has no walls, so it does not take much time to build it. Masonry work will not have to be carried out. Ease of installation determines the low cost of such buildings. The estimate will not include the cost of masonry work. You don't have to buy a solution for them either.

The design does not provide for a massive heavy foundation, this can significantly reduce construction costs. A house with a roof to the ground will save free space on a small plot. You can build such a building even on 6 acres, and after it you can use it for temporary residence.

The building has a peculiar configuration of a hut, which gives a minimum of shade, which is a plus if light-loving crops are grown on the ground. A gable roof will be an ideal option if construction is carried out in an area with a humid climate, where it rains for a long time in autumn, and winter is accompanied by large amounts of snow. The roof has a low placement, which will protect the foundation and other parts of the building from getting wet and further destruction.

Features of creating a project

Mistakes that can be made during the design process will be very difficult to correct, in some cases impossible. It is important to carefully select the design of the building, its dimensions and correctly develop a plan of the territory. When choosing a place for construction, it is necessary to pay attention to the plants that are available on the site. The building should not interfere with trees or give shade to plantings.

Standard project will include some types of work. At the first stage, it will be necessary to make a foundation, then a frame is created and partitions are erected. The next step will be the construction of the roof and work on installing windows. Next, you can do the construction of stairs and work ondoors. After the floor is formed and insulation is carried out, as well as finishing.

Drawing up the optimal project

a figurative house
a figurative house

If you want to build a hut house, you must remember that due to the steep slope of the slopes, the building will be deprived of a large amount of internal space. Many developers, therefore, offer rather low and roomy bungalow houses in order to minimize such losses. At the design stage, you will need to choose the proportions, focusing on the option, which consists of two triangles of the correct shape. The figures in this case will have certain angle sizes, namely: 30, 90 and 60. If the slope angle is made equal to 28 ˚, then a tall person can only stand a meter from the inclined surface.

The area under the slopes can be divided by partitions and arranged in this part of the house lockers and pantries for storing things. If you plan to live in the house all year round, then the walls for vertical zoning should be insulated. When building a hut house, you will need to pick up roofing materials. For this, metal tile or corrugated board is most often used. These coatings have a smooth surface, so the snow load will be minimal. Rainfall will not linger on the roof. They will move down steep slopes. Building a house for this reason becomes the best option for sites in mountainous areas or places with snowy winters.

High roof can cause windshield, because of this the building will be subjected to wind loads. When choosing a site for constructionwind rose should be taken into account. It is better to prefer a reliable base and make a quality frame strapping.

Building the foundation

roof to ground house project
roof to ground house project

Construction of an A-shaped house begins with the construction of the foundation. The selected site must be leveled and cleared of debris, stones and stumps. With the help of a cord and pegs, it is necessary to mark the base axes with a foundation. Based on the plan, a trench is dug. Its size should be slightly larger than the parameters in the project.

A bed of sand and gravel should be laid at the bottom of the trench. Stones are laid down, and sand is poured on top. Its top mark should be on the bottom marking line. The layers of material are well compacted. Shields should be installed along the trenches for further pouring. The upper part of this structure is connected by boards. A distance of 0.3 m should be formed between the walls.

The next layer is a rubble stone. For the first row, large cobblestones are used. They are laid dry and rammed. After that, you can fill with rubble concrete. For this, it is better to use the M100 brand. The next rows are formed in such a way that the stones are slightly sunk into the mortar.

Work methodology

When building an A-shaped house, such operations should be carried out, focusing on the mark 0, 230. Before lowering the metal pins into the solution, markings should be applied to them to indicate the indent from the parallel and base axes. This segment is 2.5 cm. In those places where there will be mortgagesdetails, use fine filler.

The finished foundation should be cured for 3 days. The base should be moistened regularly with water. After the dismantling of the formwork is completed, the resulting voids are filled with sand. A blind area 0.7 m wide should be formed along the perimeter of the building. The optimal design of the blind area consists of a layer of sand and gravel, as well as concrete and asph alt pavement. It is desirable to place the covering of the blind area at a slight slope so that rainwater flows down. Thanks to this, you will eliminate the dampness of the foundation, which will be ready to last much longer.

Building the frame

hut-shaped house
hut-shaped house

Building a house in the form of a hut, at the next stage you will have to form the frame part of the building. It is made from wood. The material is recommended to be protected from moisture. This applies to those elements that are in the ground. They are treated with antiseptic agents and covered with waterproofing material. You can use roofing felt.

Details above the foundation should be passed through the slots in the protective coating. After they are filled with hot bitumen. It is necessary to mount load-bearing girders on the waterproofing. To simplify the work when creating the frame part of the house, this operation is divided into several stages. Rafter legs should be placed on the ground, taking into account the configuration of the roof. The ends of the beams are connected by ridge overlays. They are seized with M10 bolts.

After checking the length between the free ends, the floor beams should be strengthened in the desiredposition. The bolts of the ridge assembly are then fully tightened. When building a house with a gable roof to the ground, when assembling the rafters, you will need to build a kind of slipway. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the first installed parts. At this stage, the structure is fixed on a flat surface with pegs. They should be scored so that the entire element can be removed in the future. In its place are the following details. They are assembled in the same way.

Frame construction order

house with a roof to the ground layout
house with a roof to the ground layout

At the first stage, it will be necessary to install the extreme rafters, which will act as part of the pediment of the facades. Using a plumb line, you need to check the verticality. With the help of props, the rafters are fixed. The lower corners are fixed with metal plates and bolts. Now you can start marking the frame fixation area and mounting the frame with nails.

At the final stage, the rafters under the ridge are installed. As soon as the above work is completed, wind ties will need to be strengthened in the upper part of the frame. They are attached to the rafter legs. Temporary props examine to remove. All three frames of each edge are connected using the same technology.

Floating roofing material

house with a roof to the ground from a bar
house with a roof to the ground from a bar

Sheet slate can be used as roofing material. Its installation begins with the installation of the crate. For this, bars with an average section are used, which are mounted on the rafters. These items are installed within steps of 0.5 m. The bars are released outside the frames along the edges by 50 cm.

Rooferoid should be spread over the crate, the slate should be laid and fixed with nails. In this case, rubber gaskets are used. The slate is fragile and can be damaged during installation. Work is done from the bottom up. The sheets will overlap each other, excluding the ingress of moisture under the roof. The horse needs protection. To do this, you can use a strip of roofing material that is pre-bent.

Design and layout

If you want to build a two-story house with a roof to the ground, it is important to consider that the resulting shape of the rooms may be a disadvantage for you. But you can play with the original layout in an interesting way. An excellent option is the rejection of standard zoning. The space will be more spacious. A good idea for the kitchen would be to use unusually shaped furniture instead of a kitchen set. It can be made to order. Furniture can be completely abandoned, because it only clutters up the space.

Decor elements and embellishments should be kept to a minimum, as they can weigh down a compact space. When finishing and decorating the interior of the house, it is better to use natural materials, such as wood. By choosing a roof-to-ground house layout, you can make the most of the space under the stairs. There you can arrange open or closed shelves for storing household utensils and kitchen utensils.

The space under the roof on the second floor is also quite often used asplaces to store things. Having abandoned the partitions on the ground floor, you can zone the space with the help of stairs. When choosing a house project with a roof to the ground, pay attention to options with extensions. This allows you to make the interior space more spacious. The second floor can be used as an attic where things will be stored.

Project work and dimensions

When choosing the dimensions of a house with a roof to the ground, you can pay attention to a project with the following dimensions: 5 x 7 m. In this case, a strip base will act as a foundation. It can be combined - tape-columnar. Supports in this case are installed under the veranda and load-bearing runs.

A trench is dug along the perimeter, the walls of which are covered with a sand and gravel cushion and covered with formwork sheets. The sheets should rise 30 cm above the ground surface. Supports are installed from the outside. After the foundation has dried, the sides are removed. Then you can start building the blind area.

When erecting a frame, roofing material is laid on the foundation. In places where it is laid, slots are made on the mortgages, after which metal elements are punched into them and filled with bitumen. Load-bearing girders are laid on top of the insulation. Lathing details can be installed on top of the supporting rafters. Their length should be more than the width of the slope by 1 m.
