The owners of their apartments use many ways to create harmony and tranquility. The overhead surface is of no small importance in creating a superior design. Stretch ceilings with a pattern allow you to cope with the main task - to create beauty in the room. The images on them can be completely unimaginable. Let's take a closer look at this decor element.
The history of the suspension structure
Stretch ceilings originated many centuries ago. In ancient Egypt, fabric was used as a canvas. It was stretched parallel to the surface of the ceiling. After a while, the canvas sagged, covered with dirt and dust. It was removed and a new canopy was put up. Of course, such manipulations caused some inconvenience to the owners of the house.

In the seventeenth century, a new way of fastening structures appeared in Armenia. The fabric was impregnated with chalk, hung up, and when dried, it stretched, forming a perfectly evensurface.
Over time, stretch ceilings were forgotten, and remembered only in the twentieth century. In France, they decided to revive the technology of finishing the ceiling. At the same time, the appearance of modern materials instead of fabric had a special influence. As the basis of the tension structure, they began to use plastic films made of polyvinyl chloride. This polymer is very light and relatively strong, which is why it is still popular today.
In 1997, a Swiss company created a special technology for installing a stretch ceiling. The company abandoned the traditional method of fastening the fabric by heating the material to a high temperature. The developers went back to the origins of stretch fabrics and took fabric as a basis.
Over time, they began to experiment with surface colors, after which they invented stretch ceilings with drawings on canvas.
Relevance of hanging paintings
Ordinary ceilings in the modern world are not distinguished by any features. For a change, you can paint the surface or install high quality lighting. At the same time, such a finish will not be an individual design. If you decide to stand out with the design of the room, you should pay attention to the installation of a stretch ceiling with a pattern.

This finish allows you to create a perfectly flat surface. The design is expensive, but despite this, stretch ceilings are in demand. The relevance of such a design solution is due to the great desire of customers to installperfectly flat construction in your home.
Paper properties
In fact, a stretch ceiling with a pattern is a surface with a printed image. The base of the canvas can be different, whether it is a PVC film or fabric. The surface structure can also be varied - chintz, glossy or matte.
The illustration is applied to the plane and penetrates deep into the material. As a result, the pattern cannot be erased and becomes permanent.
In order for the image to look realistic, the most modern technologies are used, which allows you to create a stretch ceiling with a 3D pattern.

Printing technology
Printing a panorama can be done in different ways. The process itself consists of several stages. The first is preparation for printing. Creating a drawing is one of the main elements in the production of stretch ceilings. Sketches are formed using special computer programs.
The next step is to apply the image to the surface of the material. Finally, the canvas is dried and rolled up for transport.
Types of finishes
Artistic stretch ceiling is a design based on a PVC canvas, on which an art project is applied. With a large format plotter, you can apply photo printing on any type of surface:
- translucent;
- matte;
- glossy;
- satin.

Let's look at sometypes of ceilings for different rooms.
- Children's room is the personal world of every child. Therefore, the design of the space simply must be extraordinary. The most common types of printing on the ceiling are images of stories from fairy tales or cartoons, various funny prints. In the student's room, draw a map of space or the globe. One option would be to use a historical battle scene as a drawing.
- Stretch ceiling for the bedroom. What do you see in front of you when you wake up in the morning? White ceiling. Agree, it is more pleasant to look at the blue, clear sky or just a beautiful picture. This will give positive emotions for the whole day. An excellent solution would be to print photos of nature. Mountain peaks will give peace and tranquility.
- In the kitchen, patterned stretch ceilings can handle many space challenges. The combination of different patterns on one canvas will allow you to visually divide the room into a dining and working area. Paintings of nature, a green forest or a lake are widespread.
- Two-level ceiling surfaces. This solution creates a unique trendy look of your room. They allow you to hide construction defects, visually raise the ceiling, and also make the interior look like in a picture from a magazine. If you install lighting elements between ceiling levels, you can give the design originality. Drawings of stretch ceilings for halls can be very diverse: flower arrangements, patterns,ornaments, and more.
- The original idea is to apply photos on a plane. But this version is specific. It is difficult to find a photo that is in perfect harmony with the overall design of the room. Therefore, the choice should be approached thoroughly.
- When arranging a bathroom, you should not be afraid for the durability of the pattern on the stretch ceiling. The quality of the material is just as good as other surfaces.
- Hinged fabric planes are suitable for all rooms without exception. With their help, it is possible to make not only a smooth surface, but also to create a drapery. The material is flexible and stretchy, which allows you to fully embody design ideas. A photo of a stretch ceiling with a pattern is presented below.
- Matte finish of the surface - eliminates the appearance of light reflections. You can be sure that the picture will fully convey the originality of the designer's idea. The plane of this material is one of the cheapest. Installation of a matte stretch ceiling with a pattern is quite simple.
- A peculiar design is a glass ceiling, on which a photo or drawing is applied. This is a kind of breakthrough in the design of stretch ceilings. The image is applied through the use of ultraviolet inks. Initially, the photo is taken using large-format equipment on polymer film, and then transferred to glass.

Assembly of stretch ceilings
The installation process of suspended surfaces requires special skills. PVC backing is installed by stretching the webaround the perimeter, starting from the corner. The fabric ceiling must be fixed diagonally.

Currently, there are three options for attaching suspended planes. They can be placed both over the entire area of the room, and in small "islands".
The type of fastener is affected by how many factors:
- ceiling base material;
- size of room area;
- height of the surface to be installed above the floor;
- what additional decorations will be used.
Select planes
Do you want to install a patterned stretch ceiling in your home? Be patient.
First of all, you need to decide on the base material - PVC or fabric. Both types are good in terms of durability and reliability. Based on practicality, it is better to choose a film ceiling. There is no guarantee that the neighbors from above will not “flood” you, and the cost of PVC material is cheaper than fabric. With the exception of an unpleasant smell, such a surface will not cause you any inconvenience. The "aroma" will disappear after a couple of days if you choose high-quality PVC.
Modern technology has made it possible to create high resolution prints. Therefore, the appearance of the picture directly depends on the quality of your photo. A competent approach to choosing a pattern will make it possible to create a unique design in the room. Photo printing allows you to change the room beyond recognition.

Based on the foregoing, it is better to entrust the choice of ceiling construction to a professional.
Advantages of modern design
What are the positive aspects of stretch ceilings with a pattern? Pros of such interior items:
- high moisture resistance;
- images do not lose brightness even after time has elapsed;
- creating a little soundproofing;
- allows you to slightly keep warm;
- beauty and originality of room design;
- matches a lot with different wall materials;
- possibility of placing lighting elements anywhere on the surface;
- installation takes little time.
Problem moments
Negative sides must be considered when choosing an invoice. These nuances include:
- room height will decrease slightly;
- marble style colors do not match with all materials;
- matte white stretch ceiling with a pattern is much more expensive.

When the idea of renovating an apartment arises, the first thing that comes to mind is to re-paste the wallpaper or change the flooring. The ceiling is the last thing to remember. And in vain. Indeed, thanks to the use of new technologies for the installation of stretch ceilings, the space in the apartment can not only be updated, but also give it a peculiarity and originality.