Drug "Clean House" from bedbugs: reviews, release forms

Drug "Clean House" from bedbugs: reviews, release forms
Drug "Clean House" from bedbugs: reviews, release forms

Bedbugs in our house can appear quite suddenly, come with things or crawl from neighbors. These are extremely tenacious creatures, which are extremely difficult to get rid of. Therefore, when choosing insect repellents, you have to pay increased attention to the characteristics, as well as reviews. Some will say that it is better to call a special service than to experiment.

In some cases this is true, but there is one proven tool that is guaranteed to help in the fight against unpleasant "neighbors". Today we’ll talk about what constitutes a Clean House spray from bedbugs. Reviews emphasize that this is a budgetary and effective remedy for combating blood-sucking insects.

clean house from bedbugs reviews
clean house from bedbugs reviews

What are bed bugs

Not everyone has met them in their lives, which means that sometimes they will not immediately understand that it is not mosquitoes that attack them at night. It is generally accepted that they wind up due to dirt. This is fundamentally not true, even in the cleanest and most well-groomed apartment a small insect can easily find a loophole. It's just that in rundown housing they have more space forhabitats: cracks under the skirting boards, behind the departed wallpaper. Initially, they settle near sleeping places, only then they spread throughout the apartment.

If in the morning you find bloody spots on the sheet, and bite marks appear on the body, then the bugs “dined” on you today, and some did not have time to crawl away. We urgently need to find a remedy that will help get rid of them. The topic of today's article was prompted by reviews. "Clean House" from bedbugs is an effective tool that can quite easily help you say goodbye to unpleasant creatures and no longer remember them.

Comfortable spray

The drug is sold in the store in two forms. The first is an aerosol can. No special skills are required from you, just spray the product where insects are most likely to accumulate. Within a few minutes, the "Clean House" from bedbugs will start working. Reviews suggest that you must first take care of all family members, that is, send them to visit for a few hours. This also applies to pets. Aquariums and terrariums must be tightly closed and compressors turned off.

spray clean house from bedbugs reviews
spray clean house from bedbugs reviews


So, what is the Clean House Bedbug Spray? Reviews say that it does not have a pungent odor, which makes it easier to clean and ventilate the room after the end of the action. This is very important for a person prone to allergic reactions. It is a concentrated emulsion that can be sprayed independently in the intended place.accumulations of pests. This is a very simple procedure, according to reviews.

Spray "Clean House" from bedbugs contains two active ingredients, each of which is equally responsible for the final result:

  • Cypermethrin is an effective insecticide that has a nerve-paralytic effect on insects. Any contact with the drug causes an early death of the insect.
  • Tetramethrin is another insecticide, this time of systemic action. Under its influence, the transmission of nerve impulses in the body of the insect stops. It signifies imminent death.

Now with chamomile

Relatively recently, this new product appeared on the market, but it has already become popular among buyers. The complete absence of an unpleasant odor is noted with pleasure by many reviews. "Clean House" with chamomile from bedbugs is a convenient spray, which is sold in 400 ml bottles. It is also an instant drug. After use, there is a slight aroma of chamomile, which disappears after a few days. Produced in Russia, has the necessary certificates.

An additional feature is that the drug "Clean House" from bedbugs and fleas is used with great success. Reviews say that even pets periodically bring home jumping "guests". The spray eliminates such a neighborhood in just a few minutes. One treatment and problem solved.

remedy clean house from bedbugs reviews
remedy clean house from bedbugs reviews

Pros and cons

Many agree that the best optionis an aerosol product "Clean House" from bedbugs. Reviews emphasize that the drug does not require special skills. In addition, by spraying insecticide, you can provide a large area coverage. Spray particles will scatter around and allow you to destroy all the insects that you cannot see. One can is enough for an apartment of 50 m2. At the same time, the risk to people and animals is minimal.


Despite the assurances of the instructions, it is worth carefully monitoring that people and pets have as little chance as possible to inhale the aerosol. Reviews "Clean House" from bedbugs are advised in an empty house, sending all household members to stay. Despite the relative safety, individual intolerance to the drug cannot be ruled out. It may cause allergic reactions in some people.

According to safety rules, you must first treat all surfaces that can hide insects under them, and after a while ventilate the room well. After that, you can safely return home, there is no longer any danger to people and animals. Do not forget that insecticides are equally toxic to insects, fish and reptiles. Therefore, do not forget about exotic pets in aquariums and terrariums. They, too, must be protected from the effects of the drug.

aerosol clean house from bedbugs reviews
aerosol clean house from bedbugs reviews


Many people know and remember him under the name of dust. In fact, the form is not the most convenient for independent use, however, everyone chooses for himself. The composition of the spray and powder is almost identical,however, the concentration of the latter is much lower. But from this it does not become less effective in the fight against bedbugs. Outwardly, it looks like a gray powder. It is intended for sprinkling on an infected surface.

The only difference between the dust is (besides the low concentration) that it contains another component, piperonyl butoxide, with a concentration of 10%. By itself, this substance is practically neutral, it is not an insecticide. However, it has the ability to significantly extend the period of action of the remaining components. Therefore, if the number of insects is very large, then it is recommended to use this particular form in order to get rid of all of them for sure.

clean house with chamomile from bedbugs reviews
clean house with chamomile from bedbugs reviews


This is another form that does not differ in composition from the previous two. That is, similar insecticides are used, and by crushing it, you will get an analogue of the powder. In which case is it more convenient to use the "Clean House" chalk from bedbugs? Rather, as a preventive measure. If, after processing, you are not sure that you have destroyed the entire population of insects, then use this simple tool to apply lines near the bed. We'll have to remove the carpet, but it won't be for long. Usually the night is enough for the surviving insects to try to get to the source of fresh blood and find their doom.


This is the most modern form, which is also the most secure. The gel comes in a convenient, disposable syringe, which minimizes contact with it. In addition, in the Clean House product line, it is distinguished by the mostlow toxicity. Therefore, during processing, you can not leave the apartment. This is extremely convenient for busy people and allows you to take preventive measures from time to time. But the person who will apply the product must wear gloves. You need to apply the gel in cracks and hard-to-reach places that insects love very much. You can update every two weeks.

clean house from bedbugs fleas reviews
clean house from bedbugs fleas reviews

Preparing for processing

First of all, you need to take care of your own safety. As already mentioned, all household members should be sent to visit relatives. It is necessary to wear clothing that covers the body as much as possible, including a hat on the head, glasses and rubber gloves on the hands. If possible, wear a respirator or a simple medical mask. It is necessary to carry out processing with open windows. After completing it, wash your clothes thoroughly, and take a shower yourself.

Work in progress

Let's now talk about how to use the Clean House bedbug remedy. Aerosol, reviews of which are very good, must be applied not only in the place where you noticed insects. Usually, the presence of bedbugs is not immediately detected, and they manage to lay masonry almost throughout the entire apartment. Therefore, you will have to work hard.

It is necessary to move pieces of furniture away from the walls. This will open access to the baseboards, as well as the back walls of the furniture, where insects may well live. Carpets, paintings, various panels, all this needs to be removed from the walls. On the back surface, clutches of eggs can often be found. Sofas and bedsshould be disassembled as much as possible. The mattress should be taken out, the sofa should be laid out so that the wooden structures are exposed.

bedbug remedy clean house aerosol reviews
bedbug remedy clean house aerosol reviews


Once again, the easiest way is to use an aerosol. Anyone can handle this, and cleaning after it requires a minimum, which is regularly emphasized by reviews. Bed bug remedy "Clean House" (spray) is sprayed in places where insects are most likely to live. You need to spray abundantly, one bottle is enough for a long time, so you won’t have to save. One square meter is recommended to be processed within 5 seconds.

Powder is a little harder to handle, so it's much less likely to be chosen by customers. It must be scattered or prepared with a solution (10 grams per liter of water) and sprayed with a brush or with a spray bottle. After two hours, you will need to open all the windows and doors to get a draft. And if there are a lot of insects, then it is recommended to use both means. An aerosol will kill most, and a powder that remains active for a longer time will gradually finish the job. The "Clean House" chalk from bedbugs is used in the same way. Reviews say that they use it for preventive purposes for several weeks after treatment.

Instead of a conclusion

Bedbugs are very nasty insects that have always been difficult to get rid of. But today you have the product line above. With it, you can completely forget about the problem, "Clean House" destroys insects in a matter of hours. Observingsimple precautions, you can be sure that the use of the drug will not affect the he alth of family members in any way. Judging by the numerous reviews, the leader is a convenient and functional spray. A large bottle allows you to process any room and completely save you from the problem.
