Adding liquid glass to concrete: some nuances

Adding liquid glass to concrete: some nuances
Adding liquid glass to concrete: some nuances

Liquid glass is often used by builders in the preparation of various building mixtures. As a rule, it contains silicates of calcium or potassium. The production cost of such materials is low, but by adding liquid glass to concrete, you significantly increase its quality. Given the presence of silicates in its composition, it can be used in the production of refractory structures.

liquid glass in concrete
liquid glass in concrete

You can add liquid glass to concrete for the following purposes:

  • Strengthening moisture-proof properties.
  • Improve antiseptic qualities.
  • Improving fire resistance.

It is used in the following areas

Liquid glass is widely used in the foundry industry, without it it is impossible to produce soap and paper.

If we talk about construction, then the scope of use is much narrower. In particular, when water glass is added to concrete, it can be used as a quality primer. Up to ¼ can be added to building concrete to improve its qualities. Yes, atto increase water resistance, it is added in an amount of 15%, in order to enhance the refractory qualities, it is necessary to add 25%. For the same purpose, builders impregnate wooden structures with this compound.

liquid glass in concrete proportions
liquid glass in concrete proportions

It is most justified to add liquid glass to concrete when installing the foundation pads of buildings located in damp lowlands, in places with a high position of groundwater, in order to build hydraulic structures, as well as in the construction of boiler rooms, furnaces and fireplaces. The foundation with such an additive not only perfectly protects the building from moisture, but also does not need any additional treatment with antiseptics.

This is how silica and aluminosilicate foundations are prepared. In principle, with the appropriate buildings and at least minimal construction experience and equipment, it is quite possible to cook them even at home.

It is necessary to know exactly the conditions for the preparation of standard concrete and the properties of its particular brand. So, when using the M200 brand and higher, 72 liters of liquid glass must be added to one cube of the finished solution. The tension of the mixture at this ratio is the most optimal. However, in amateur construction such high qualities are not required from the structure, and therefore it is quite acceptable to add liquid glass to concrete, bringing the proportions to 1: 10. This way you can save a lot of money.

Let's consider how the composition for waterproofing is prepared:

  • Glass is added only to the concrete mixture, using one liter per 10 liters of itglass.
  • Composition should be used within 5-7 minutes only!
add liquid glass to concrete
add liquid glass to concrete

Together with concrete, this composition forms a thick and quickly hardening mixture. It is possible to find several simple ways out of this situation. If high qualities are not required from the solution, you can dilute it with water, but the waterproofing is so-so. Still, it is more correct to add liquid glass to concrete, preparing it in small portions. In the case of a well-made mortar, the foundation will have excellent technical qualities.
