Grapes are a heat-loving plant that needs good warming in the cold. Sheltering grapes for the winter is practiced even in the southern regions, taking care of the safety of high-quality varieties, and in the middle and black earth zone this technique is mandatory.
The first frosts come when the growing season has not yet ended, so there is no natural fall of foliage on the grapes.
By the time of shelter, shoots that have grown over the summer need to accumulate the required amount of plastic substances, fully mature. The bark should become lignified, acquire a characteristic light brown color.
Before you cover the grapes for the winter, you need to start preparing the bushes for the winter. Unripe shoots die even with slight frosts. There are special techniques for accelerating the maturation of the vine, this is especially true in cool and humid summers. For successful wintering, at least 3-4 internodes must be well matured.

When to cover grapes for the winter?
Send grapes for winterapartments start depending on weather conditions. The approximate time for the middle band is October-early November. By the time of shelter, the first frosts should have passed. Vine that has been cold-hardened becomes a light brown hue.
The higher the winter hardiness of the variety, the lower the threshold temperature for shelter. For bushes of European selection with vine winter hardiness of 15-180 With the extreme allowable limit for shelter is a temperature of -40С. Modern hybrids can withstand lower temperatures (-5-80C).
Several days at a temperature of -10 0C can lead to eye loss. Winter hardiness may fluctuate. So, if the bush gave a rich harvest, its resistance to frost decreases.
Young plants are covered first, before the onset of cold weather. Gardeners have noticed that shelter ahead of schedule does not have a negative effect on the vine. If it is not possible to visit the site at a later date, pruning and sheltering can be done in early October.

Ways to shelter grapes for the winter
- The easiest method is an earthen shelter. The soil should be light and loose, and covered with a cover of 30-40 cm. The earth should be taken away from the plant in order to prevent the roots from being exposed.
- In areas with a harsh climate where there is little snow, there is a possibility of freezing of the roots. There, the shelter of grapes for the winter is carried out in layers: spruce branches or straw are laid on a 15-centimeter earthen layer, then sprinkled againearth.
- Air-dry shelter is recommended for use in the middle lane. Spruce branches or roofing felt are placed under the vine, then it is bent down with staples, spruce branches or straw are again placed on top. A frame is placed above the shelter and covered with a film or roofing material. It can be replaced by a construction of wooden shields.
- Tunnel film shelter: the vine is pinned to the ground, arcs are installed above it and tightened with black plastic wrap. Due to the cheapness and availability of materials, it is widely used, but it has a drawback - the risk of aging. To prevent this, you can first put a layer of corrugated cardboard on top of the arcs, which will absorb excess moisture.
shelter of grapes for the winter with agrofibre Snow shelter is a simple and effective way to save your vine. The bushes bend down to the ground and fall asleep 40-50 cm. Even European varieties winter well under a snow blanket, but the weather is unpredictable, and there are no guarantees that enough snow will fall.
Sheltering grapes for the winter with agrofiber prevents the development of necrosis. This breathable material prevents condensation from accumulating. It protects well from autumn and spring frosts, but in regions with severe winters it is not suitable as the main means of shelter. It can be used as the first layer of tunnel covers
You cannot cover grapes with leaves, sawdust, manure, household waste.