A whole group of genera from the Palm family belongs to the category of fan. Such a classification is connected with the specific shape of the leaves, the plate of which is dissected into many parts, which are segments of one whole. All of them depart from the very center and are distributed in the form of rays.
Many representatives are widely cultivated indoors under the general name "fan palms". Let's take a closer look at the most popular ones, as well as the features of caring for them.

In nature, they are distributed in Asia, Africa, Australia and Oceania, where they reach a height of up to 25 m. The diameter of the leaves is also very impressive - 0.6-1 m, they are dense and leathery, glossy surface of dark green, sometimes with a gray tint in color, fan-shaped, and the petioles are often with teeth. In room culture, the most common liviston is southern, round-leaved and Chinese. This fanpalm tree (photo above) requires bright but diffused lighting, a small amount of direct sunlight is acceptable. The ideal location is the eastern and western windows, and periodically, for even growth, it must be rotated around its axis. The most favorable room temperature for a palm tree is from 16 to 20°C, with a decrease during winter to 16°C.
Livistons prefer moist air and abundant watering in the summer, the drying of an earthen coma is unacceptable. Use warm settled water. After 2-3 hours after watering, drain the excess from the pan. In room conditions, the plant grows up to 1.5-2 m, giving 2-3 new leaves annually. It is worth transplanting an adult fan palm 5 years after planting, young ones - annually. Neutral to slightly acidic soil with good drainage is preferred. Reproduction by lateral processes is possible.

The genus of fan palms, including only two species: thread-bearing Washingtonia and strong. Characterized by rapid growth in a subtropical climate, able to withstand short-term cooling down to -12°C. Cirrus leaves in nature reach up to 1.5 m in diameter, and the trunk itself is up to 30 m high. It is used for decorative gardening of streets in the southern states of the USA (California, Florida). In room conditions, the size of the plant is more modest.
Palm care
Washingtonia is a fan palm that's easy to care for. She is photophilous, prefers eastern and western windows. For the summer, you can take it out to the balcony or terrace, soas a plant does not like stagnant air. Palm prefers moderate temperatures - 20-25°C in summer and 10-12°C during winter dormancy. Humidity is important, but not critical. With regular spraying and washing with water, the leaves develop better.
Watering in summer is plentiful in combination with fertilizing with mineral fertilizers (every 2 weeks from March to September). Washingtonia is sensitive to transplantation, so it is not recommended to disturb the plant once again. Young specimens change pots every 1-2 years, and adults - if necessary (the appearance of roots from drainage holes) by transshipment. Reproduction only by seed method.

These fan palms come from the East - common in Japan and China. Rapis are bushy plants without a clearly defined trunk, unlike the two previous species. The leaves are fan-shaped, deeply dissected into 5-10 segments. In indoor floriculture, two types are common - low and high rapis. Plants need temperatures between 20-22°C in summer and 10-16°C in winter.
The plant is sensitive to dry city air in apartments, so it is necessary to constantly spray it in the warm season and wipe the leaves with a damp sponge. Watered with soft and settled water during the growing season abundantly, at cool temperatures with great care so as not to provoke diseases.
Rapisa soils (fan palm trees) prefer slightly acidic or neutral, with the addition of peat and sand. The root system is superficial, so a transplant is neededonly as needed. Once a year, for large specimens, it is enough to change the topsoil. Simply enough, the plant reproduces by dividing the rhizome, the seeds germinate for a long time (up to 3 months).

A small genus of plants, including only nine species. Its representatives are long-lived and in the natural environment grow for 150 years. In room culture, Fortune's trachycarpus is most common, as well as tall and Martius. These are cold-resistant palms, fan leaves in nature reach up to 1 m in length. They prefer a bright place in the room, but without direct sunlight, shading is acceptable. The most favorable temperature regime: in summer - 18-25°С, in winter - 6-12°С.
It is recommended to take the plant outdoors in the warm season. Watering with soft water; plentiful in summer and moderate in winter (after the half-earth coma has dried out). Transplanting by transshipment only after the entire pot is completely filled with roots. Trachycarpus is not sensitive to soil and grows equally well in the range from 5.6 to 7.5 pH. The main requirement is the presence of a drainage layer. Reproduction is seed.

The genus of fan palms, represented in nature by only one species - squat chamerops. This is a multi-stemmed low-growing tree with a fluffy crown of large leaves with petioles covered with thorns. Under natural conditions, it reaches a height of 4-6 m. Unpretentious palm (fan), leaving inat home, it will not cause any particular difficulties.
In the conditions of an apartment, the chamerops requires a temperature of 23-25 ° C in summer (it is best to take it out into the open air) and half as much in winter. Watering during the period of active growth is plentiful (soft water) with periodic fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. Transfer only when necessary. Reproduction is not only seed, but also vegetative - shoots from the root.
Under this name, the genus of tall palms, including 16 species, is combined. Their appearance is vaguely reminiscent of chamerops. The leaves are fan-shaped, dissected into segments almost to the very base on a long smooth petiole. Distributed in various areas: s alt marshes, desert soils, shores of reservoirs, savannahs, swamps, sea coast.
Appreciate them for the excellent qualities of wood that does not rot in water and is used as a building material. The fibers extracted from the leaves are used to make coarse tissue, and the young buds and leaves are eaten.

In our latitudes, the plant is cultivated as an ornamental leaf. Soil for palm trees is selected in a neutral environment, with a good layer of drainage. The air temperature in summer is preferably within 23-26°C, and in winter - not lower than 15°C. This is a fairly rare fan palm. Leaves dry on it from a lack of nutrition or overflow. Watering in the summer is plentiful, in the cold season - with caution.
The choice of palm trees cultivated at home is huge. You can find everythinganything, any size and for any wallet. However, we recommend that beginner growers start with the most unpretentious species.