What is a parthenocarpic cucumber hybrid? Features and photos

What is a parthenocarpic cucumber hybrid? Features and photos
What is a parthenocarpic cucumber hybrid? Features and photos

Which cucumbers are called parthenocarpic? Is it true that this is a synonym for the word "self-pollinated"? What is a parthenocarpic cucumber hybrid? How are they different from normal ones? What is a female parthenocarpic hybrid of cucumbers? Are they suitable for pickling or can they only be consumed fresh? What are the features of the formation of plants of such varieties and their care?

Pollination of traditional cucumbers

Beginner gardeners often get acquainted with the concept of parthenocarpic cucumbers by looking at colorful seed packages. Often, after the name of the variety, “parthenocarpic” is indicated on them, and then it is written in brackets (self-pollinated). But these are not synonyms, although there is some truth in this. To find out what a parthenocarpic hybrid of cucumbers is, you need to understand the process of pollination of various types of this plant.

what is a parthenocarpic hybrid of cucumbers
what is a parthenocarpic hybrid of cucumbers

Usually on the whip of the common cucumber, as they calltraditional varieties of this plant, numerous flowers are formed. But in vain gardeners are waiting for the rapid formation of fruits. Some flowers fall, they are replaced by the next, but there are still no cucumbers. And only after a certain time the fruits appear.

There are several types of cucumber flowers. These are female, male and hermaphrodites, from which spherical fruits are formed. Grow varieties with female, predominantly female or male flowers. If the amount of both types is the same, then the type of flowering is called mixed.

Fruits of cucumbers are formed only from female flowers. But for fertilization, they need male flowers. This only happens after bees or other insects have carried pollen from male-type flowers called barren flowers.

The disadvantage of such varieties is not only the long period from the opening of the first flowers to the appearance of fruits. Often cucumber lovers grow them in the winter in an apartment. But there are no insects. Therefore, it is necessary to pollinate female flowers manually, using various devices, brushes. Sometimes male flowers are plucked, the petals are torn off, and the rest is placed to the female stamen. It can be interesting and informative, but always inconvenient. You need to track the types of flowers, constantly pollinate them.

Sometimes clouds cover the sky, and insects stop flying even in open areas. The number of greens may decrease for this reason.

History of Creation

Cucumbers that form fruits without pollination have been known for a long time. They grew wild in China and Japan. First parthenocarpichybrids, known in our time, were created in the middle of the last century. What is a parthenocarpic hybrid of cucumbers of that time? These are plants intended for growing indoors. At first they were only long, up to 40 cm, dark green in color. But then, scientists-breeders created many new varieties, including short-fruited ones. They look and taste similar to regular ones.

parthenocarpic hybrids of cucumbers for open ground
parthenocarpic hybrids of cucumbers for open ground

What is a parthenocarpic cucumber hybrid with partially expressed properties? In addition to varieties with a pronounced property of parthenocarpy - the ability to form fruits without pollination, varieties have been created with the partial formation of such fruits. Some of their greens are formed from ordinary female flowers as a result of pollination by bees in the usual way.

When growing cucumbers with partial development, you need to alternate them with pollinating varieties or those that form male flowers.

Differences between parthenocarpic and self-pollinated cucumbers

What is a parthenocarpic cucumber hybrid? Their peculiarity is that they form fruits without pollination. There are no or almost no barren flowers on their stems. Most of their flowers are female. Green fruits do not have seeds inside at all, or they grow only to the stage of milky ripeness.

In self-pollinating plants, each flower has pistils and stamens. Therefore, they pollinate themselves. The fruits of such cucumbers inside have seeds that ripen over time. In this case, the fruit itself turns yellow, and then becomes brown.

Are all cucumber hybrids parthenocarpic? No, some of them are bee pollinated.

What is a female parthenocarpic hybrid of cucumbers? These are varieties that form only female flowers. An example is the hybrid Arina F1, the fruits of which are distinguished by a sweet taste, Regina-plus F1 with spindle-shaped greens.

what is a parthenocarpic hybrid of female cucumbers
what is a parthenocarpic hybrid of female cucumbers

What is the purpose of parthenocarpic cucumbers? The first varieties were created for fresh consumption. But for a long time there have been cucumbers of this type, suitable for pickling and canning. Information about this is usually found on the packaging.

Are there parthenocarpic cucumber hybrids for open ground? Varieties that can be grown in a greenhouse and open ground are called universal. For example, the ultra-ripe beam hybrid German F1. In most cases, versatile varieties are grown outdoors.

Hybrid Zador F1 is designed for outdoor cultivation. Its fruits are large tuberculate gherkins of dark green color of a cylindrical shape. Good for s alting.

Benefits of Parthenocarpic Cucumber Hybrids

Having considered what a parthenocarpic hybrid of cucumbers is, we will deal with its advantages and disadvantages. Perhaps you should completely switch to this type of cucumber and not grow others?

what is a parthenocarpic hybrid of female cucumbers
what is a parthenocarpic hybrid of female cucumbers

Parthenocarpics have a number of advantages over ordinary and self-pollinated varieties:

  • They are very productive. Number of ovarieson each stem is so large that some of them do not grow and dry up small. The plant is not able to grow them all even with good care.
  • Such plants develop very quickly.
  • Insects are not needed for fruiting such cucumbers, so it is convenient to grow them in a greenhouse or in an apartment.
  • Parthenocarpic cucumber hybrid, when cultivated in a greenhouse, produces even fruits of the correct shape and the same beautiful color.
  • Cucumbers are not bitter.
  • Have no voids inside.
  • Parthenocarpic fruits do not turn yellow like regular cucumbers. This is because they do not contain seeds and do not need to mature.
  • Cucumbers are stored for a long time, they can be transported over long distances without loss.
  • They are disease resistant. Therefore, you can harvest from such varieties until October.

Disadvantages of parthenocarpic cucumbers

Despite a number of advantages of parthenocarpic hybrids, traditional varieties should not be abandoned. Experts often advise to grow them in open ground. This is due to the fact that bees and other insects do not understand the intricacies of the variety. Therefore, they often try to pollinate parthenocarpic flowers. As a result, the fruits are crooked.

formation of parthenocarpic cucumber hybrids in a greenhouse
formation of parthenocarpic cucumber hybrids in a greenhouse

Seeds of parthenocarpic varieties are more expensive.

Varieties of parthenocarpic cucumber hybrids

Hybrids with strong parthenocarpy property (F1):

  • Cupid;
  • Mazay;
  • Virenta;
  • Buyan;
  • Juventa;
  • Elf;
  • Mazay.

Hybrids with partial parthenocarpy:

  • S altan;
  • Zozulya, which is better pollinated by bees when planted early.
  • Thumb boy fit for pickling.

Parthenocarpic beam hybrids of cucumbers are distinguished:

  • Anyuta is a female flowering plant, a universal growing type.
  • Karapuz - a mini-gherkin for universal use (for open ground, greenhouses and greenhouses).

Dependence of parthenocarpy on growing conditions

The property of parthenocarpy can manifest itself in different ways depending on the growing conditions and care of cucumbers. So insufficient lighting reduces this property. This usually happens on cloudy days. But after it becomes sunny, the number of greens increases again.

When the soil dries out, the air overheats in the greenhouse, the number of fruits decreases. The same happens if too much organic fertilizer is applied.

Noted an increase in parthenocarpy on later lashes. So on the lower nodes of the main stem there are the least of them. There are much more of them on the middle, upper nodes and side shoots.

Formation of parthenocarpic cucumber hybrids in a greenhouse

Features of the formation of parthenocarpic cucumbers in the greenhouse are associated with the absence of barren flowers on their stems. The main stem is pinched after it grows above 2 meters. In this case, it will be higher than the trellis. In the lower part of the stem, all shoots are removed in the axils andflowers.

parthenocarpic bunch hybrids of cucumbers
parthenocarpic bunch hybrids of cucumbers

Pinch the side lashes so that the bush does not take up much space. Six side lashes are left, each no more than 30 cm long. Then they wait until the next few shoots grow by 40 cm and also pinch them. The length of the upper lashes can be increased up to half a meter.

Features of care

When choosing a variety of parthenocarpic cucumbers for your garden or greenhouse, you need to take into account a number of factors: type of cultivation, fruiting time, yield. Thus, you can choose varieties in order to enjoy tasty and he althy cucumbers for a long time.

In one greenhouse it is better to plant varieties with full and partial manifestation of parthenocarpy. Opening the greenhouse door will allow insects to fly in and pollinate the flowers.

parthenocarpic hybrid of cucumber
parthenocarpic hybrid of cucumber

There are peaks and valleys in the fruiting of parthenocarpic cucumbers. During recessions, foliar top dressing is carried out with complex mineral fertilizers, applying them at 2 grams per 1 liter of water.

The installation of a source of carbon dioxide in the greenhouse contributes to increasing the yield. It could be a barrel of fermented grass or manure.

Timely harvesting of greens contributes to the increase in yield.
