Fishing is, of course, the favorite pastime of the average male citizen. And to retire, to swim away from everyone - this is the most cherished desire of many fishermen. At the same time, an anchor for a PVC boat is one of the most necessary devices when fishing on the water, because in order for your “boat” not to be blown away by the current (on a river) or wind (on a lake or pond), you need to properly fix it!

What is a PVC boat (quick reference)
This abbreviation correctly stands for polyvinyl chloride. The most important quality is that PVC does not support combustion, unlike, for example, ordinary rubber. This material was invented back in the nineteenth century. Then, after forty years, its industrial production was organized. PVC is used for the production of children's toys, buildings, awnings and, of course, boats! For fishinga special reinforced boat material is used, which is much heavier than usual. So, a boat two meters long must weigh at least 10 kg, otherwise it is a simple air mattress with oars and seats, unsuitable for long sailing and fighting the elements! As a rule, eleven layers of PVC are used, but there can be more layers. Not the last role for the quality of the canvas is its density. The denser, the longer the vessel can be made. Choosing the highest quality boat, the fisherman will protect himself and the people who are fishing with him as much as possible. And yet, when choosing a boat made of PVC, you need to pay attention to the tensile strength (tensile strength) in order to know for sure the carrying capacity of your vessel.
How to make an anchor for a PVC boat with your own hands?
Such a necessary device can, of course, be bought at any large fishing store. But you can try to make an anchor for a PVC boat with your own hands - and cheaper, and you will always be sure of the reliability of this "work of fishing art". There are several options that have been tested by time and people, which are listed below.

Kurbatovsky - welded, self-made
Do-it-yourself PVC boat anchor can be made using a wire with a diameter of at least eight millimeters, sheet steel three millimeters thick and a piece of metal rod with a diameter of twelve millimeters. The design has only one paw and a small forked spindle, weighs just over two kilograms and is compact. Can be used on boats up to five meters long. So, a step-by-step instruction "How to make an anchor for a PVC boat with your own hands."
1. The spindle is bent from wire. We weld a bar in its upper part.
2. We weld washers and strips (fixing) to the rod, which, when the structure hits the bottom, turn the paw and make it cling to the ground.
3. At the stem, the ends of the spindle are welded with a strip of metal that supports the paw in the working position.
4. Such an anchor holds well on many soils, but if the bottom is rocky, it is necessary to have a removable blank weighing up to four kg, which can be easily put on the end of the anchor and lowered with it.

In recent years, the Trident factory anchor has been used abroad, which differs little in its design from Kurbatovsky. Its paw is wider and made in the form of a trident. It also holds the boat well on loose ground, biting into the soil. On the rocky one, it is necessary to use ballast.
Folding cat
Cat anchors are fairly reliable designs for small boats (three to four meters long). Their only inconvenience is storage on the ship. This DIY PVC Boat Anchor is easy to make by making it foldable. The whole secret is that all four paws of the structure will be hinged at the bottom of the base. And the clutch, which slides along the spindle itself, will stop either in the upper or lower position, fixing the paws of the cat anchor in the working state or folded along the spindle.