Most of the facades of residential buildings and various buildings are covered with paint. This is done in order to add brightness and expressiveness to such buildings, as well as to protect their walls from the negative effects of the environment. The modern construction market is full of similar compositions, but we will focus on silicate facade paint. What are its features, what technical characteristics does it have and what do buyers think about such a coating, we will consider in our article.
General characteristics of silicate paints
Silicate compounds serve as an excellent protective layer for brick and concrete surfaces. The liquid glass included in their composition gives the coating reliability and durability. Additives in the form of aluminum, silicon and zinc further improve the performance of the paintwork, giving it anti-corrosion properties.

The main feature of silicatefacade paints is that the surface treated by them is not covered with a varnish film, so that the walls do not lose their breathable properties and do not form condensate. Components such as talc and white prevent the formation of mold and fungus, and various pigments make the coating varied and bright.
These compositions are presented to the buyer in the form of a mixture that is completely ready for use. Often, the manufacturer supplements products with dry dyes, which must be mixed with the coating immediately before application.
Features of silicate coatings
In addition to excellent vapor permeability and durability, silicate facade paint has a number of advantages. These include:
- ability to withstand the negative effects of moisture;
- resistance to sunlight;
- the ability to maintain their qualities in conditions of temperature changes;
- long-term preservation of the applied coating (more than 20 years);
- resistance to aggressive chemicals;
- ability to protect surfaces from bugs, mold and mildew;
- easy cleaning of dust and smog.

Also, the low cost of the material and the ease of its application can be attributed to the positive qualities. However, do not forget about the shortcomings that any modern material has. As for silicate compounds, these are: toxicity, difficulty in dismantling, poor elasticity. When working with this coating, it is necessary to observe the techniquesecurity and be prepared for the fact that removing the silicate protective layer will be very problematic.
Types of silicate paints
Silicate type facade paints are divided into 2 groups:
- silicate-silicone varieties;
- dispersion-silicate paints.
The first group is characterized by high vapor permeability. These paints form a durable and moisture-resistant coating that is not prone to condensation. Silicate facade paint of the second variety is characterized by a minimum content of acrylic, due to which its diffuse abilities are reduced.
Manufacturers of facade compositions
The production of silicate-based facade paints has been established by both Russian and foreign manufacturers, so on the modern construction market you can find a composition with any properties and at different prices. Especially popular today are:
- Facade silicate paint Ceresit. Products of this brand are characterized by decent quality at a low cost.
- Paint Tikkurila Euro Fasade. This composition is a product of Finnish production. It is characterized by high performance and high cost.
- Compositions DUFA company FLAMINGO. This type of paintwork is manufactured by a German company and is appreciated by domestic consumers for its decent quality.
- Paints "SKIM". Facade paints "SKIM" are produced by a Russian manufacturer who specializes exclusively in facade materials. The products are popular due togreat value for money.
The performance characteristics of coatings from these manufacturers may vary slightly, but we will try to highlight the general properties of these materials.
Facade paints (silicate type) have the following specifications:
- density - about 1.4 kg/dm³;
- permissible temperature range during work - from +5 to +35 degrees;
- acquisition of moisture resistance - after 12 hours (paints of white tones) and after 24 hours (pigmented formulations);
- consumption when applied in 1 layer - from 0.1 to 0.4 liters per m²;
- composition - liquid potash glass with the addition of aqueous dispersions of acrylic and silicone copolymers.

The indicated indicators are average and may vary for products from different manufacturers. For example, if you look at the characteristics of the Ceresit ST 54 silicate facade paint, it becomes obvious that its consumption is less than 0.2 l / m², while domestic-made coatings are characterized by a large consumption (0.35-0.45 l /m²).
How to prepare the surface before applying silicate paints
Requirements for the base on which the coloring composition will be applied are clearly defined by SNiP. They state that the surface to be coated must be flat, dry and strong enough. The walls of the facade must be cleaned of various stains and dirt, which can reduce the adhesion of the paint. The crumbling sections of the walls and the old coating must be removed.

The base material also plays a significant role, since the selected composition must correspond to it. In order not to be mistaken, it is better to choose a universal coating that can be applied to any surface.
These compositions include facade silicate paint Ceresit CT 54 (the consumption of which we considered a little higher). It can be applied over mineral three-layer plasters, cement and lime mixtures, over masonry and concrete.
Special attention should be paid to the presence of cracks and cracks in the walls of the facades. Before applying paint, they must be sealed, since the small plasticity of silicate compounds does not allow them to fill even small recesses.
Design Features
If the facade silicate paint "Ceresit" or Tikkurila was chosen for the work, then it is not necessary to pre-make the coloring composition. But in many other cases, before starting work, you need to mix several components to get a ready-made solution.
Approximately 3 layers of paint are applied to the walls of the facade, and to improve the effect, the compositions for the initial application can be diluted with water (about 10%). For subsequent finishing use a pure coloring composition. There must be at least 12 hours between treatments.

Applying the first layer of paint is done with a brush, and further painting is done with a roller. ATIn the process of work, it is very important to monitor the uniformity of painting the surface and the thickness of the layer (it should be the same everywhere). At the end of the work, the tools are cleaned with plain warm water.
Product reviews and pricing
If we consider the price characteristics of these paint coatings, it should immediately be noted that their cost is due to the popularity of the manufacturer and the presence of modifying additives in the composition of the product itself.
So, Tikkurila products have the highest price tag. No exception to this and paint (silicate) facade. The price of one bucket of such products (with a volume of 9 liters) is about 4200 rubles. Facade paintwork of the brand "Dufa" differ in price of 3000 rubles for the same volume. The most popular manufacturer of building materials - the company "Ceresit" - keeps the price tag for products within 4,500 rubles for a 15-liter bucket.

At the end of the topic, let's pay a little attention to reviews of this product. On the Internet, you can find the opinions of a huge number of people who have managed to test silicate coatings for facades. Many people like the consistency and color saturation of this product, someone appreciates its ease of use, and some buyers note the low cost compared to other materials.
To summarize everything said by domestic consumers, we can conclude that facade silicate paints are in great demand in our country, and the reason for this is availability, hugeselection and durability of protective coatings.