Renovation brings not only the joy of updating the premises, but also the "torment" of choosing the type of building material and its manufacturer. Any owner of an apartment or house wants the room to remain beautiful and tidy for a long time. Also, the owners of industrial buildings and offices are interested in purchasing high-quality materials for the renovation of their premises.
Why are the requirements for facade paints so high?
This material is used for painting walls from the outside. Facades of buildings take a strong blow from natural phenomena. They are exposed to "attack" from rains, winds, heat and frosts. Also, the sun's rays are able to "eat" the color in one season, provided that low-quality repair material is used.
Therefore, it is very important to cover the walls from the street with a material that is resistant to such changes in temperature and humidity. Facade paint "Tex" has characteristics that allow you to avoid the negative impact of natural phenomena and keep the surface bright and beautiful.
Material features
Manufacturers of this brand of building materials have long emphasized the high quality of theirproducts. Developers improve paints every year and make them leaders in sales on all trading platforms.

Warranty for the impeccable appearance of the walls after using the facade paint "Tex" is 7 years. Such a figure indicates the impeccable composition of the material and compliance with all technologies during its manufacture.
Facade paint "Tex": characteristics
This building material has several features that make it of high quality. They are listed below:
- good grip;
- breathable;
- removes defects on the surface;
- moisture resistant;
- tolerates changes in temperature and humidity;
- not afraid of severe frosts;
- protects the surface from the appearance and spread of mold;
- does not fade.

Facade paints "Tex" are produced in white. They lend themselves perfectly to coloring in any shade with the help of special building colors. Thus, buyers can achieve the desired shade by simply mixing dye and paint.
Types of material
The manufacturer of this brand produces several types of paints for use on different surfaces, namely:
- silicate. They have protection against exhaust gases and are often used for restoration, can be applied to plaster, brick andlimestone;
- silicone. They have enhanced characteristics that enhance the resistance of the material to natural phenomena;
- acrylic. They are used to cover concrete structures. These materials protect the surface from corrosion;
- multipart. They have enhanced characteristics and are used in places where there is an increased negative impact of precipitation, and there is also a large temperature difference at different times of the year.

All paints comply with GOST and undergo enhanced testing. They are non-toxic to humans and are designed for use in areas where children spend time or live.
Universal view
People who don't know much about the properties of a building material will do well with a type of paint that has been designed to be used on any surface.
This species has proven itself among buyers for its high performance and excellent quality. Facade paint "Teks Universal" is intended for use both indoors and outdoors.
It has no smell, it does not need to be diluted with additional chemicals before painting. The paint can be thinned before use with ordinary water at room temperature.

With proper use of the walls, the facade after painting will look "excellent" for 5-7 years. The surface will dry after application in an hour and a half at a positive temperature and an averagehumidity.
If you need a second layer of application on the wall, then it can be applied no earlier than after half a day. In this case, the technology of use will be preserved, the warranty period will not decrease.
This type of facade paint "Tex" has an economical consumption. It is 6-8 m2 per 1 kg of material. If the surface is heavily soiled, washing the walls is possible. In this case, the shade and texture of the walls will not be affected.
No special tools are required to paint the walls. Classic rollers or brushes are perfect. The paint can be applied both to a previously painted wall and to a newly plastered one. A person who does not have skills in this matter will be able to perform painting work, because the material is applied easily and evenly.
It is forbidden to use this building material on walls that have previously been treated with enamel. In this case, the paint will not be applied evenly to the surface, which means that the desired result will not be achieved.
Facade paint "Tex": reviews
This brand has numerous reviews on the Internet. Customers from all over the country generally positively comment on the quality of the material.
Many people like the excellent texture of the paint, as a result of which it is applied to the surface in an even layer and has a minimum consumption. Also very convenient, in their opinion, is that the remaining material in the container can be tightly closed and stored for a long time. This nuance makes it possible to tint the necessary places on the surface over time.

Facade paints "Teks" practically do not differ in price from analogues, but their quality is several times higher. Buyers note that it lies flat on almost any surface and looks good on wood. This makes it possible to use it for painting cottages and outbuildings.
During operation, if it gets on hands or clothes, it can be easily washed off with plain water. The color mixes well, you can get almost any shade - from gentle to bright and saturated. According to the experience of builders, it is better to use the dye from the same manufacturer. It must be diluted all at once in the required quantity, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the same shade again.