Hinged façade is a technology for fastening any kind of facing material using not a wet method, but mechanical fixation. The decorative coating can be very different, for example, made of porcelain stoneware or glass. In most cases, when facing cottages using this method, vinyl siding is used, which is installed on a galvanized or wooden crate. Office buildings are being ennobled with glass facades, while financial institutions are being ennobled with porcelain stoneware facades.
Overview of positive features

Hinged facade has many advantages over other types of finishing of external walls of buildings for various purposes. Among the first are durability and excellent sound insulation. After completion of the work, the building acquires an attractive appearance. And in order to achieve a positive result, you can take advantage of the wide choice of materials that can have different shades and textures. If we combine the galvanized steel frame with aluminum panels,the last of which will be finishing, then this solution can be called almost eternal. Of course, dust particle erosion will damage the façade over several decades, but the period over which this will occur exceeds the average life of buildings.
Additional benefits

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the hinged facade prolongs the life of the main walls. But if work is carried out in parallel with the insulation, then the dew point will be moved outside the walls. This indicates that fungus and dampness will no longer attack concrete or masonry. The space formed between the cladding and the wall will perfectly dampen any sounds, but with the use of thermal insulation, the walls become almost soundproof. Being indoors, you will not hear sounds from the street. A hinged facade can significantly reduce heating costs, because even without additional wall insulation under the cladding, the temperature will be several degrees higher than outside. Precious heat will no longer be blown away by the wind.
Review of shortcomings

Before you equip the porcelain stoneware facade, you should analyze whether the foundation will be able to withstand such a load, since the weight of the walls will be impressive. For a strip base, on top of which a wooden frame house is built, such a finish will not be the best solution, and for capital buildings it is better not to neglect load calculations. It is impossible notto mention the impressive cost, which will be such, even if you prefer an inexpensive finish. For example, turnkey aluminum cassettes will cost 2,000 rubles. per square meter. If you do the installation work yourself, then the costs can be reduced by about 2 times.

Systems of hinged facades have become widespread among the modern consumer, due to the positive characteristics that are expressed in the resistance of such systems to external influences, this includes acts of vandalism. According to users who have made their choice in favor of a hinged facade, after completion of work, the walls acquire protection from precipitation and wind, which makes it possible to eliminate defects that occur in the sealing of the joints of load-bearing walls. All this prevents the appearance and further development of mold and fungus due to the removal of excess fluid through the ventilation gap. The owners of private houses emphasize that during the operation of the described type of facades, it will be possible to repair or replace individual parts without destroying the structures of the outer walls.
The system of hinged ventilated facades can be subjected to a change in architectural appearance by varying facing materials, colors and formats. Such systems are usually fireproof. They include products and materials that are classified as slow-burning or non-combustible, as well as preventing the spread of fire. Consumers choosehinged facades also for the reason that they are able to provide a he althy microclimate inside the building due to the unhindered diffusion of water vapor. It is possible to install facing material using this technology on old buildings or new buildings. At the same time, such complex preliminary preparation as when staining is not required.
On the contrary, the finish will hide existing wall defects, allowing the facade to be reconstructed. You can start installation work at any time of the year, completing the manipulations as soon as possible.
Design Features

Installation of hinged facades is carried out after the completion of the system design. In this case, certain difficulties may arise. For example, horizontal and vertical distances between windows can become critical. This is due to the fact that the facade will be assembled from piece materials. If the mentioned parameters differ, then this will be more noticeable than when carrying out plastering work. Among other things, this can lead to higher prices. As a result, you will encounter material overruns, as well as problems when cutting, since porcelain stoneware has high strength and hardness. If you use a $100 diamond blade to adjust the dimensions, then it will be enough for 70 linear meters of tile cutting. As a result, the rise in price for 1 square meter will be $4.
Designing a hinged facade can be accompanied by difficulties even in the case when highly porous materials are used for laying wall openings, the load-bearingwhose ability is not so great. During the installation of the facade system, it will not be possible to securely fix the anchor elements. If the facade cladding is carried out some time after the construction of the building, then when designing the hinged system, you can understand that the use of the materials described above was not justified, even if only for the reason that the thermal efficiency of the wall openings will be less compared to the same indicator of mineral cotton wool, which is recommended to be used as a heater.
What else you need to know about design

When designing curtain wall systems, developers quite often advise using aluminum fasteners. As practice shows, this can cause some problems. Before installation work, it is best to refuse such a material, which has a melting point in the range of 670 degrees, the final figure will depend on the alloy. This advice is due to the fact that the temperature during a fire reaches 750 degrees, which leads to the melting of the substructure and the collapse of some parts of the facade. This happens just in the area of \u200b\u200bthe window opening. In order to prevent this situation, it is necessary to install protective screens, replace aluminum elements with steel ones, and also use window frames of a special design. Such an approach can make the system more expensive, but if you neglect the recommendations, then the use of an aluminum subsystem will negate a number of advantages.
Installation order

If you will install the hinged facade structure yourself, then you first need to mark and fix the brackets on which the supporting profiles will be mounted. The horizontal step between them will depend on the type of panels used. Do not forget about the presence of mounting seams. For example, for aluminum cassettes that have a square size and a side of 60 centimeters, the recommended seam width should be 6 millimeters. This indicates that the distance between the axes of adjacent profiles will be 606 millimeters. The vertical spacing between the brackets is determined by the type of cladding panel, this time the material is taken into account. For aluminum panels, brackets can be installed in increments of up to a meter, while for glass or porcelain stoneware facades, brackets can be installed at a distance of 800 millimeters.
The porcelain stoneware curtain wall, like any other ventilated system, requires thermal insulation. Insulation sheets are installed from the bottom up, each plate should be reinforced with a pair of fungi. The next layer will be a vapor barrier film, which is laid with a 10 cm overlap. It needs to be turned from bottom to top. Through it, the insulation is finally fixed, while you need to use 5 fungi per square meter.
Profile installation
The device of hinged facades provides for the presence of a profile system, between it and the insulation should be providedventilation gap, the thickness of which should be 40 millimeters or more. It is necessary to mount the elements along a plumb line, controlling the distance along the axes of the profiles.
Installation of cladding
The method of fastening the facade panels will depend on the material in their basis. Clinker tiles, fiber cement panels and porcelain stoneware are installed on kleimers, which are special brackets. As an alternative solution in the above cases, high-strength adhesive is used. Galvanized steel or aluminum cassettes are fixed with skids or corners that allow you to move the plates of each row horizontally. Glass facades, quite rarely equipped by private craftsmen, are mounted with closed or open profile systems, each of which covers the panel from all sides. This technology involves the laying of a rubber seal.
Hinged facade, the price of which will depend on the material used, can be installed by you yourself. This will save money. If you decide to use the help of specialists, then the installation of the cladding will cost 450 rubles. per 1 square meter, as for porcelain stoneware. Metal cassettes are installed by professionals for 1115 rubles. per square meter, where material cost is not included.